We are approaching the time of no return. In a world that fuels itself on exploitation, you have a choice to make.

Are you an ally, or are you an accomplice?


PS: This project was a collective work by some anarchists who would like to bring to you more video propaganda. Is that something you would like to see Unoffensive putting some effort into?

ACCESSIBILITY: We’ve pasted the whole speech underneath for easier translation.

“With climate crisis approaching the point of no return, with political sphere showing day by day the true fascist system in place and with more animals bred and killed for consumption than ever before, it is time to take action.

We have signed your petitions and joined the marches. We have shouted loud, filled forms and held banners. We have shown solidarity for the oppressed and felt outraged by a system based on greed. We don’t feel we’ve done enough.

Our banners have served as a photo opportunity to then be forgotten. Our screams were heard and put aside. Our forms and petitions were ignored. It is time to take action.

This is not just a letter of intent, but an urgent call to step forward. In front of racism, sexism and transphobia we don’t need allies. In front of the destruction of the planet and the mass murder of animals, we don’t need allies. We don’t need people who understand and feel for the victims. We need accomplices. We need folks who are willing to step up to the front line and fight alongside the oppressed. We need people willing to sacrifice their voice in order to bring the oppressed forward. We need folks willing to start a war, however, that might be. It is time to take action.

In a world fuelled by capitalism, the rise of plant based products might make us think we are winning. Green capitalism is thought that way in an attempt to wash out the destruction that greed carries upon animals, upon the planet, upon the workers that uphold it.

Let’s remember that handcuffs are built in the factories and that we, the people, can stop the production. Let’s remember that for an inclusive world where we are closer to end exploitation that we need to get rid of the capitalist system that fuels the oppression. It is no longer enough to make a consumers choice of avoiding meat or boycotting Israeli products. We need to to take action.

So let this be the day you stand up and become the accomplice the world needs. Let this be the day you start plotting the revolution. Let this be the day you stop sitting idle, thinking of ways to change the world and start taking steps towards that actual change.

Let this be the day you take action.

The time of waving placards is over.”


The fuckface, only-good-for-photos, Justin Trudeau is allowing the invasion of indigenous land in the Wet’swet’en territory and applying an injunction in favour of the gas companies planning to build a gianormous fucking pipeline to transport gas and further climate change. 

The Wet’swet’en nation, made of five different regions, has actively opposed the construction of the pipeline through their land, and two of the groups have actively set up check points and soft blockades to ensure that the territory is safe. Today, after bringing heavy militarised police as well as actual army, they have breached through one of the blockades and arrested 12 people, including elderly folks. The filth ensured to jam all phone signal to make sure no one could inform, use internet and talk to the press. 

Meanwhile, Unist’ot’en camp fears they will receive the exact same treatment. Their hard blockade is, as far as we know, still standing, but it could be breached by police at any time now. 

This breaches all indigenous treaties that ‘Canada’ has agreed to and that ensure that no indigenous folks are forcefully removed from their rightful territory under any circumstances. This simply shows yet another action by the system in favour of capitalism and against the people and the environment. 

We stand in solidarity with Unist’ot’en camp, with the folks resisting in Wet’swet’en territory and with anyone fighting to stop the machine before climate change has crossed the line of no return. 

If we take care of the land, the land will take care of us. 


More info: 

The Wet’swet’en nation has issued an international call to action. You can read about it here:

Submedia is doing a lot of good work so probably check them out too:




2nd January, Spain.

received anonymously:

“Igualdad Animal filmed 75 rabbit farms. The animal liberation movement is aware that the law does not work to stop the suffering that animals endure in these farms and decides to take action. Inside the farm we find horrible conditions, with multiple bodies rotting inside the cages. We take direct action for liberation.


Now, rescued, they have been transported to safe homes where no one will harm them. They are now free and getting to know the soil and the sun.


ALF – Until Every Cage Is Empty.”



31st December, South of France

anonymous report:

“We, activists of the Animal Liberation Front, claim an anti-hunting action on the night of December 31, 2018 in the South-East of France (Bouches-du-Rhône 13).

This is a new warning to hunters and their federations; the latter claiming to be the first ecologists of France.

They participate in the programmed massacre of sentient animals by raising them, releasing them, and then killing them in the name of tradition and so-called ‘regulation’.

Aviaries, breeding centers, hunting huts and watchtowers will be systematically destroyed.

Sabotage the activities of animal killers and free the animals without constantly begging institutions that do not want to change anything! 

Until all animals are free.

A.L.F South East France.”


“Nous, activistes de l’Animal Liberation Front, revendiquons une action anti chasse la nuit du 31 décembre 2018 dans le Sud-Est de la France (Bouches-du-Rhône 13).

Ceci est un nouvel avertissement que nous adressons aux chasseurs et à leur fédération ; ces derniers se revendiquant comme les premiers écologistes de France.

Iels participent au massacre programmé d’animaux sentients en les élevant, les relâchant, pour les éliminer au nom d’une tradition et d’une dite “régulation”.

Volières, centres d’élevage, cabanes de chasse, palombières et miradors seront systématiquement détruits.

Saboter les activités des tueurs d’animaux et libérer ces derniers sans constamment supplier les institutions qui ne veulent rien changer !

Jusqu’à la libération de tous les animaux.

A.L.F Sud-Est France.”





30th December, Germany

received anonymously:

“3 shooting chairs were brought down near Meiningen/Thuringia in Germany on december 30th”




We have been at this for a little while and many people contact us with loads of different queries. From questions about workshops to Hit Reports, there are safe ways to send us whatever information is needed. 

Many times folks private message us about a question related to a post or asking how to support us. We are always happy to receive those messages via social media. 

For Hit Reports and any other lengthier topics like workshops or joining a future action or event, we ask you to take safety steps to protect your identity from a system that will most likely be monitoring our conversations. 

On our website we have a “Contact” tab where you can learn about how to do so safely, but we wanted to make a post about it so folks are informed in every platform. 

To mask your Internet address, we strongly advise you to use a VPN (winscribe, ProtonVPN or maybe the beta version of RiseUpVPN) and a Tor Browser. That helps you putting layers in between your internet service and the receiver, and whoever could be trying to access the information in between. This will only work if you close all other software applications connected to the internet and only use Tor after connecting the VPN. 

To mask your identity we ask folks to not use their personal email address. This will certainly contain personal information that should never be attached to a hit report, for example. Using a spam address like GuerrillaMail should work perfectly. 

When sending a report, personal details like names and ages should be completely avoided. It is unnecessary and unrelated to the action. Media (photos or videos) are strongly encouraged. They should be attached to the same mail, or uploaded (through Tor) to wetransfer, then pasting the link onto the email. 

PGP encryption is also advised but if the other steps have been taken and there is no need for a response, you should be sound enough to send it without it. If you use PGP, we might take over a week to be able to decrypt the mail so be mindful about the wetransfer self deleting times. 

This steps with links and our PGP key can be found on the link below.

We will not publish reports coming via Facebook or Instagram. 

We hope this all makes sense and we can all learn a little more how to keep safe online! 

Unoffensive Animal Collective. 


The AAA Pödelwitz invites you to a new year’s skill-share to strengthen the resistance against coal and capitalism in the lignite mining area close to Leipzig. Pödelwitz, the village where the skill-share will happen, is threatened to be destroyed to make the close opencast coal mine bigger and the villagers are going to be dispossessed of their houses. Let’s get together and build a community of resistance against that climate killing energy! We can use the old train station, the rooms are heated and there is electricity and water: pure luxury!

Workshops and discussions will be about all kind of stuff for example about the communities of Siberia slowly killed by coal, how to set up a vegan cooking collective, degrowth, encryption, direct action, rhythms of resistance,… and the evenings will have concerts from friends, jam sessions or films about struggles we feel close to.

More information and the complete program:



26th December, Euskal Herria.

received anonymously:

“During the night between December 26 and 27, Animal Liberation Front cells carried out coordinated sabotage attacks against hunting structures and buildings in the Basque Country. Hunting posts and towers have been taken down and destroyed in Ermua, Eskoriatza, Mendiola, Pasaia, Peralta, Gares, Eunate, Erreniaga, Peralta, and Kinto. 25 towers were taken down in total, and even more posts were destroyed. Another building used by hunters has also been targeted.

We are not going to passively stand by and look elsewhere, while sentient beings are being oppressed, exploited or killed for the sole reason of belonging to another species. There are over 50000 hunting licences in the Basque Country, a single murder by each of those hunter would be an unacceptable massacre, but sadly the ammount of fatal victims caused by this murderers is much higher.

Speciesism creates thousands of deadly victims per second, to overcome this action is essential and urgent.

For those reasons we consider legitimate:
– Any form of protest or fight against the suffering we make non-human animals endure.
– The liberation of non-human animals from their confinement, offering them a new home, suitable for their needs.
– To carry out investigations so that everyone can see what we make non-humans go through.
– To boycott companies and institutions that protect, fund or engage in the oppression of non-human animals.
– To sabotage companies, institutions, tools and infrastructure that make it possible for this oppression to happen.

As long as this actions are carried out whithout causing any physical harm to any animal (human or not).

The goals of last night’s actions are:
– To reduce the number of animals murdered by hunters.
– To deal economic damage to hunters and their industry.
– To fight back against the injustice that non-human animals suffer.
– To show that the Basque Animal Liberation movement is growing stronger.
– To encourage Basque antispeciesists to take an active role in this struggle.

We hereby call all antispeciesists across the Basque Country to step up and take action, going vegan is not enough to end this oppression. If not you, who? If not now, when?

Finaly, we also want to give a shout out to all those who meet every week to conspire in favor of non-human animals, those who carry out investigations to show us what the non-humans have to experience, those who keep informing about our movement, and those who work in sanctuaries taking care of liberated non-humans. Thanks so much for your commitment, your work is essential, keep it up!

Until every cage is empty, every mouth is fed, every prison is a library, and everyone is free!

Animal Liberation Front”

“Abenduak 26 eta 27 arteko gauean Animalien Askapen Frontearen izenpean batzen diren hainbat taldek ehiztarien eraikinak erasotu dituzte Euskal Herrian. Ehizarako erabiltzen diren dorre eta postuak bota dira Ermuan, Eskoriatzan, Mendiolan, Pasaian, Garesen, Eunaten, Erreniagan, Peraltan, eta Kintoan. Guzira 25 dorre bota dira, eta oraindik postu gehiago suntsitu. Eraikin bat ere erasotu da.

Ez gara pasiboki beste alde batera begira geratuko, beste espezie batekoa jaio izan soilagatik norbanako sentikorrak zapaltzen, esplotatzen edota hiltzen dituzten bitartean. Eukal Herrian 50000 baino ehiza lizentzia gehigo daude, horietako bakoitzak hilketa bakarra burutuko balu, hiltzaile hauek eragindako sarraskia onartezina izango litzateke, baina zoritxarrez biktima kopurua askoz handiagoa da.
Espezismoak milaka biktima ditu segunduro, eta honi aurre egiteko ekintza premiazkoa, eta ezinbestekoa da.

Arrazoi hauengatik legitimotzat jotzen dugu:
– Animaliei eragiten diegun sufrimenduaren aurkako edozein protesta edota borroka erreibindikatibo.
– Animaliei leku duin bat eskeiniz, euren gatibutasunetik askatzea.
– Animaliek bizi duten egoera zein den ikusarazteko ikerketak egitea.
– Animalien zapalkuntza babesten duten enpresa eta instituzioei boikota egitea.
– Animaliek zapaltzen dituzten, edo zapalkuntza hau babesten duten enpresa, instituzio, tresna, edo infraestrukturak saboteatzea.

Ekintza hauek beti animaliei (gizakiak ala ez) min fisikorik eragin gabe.

Bart gaueko ekintzarekin lortu nahi duguna da:
– Ehiztariek animalia gutxiago hiltzea.
– Ehiztariei eta ehizaren industriari kalte ekonomikoak eragitea.
– Animaliek sufritzen duten injustiziari erantzutea.
– Euskal Herriko mugimendu antiespezista sendotzen ari dela erakustea.
– Euskal antiespezistak borroka honetan parte aktiboa hartzera animatzea.

Beganoa izatea ez da nahikoa zapalkuntza honekin amaitzeko. Ez bazara zu, nor? Ez bada orain, noiz?

Amaitzeko, besarkada handi bat bidali nahi diegu astero gizakiak ez diren animalien alde konspiratzeko biltzen diren asanbladei, esplotatuen egoera erakusteko ikerketak egiten dituztenei, mugimenduaren berri ematen dutenei, eta animaliak zaintzen dituzten santutegiei. Eskerrik asko zuen konpromezuarengatik, zuen lana ezinbestekoa da, segi horrela!

Kaiola guztiak hutsik dauden arte, sabel guztiak janariz beteta, espetxe guztiak liburutegi bilakatu arte, eta denok aske izan arte!

Animalien Askapen Frontea”



26th December, Euskal Herria.

received anonymously:

“During the night between December 26 and 27, Animal Liberation Front cells carried out coordinated sabotage attacks against hunting structures and buildings in the Basque Country. Hunting posts and towers have been taken down and destroyed in Ermua, Eskoriatza, Mendiola, Pasaia, Peralta, Gares, Eunate, Erreniaga, Peralta, and Kinto. 25 towers were taken down in total, and even more posts were destroyed. Another building used by hunters has also been targeted.

We are not going to passively stand by and look elsewhere, while sentient beings are being oppressed, exploited or killed for the sole reason of belonging to another species. There are over 50000 hunting licences in the Basque Country, a single murder by each of those hunter would be an unacceptable massacre, but sadly the ammount of fatal victims caused by this murderers is much higher.

Speciesism creates thousands of deadly victims per second, to overcome this action is essential and urgent.

For those reasons we consider legitimate:
– Any form of protest or fight against the suffering we make non-human animals endure.
– The liberation of non-human animals from their confinement, offering them a new home, suitable for their needs.
– To carry out investigations so that everyone can see what we make non-humans go through.
– To boycott companies and institutions that protect, fund or engage in the oppression of non-human animals.
– To sabotage companies, institutions, tools and infrastructure that make it possible for this oppression to happen.

As long as this actions are carried out whithout causing any physical harm to any animal (human or not).

The goals of last night’s actions are:
– To reduce the number of animals murdered by hunters.
– To deal economic damage to hunters and their industry.
– To fight back against the injustice that non-human animals suffer.
– To show that the Basque Animal Liberation movement is growing stronger.
– To encourage Basque antispeciesists to take an active role in this struggle.

We hereby call all antispeciesists across the Basque Country to step up and take action, going vegan is not enough to end this oppression. If not you, who? If not now, when?

Finaly, we also want to give a shout out to all those who meet every week to conspire in favor of non-human animals, those who carry out investigations to show us what the non-humans have to experience, those who keep informing about our movement, and those who work in sanctuaries taking care of liberated non-humans. Thanks so much for your commitment, your work is essential, keep it up!

Until every cage is empty, every mouth is fed, every prison is a library, and everyone is free!

Animal Liberation Front”

“Abenduak 26 eta 27 arteko gauean Animalien Askapen Frontearen izenpean batzen diren hainbat taldek ehiztarien eraikinak erasotu dituzte Euskal Herrian. Ehizarako erabiltzen diren dorre eta postuak bota dira Ermuan, Eskoriatzan, Mendiolan, Pasaian, Garesen, Eunaten, Erreniagan, Peraltan, eta Kintoan. Guzira 25 dorre bota dira, eta oraindik postu gehiago suntsitu. Eraikin bat ere erasotu da.

Ez gara pasiboki beste alde batera begira geratuko, beste espezie batekoa jaio izan soilagatik norbanako sentikorrak zapaltzen, esplotatzen edota hiltzen dituzten bitartean. Eukal Herrian 50000 baino ehiza lizentzia gehigo daude, horietako bakoitzak hilketa bakarra burutuko balu, hiltzaile hauek eragindako sarraskia onartezina izango litzateke, baina zoritxarrez biktima kopurua askoz handiagoa da.
Espezismoak milaka biktima ditu segunduro, eta honi aurre egiteko ekintza premiazkoa, eta ezinbestekoa da.

Arrazoi hauengatik legitimotzat jotzen dugu:
– Animaliei eragiten diegun sufrimenduaren aurkako edozein protesta edota borroka erreibindikatibo.
– Animaliei leku duin bat eskeiniz, euren gatibutasunetik askatzea.
– Animaliek bizi duten egoera zein den ikusarazteko ikerketak egitea.
– Animalien zapalkuntza babesten duten enpresa eta instituzioei boikota egitea.
– Animaliek zapaltzen dituzten, edo zapalkuntza hau babesten duten enpresa, instituzio, tresna, edo infraestrukturak saboteatzea.

Ekintza hauek beti animaliei (gizakiak ala ez) min fisikorik eragin gabe.

Bart gaueko ekintzarekin lortu nahi duguna da:
– Ehiztariek animalia gutxiago hiltzea.
– Ehiztariei eta ehizaren industriari kalte ekonomikoak eragitea.
– Animaliek sufritzen duten injustiziari erantzutea.
– Euskal Herriko mugimendu antiespezista sendotzen ari dela erakustea.
– Euskal antiespezistak borroka honetan parte aktiboa hartzera animatzea.

Beganoa izatea ez da nahikoa zapalkuntza honekin amaitzeko. Ez bazara zu, nor? Ez bada orain, noiz?

Amaitzeko, besarkada handi bat bidali nahi diegu astero gizakiak ez diren animalien alde konspiratzeko biltzen diren asanbladei, esplotatuen egoera erakusteko ikerketak egiten dituztenei, mugimenduaren berri ematen dutenei, eta animaliak zaintzen dituzten santutegiei. Eskerrik asko zuen konpromezuarengatik, zuen lana ezinbestekoa da, segi horrela!

Kaiola guztiak hutsik dauden arte, sabel guztiak janariz beteta, espetxe guztiak liburutegi bilakatu arte, eta denok aske izan arte!

Animalien Askapen Frontea”


17th December, France. 

Received anonymously:

“On 17th December 2018 in the centre of France, the words “stop specisme” (“stop speciesism”) were painted on a pickup belonging to a farmer producing foie gras.”