May was a busy month and we received a total of 16 direct action reports this month. Seven of these reports were liberations and the other 9 were sabotage actions.

By country, the number of reports received is as follows

Germany: 5
Argentina: 4
France: 1
Australia: 1
Italy: 1
Sweden: 1
UK: 1
Ireland: 1
Czech Republic: 1

While a large number of actions were related to either hunting or the flesh industry, it was interesting to see that three reports were related to pethood, ranging from pet shop liberations to individual liberations at places of imprisonment. There was also a vivisection liberation in solidarity with Operation 1000, which is the first vivisection liberation in a couple of years.

On the prisoner support page, we posted about Larry, the last Atlanta Forest Defender still incarcerated. If you can, please write to them! We have also finally published the translated statement from Presos Caso Susaron. We are preparing to print t-shirts to raise funds for them, so keep an eye out for that!

In terms of events, it has been quite a busy month! We published about EF! Gathering UK, the call for solidarity on June 11th, the National Animal Rights March in London this summer and the Animal Liberation Gathering in the Netherlands in August.

Finally, Operation 1000 outside MBR Acres came and went and from what we have heard it felt like a huge injection of power into the UK grassroots movement.

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