4th December, Spain
reported by activists in Spain:
“Just rescued… 15 rats from breeder in Barcelona Spain. One has already gone to good home”
Defend Direct Action
4th December, Spain
reported by activists in Spain:
“Just rescued… 15 rats from breeder in Barcelona Spain. One has already gone to good home”
4th December, Spain
reported by activists in Spain:
“Just rescued… 15 rats from breeder in Barcelona Spain. One has already gone to good home”
29th November, Germany.
received anonymously (translated from German):
“After watching the farm for a few weeks we decided to completely destroy it whilst it was empty. Brick walls don’t burn too easy and the roof became our target. They will not profit from that building any more. Burn the tools of capitalism. ALF”
29th November, Germany.
received anonymously (translated from German):
“After watching the farm for a few weeks we decided to completely destroy it whilst it was empty. Brick walls don’t burn too easy and the roof became our target. They will not profit from that building any more. Burn the tools of capitalism. ALF”
30th November, France.
According to an anonymous report on frentedeliberacionanimal.net, several hunting towers, traps and feeders were destroyed by the Animal Liberation Front in Seine et Marne (France). “ALF” and “Stop speciesism” was painted at the site.
30th November, France.
According to an anonymous report on frentedeliberacionanimal.net, several hunting towers, traps and feeders were destroyed by the Animal Liberation Front in Seine et Marne (France). “ALF” and “Stop speciesism” was painted at the site.
25th November, Midlands UK
received anonymously:
“After making our way through the fence we entered the first barn where we took 15 hens from. It was filthy, smelly and hard to breath in, many of the hens were suffering from scaley leg mites, respiratory infections and one with suspected sour crop. Windows were blocked up and no ventilation. The floor was years of built up faeces, no food or water available.
We then entered a smaller shed containing turkeys, again there was no food water, bedding, windows or ventilation, their lives must have been absolutely miserable.
We quickly took them away to safety and they are now all at there forever homes where they will be cared for and treated for any illness.
Until all are free.”
25th November, Midlands UK
received anonymously:
“After making our way through the fence we entered the first barn where we took 15 hens from. It was filthy, smelly and hard to breath in, many of the hens were suffering from scaley leg mites, respiratory infections and one with suspected sour crop. Windows were blocked up and no ventilation. The floor was years of built up faeces, no food or water available.
We then entered a smaller shed containing turkeys, again there was no food water, bedding, windows or ventilation, their lives must have been absolutely miserable.
We quickly took them away to safety and they are now all at there forever homes where they will be cared for and treated for any illness.
Until all are free.”
1st December, Sweden.
reported anonymously:
“On the night of December 1-2, Johan Dalèn, CEO of Swedish Mink, got his cars and his house sprayed with paint. His mailbox was also stolen. Johan has the highest position within the Swedish mink industry. Messages was left on his house wall: ‘Avskum’, which means ‘scumbag’ in Swedish. Some of the messages said that animal abusers, which Johan sincerely is, deserves death. The school of his children was decorated with words that read ‘Everyone hates Dalén’ and ‘Stop Swedish Mink’.
Until all are free! Animal liberation!
via: BiteBack
30th November, Quebec.
anonymous report:
“Fri, Nov 30, Today a lone wolf animal liberation front member liberated a piglet off a truck filled with hundreds of piglets. Sadly he was only able to get one off as the truck was at a busy truck stop and he had to work fast. This took place in the outskirts of the Montreal Quebec Canada region. This picture is with him and the piglet after they reached a safe distance. The piglet has been sent to a undisclosed location where it will live out its natural life free from ever being harmed instead will see nothing but the purest form of love”