20th March, Atlanta USA.

via Scenes from the Atlanta Forest.

“Last month, a small team temporarily released a mounted patrol horse from the Atlanta Police Foundation/Atlanta Police Department stable. It was quick and easy to complete using simple ingredients: carrots, apples, food, and wire fence cutters. During this action and subsequent coverage, we learned that APD falsely claimed 24-hour surveillance and patrols around its facilities. Furthermore, APD insists on linking every anti-police action to their ill-conceived cop city project, instead of recognizing that some of us just want to see them shamed because they are an army of occupying clowns. We encourage readers in Atlanta and elsewhere to identify where police resources are concentrated in their own communities and to combat them in similar experimental ways after observation of surveillance flaws. Also, we recommend that you look into the history of Atlanta Mounted Patrol and other animals used as police weapons.”

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