“May 6th, so-called Australia
Opening Hunt for Oaklands Hunt Club 2023 was very different than previous years.With some big losses for Oaklands and hunt exposure now in the public eye due to some amazing journalism and shift in community support for sabs, Oaklands are desperate and violent.

MHS successfully blocked the horse and hound truck from leaving – equipped for a hunt, for an hour. While the hunt called police and attempted to have members of the team arrested, the hunt failed. No saboteurs were arrested, and following police instructions, sabs moved their car and proceeded to drive to the known hunting grounds for the hunt. They have not changed their illegal hunting behaviour in decades.On arrival at a location in Pyalong the hunt announced that they felt followed – queue the possibility of the hunt takings saboteurs to court for an intervention order yet again – and they will fail – again.

The silent victims. The hounds.Oaklands previous hunt master disposed of his hounds by shooting them and throwing them in a pit located on property at Oaklands.We know where that pit is – Oaklands won’t engage in conversation about it.Going equipped to hunt with hounds and allowing the hounds to tear apart a fox is illegal. Just because it’s done on private property does not make it legal.

More diversion as the hunt scrambled their riders and supports to a location at Pyalong. We observed horse floats arriving, unimpressed with the delay to the opening hunt and having to make last minute changes. Sorry not sorry scumbags – you cannot vandalise our countryside.With the hunt hiding on private property. Saboteurs using maps and gps, located public roads and public land to get in front of the hunt and pre-spray areas. Australia, unlike the UK does not have/provide right of footpaths in the countryside. Enabling the hunt to simply take off and hide.The blatant hiding by the hunt is because they know they are hunting illegally.Saboteurs managed to correctly predict the direction of the hunt and turned the hunt back.The hunts support on quad bike and atv’s confronted our team, and with one member of their support arriving by 4X4.This person was angry and violent. Trying to gain access to one sab car and making threats to kill and harm.Thankfully our second car arrived and after a short attempt to deescalate the situation that mans invitation for confrontation was taken up.Hunt support pulled an illegal extendable baton from his car and proceeded with threats to kill. A stand off ensured and saboteurs managed to stay safe and walk away. We don’t engage with basic men with weapons.

The crew. This season see Melbourne Hunt Saboteurs at full strength. With a wide and confidently skilled crew. While there’s always room for more in the team – this season is shaping up to be intense.”
We’ve not found any links to send donations to MHS but we found an Amazon wishlist (grim really) if anyone wants to buy them some tools to fight the hunters. Many of the items are for the duck hunt, but some are obviously tools that can be used all year round!