Over the past four months, Attendorn, Germany.

According to hunting media, several hunting towers and seats were destroyed between November 2022 and March 2023 in the region of Attendon, North Rhine Westphalia.

Seven towers were completely destroyed and multiple others were damages in what the hunting media describe as “mischievous and hidden manners”. They say that those seats and towers that were damaged in a not-so-obvious way are incredibly dangerous to hunters, who must check the towers are safe before climbing or risk injury or death.

The hunting association approximated the costs due to vandalism at almost 10.000 EUR, and the police released a statement where they say that they cannot rule out the possibility that the acts of vandalism are politically motivated and that they have opened an investigation. They also insisted that hunters refrain from using hunting hides and seats unless they have been thoroughly checked to ensure their safety.

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