The verdict has come for an activists charged with gross slander, in a trial in Sweden. The activist was accused of spreading a video clip in which a farmer talks about sex with non-human animals.

The farmer took the case to trial, saying that he was offended and wanted SEK 100,000 in damages. The prosecutor demanded six months in prison for the activist. The court acquitted the activist due to lack of evidence. It remains to be seen whether the verdict will be appealed. 



[Editor’s note: Itamar, from caso Susaron, is free, although with heavy probation conditions and having to serve a five year sentence. The other three prisoners are still locked up awaiting trial for the arson of a butcher shop and slaughterhouse. Please write to them on [email protected] and if you can afford it, please send some coins here: Their communal PayPal is . Below is a translation of Ita’s statement after coming out of prison.]

ENGLISH (translation)

I write this words with a bittersweet feeling. On Tuesday, 5th March, I was sentenced to five years probation [Ita says “liberated vigilada intensive, we assume is tag, signing at cop shop and other intensive probation conditions], found guilty of arson. However, this alternative to the prison sentence has only been handed out to me. That means my comrades are still in prison. As a legal case this is hopeful, but we never assume the behaviour of the enemy and we chose to assume with pride and patience whatever the future brings.

Today, after many months in prison, after having suffered in my own skin what being locked up means, what imprisonment seeks to do to our body and mind, I vehemently insist on how important and urgent it is to take antispeciesist action. Think about how millions of animals are subjugated to imprisonment daily in conditions even worse than the ones me and my comrades experienced, forced to sleep in crammed spaces, receiving the constant mistreatment of their prison guards who seek to undermine their animality in the worst way possible.

There is no difference between human and non-human prisons. Speciesism is the ultimate expression of authoritarianism that humankind has acquired over the years. The believe of superiority based on species, the lack of empathy and the search for comfort mean the imprisonment of millions of animals, and in that way, they too become part of the prison system that many tend to condemn.

For comfort, they justify brutality and destruction.

Because of that superiority complex, knowing or unknowingly, many spaces against prisons, anarchists antiauthoritarian seek to abolish the prison system whilst forgetting what that means, forgetting the animal prison system which in my opinion is the most raw, bloody and abandoned.

How can we seek to abolish prisons without wanting to abolish non-human animals’ prisons? Where is the antiauthoritarianism when we scream total liberation with a mouth full of blood and suffering? Freedom for some, until it harms my comfort?

Direct action for animal liberation is now. Animals suffer the consequences of their imprisonment now. The indiscriminate murder, abuse, rape and torture is now. It is on our hands to stop it. The time is now. Animal liberation needs hearts and minds dedicated, willing to sacrifice for those who don’t have the chance of defending themselves.

It is our duty to balance it out. Abuse for abuse. Death for death, Blood for blood. Millions of animals suffer and die whilst we scream for the destruction of prisons and it is our responsibility to ensure this is never forgotten. Let’s be the voice of those who are tired of screaming, let’s the the hands of those who live tied up, the quiet feet of those who live imprisoned, the minds responsible for the revenge, the raging hearts that beat thirst for vengeance.

Direct action is daily, it shouldn’t respond to specific dates or anniversaries, because speciesism and its barbarities don’t ever rest or stop.

Animal and total liberation, at whatever the cost.
Until EVERY prison is abolished.
Freedom to Presos Susaron.
Love and complicity to Ru, Panda and Tortu.

SPANISH (original):

Comienzo escribiendo estas palabras con un sabor dulce amargo en la boca. El día martes 05 de marzo, se me condenó a 5 años de libertad vigilada intensiva, imputada por el delito de incendio calificado. Sin embargo, esta alternativa sustitutiva a la pena, por ahora, sólo me fue concedida a mí. Esto significando que actualmente mis compañeros se encuentren aún en prisión. Claramente como caso, esto significa una simplificación de cierta forma, pero no nos confiamos jamás en las tácticas del enemigo, y elegimos asumir con orgullo y paciencia lo que depare el futuro.

Hoy, después de largos meses en prisión, después de haber vivido en carne propia lo que significa el encierro y lo que busca provocar en nuestros cuerpos y mentes. Reafirmo con más vehemencia lo importante y urgente del antiespecimo de acción. Pensar en cómo miles de animales son diariamente sometidos al encierro en condiciones peores a las cuales fui, y son sometidas compañeras, obligados a pernoctar en espacios reducidos, recibiendo un constante maltrato de sus carceleros, buscando someter su animalidad de las formas más aborrecibles.

No hay diferencia entre las cárceles de animales-humanos y no humanos. El especismo, es la máxima expresión de las conductas más autoritarias que el ser humano a adquirido a lo largo de los años. Donde la creencia de una superioridad de especie, la nula empatía y la comodidad, significan el encierro de millones de animales, y de esta forma, sosteniendo y siendo parte del sistema carcelario que tanto se suele aborrecer.

Justificando por comodidad, la brutalidad y el exterminio.

Esta misma creencia de superioridad, de forma consciente o inconsciente, provoca que hoy en día, dentro de los espacios anticarcelarios, ácratas o antiautoritarios, se busque abolir la sociedad carcelaria, y se genere una constante animadversión a lo que ella significa. Pese a ello, se suele olvidar esta arista. Que a mí parecer, es la más cruda, sangrienta y abandonada.

¿De qué sirve buscar abolir el sistema carcelario, más no las cárceles para los animales-no humanos? ¿Dónde queda el antiautoritarismo cuando al mismo tiempo que vociferamos liberación total, tenemos la boca llena de sangre y sufrimiento? ¿Liberación para unas pocas, hasta dónde llega mi comodidad?

La acción directa en pro de la liberación total es ahora. Los animales sufren las consecuencias del encierro ahora. La matanza indiscriminada, la vejación, la violación, la tortura es ahora. Y sólo está en nuestras manos buscar detenerlo. El momento es ahora. La liberación animal, necesita corazones y mentes entregadas, dispuestas a sacrificar por quienes no tienen la oportunidad de defenderse.

Es nuestra obligación equiparar la balanza. Daño por daño, muerte por muerte, sangre por sangre. Miles de animales sufren y mueren mientras gritamos fin a la sociedad carcelaria, y es nuestra responsabilidad que esto no pase inadvertido. Seamos la voz de quiénes ya están cansadas de gritar, seamos las manos cautelosas de quiénes viven amarradas, seamos los pies sigilosos de quienes viven en cautiverio, seamos la mente causante del pago del daño provocado, seamos el corazón furioso, que late en sed de venganza.

La acción directa es cotidiana, no responde a fechas ni efemérides. Porque el especismo y su barbarie, no descansa ni se detiene.

Liberación animal y total, cueste lo que cueste.
Hasta abolir la sociedad carcelaria en su multiformidad.
Libertad a los presos del caso susaron.
Amor y complicidad, a ru, panda y tortu.


/// UPDATE 15TH MARCH: ///

Jack has been moved and lost all previous letters. They have a new address, please write to them asap!

Cobb County Sheriff’s office, Georgia
John Mazurek #001109335
PO BOX 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

These are the conditions for the letters:

  • black or blue ink only.
  • do not discuss the nature of the case.
  • must include a return address that includes a first and last name or organisation,

You can also send books, They’d like to read history and poestry, and also spanish learning books. Books must come directly from a publisher and be new with no writing in them and no hardcover. The address to send books is:

PO BOX 100110

/// 15th March update Ends ///

Jack was scheduled to go to court last week Monday, but the filth decided to indict him on the last minute and cancel the procedures. For that reason, they are still in jain awaiting their first hearing.

They also have a support website now where you can keep up to date:

Please write a letter to Jack today and ensure you let them know they are not alone. They like music (specially straight edge hardcore punk, but also hiphop, they also love rock climbing, but they are interested in many other subjects like prison vegan recipes, carpentry, poetry and just everyday stuff like sunsets and forest walks, so choose any topic and send them a few lines!

They have a fundraiser for legal costs and commisary too, you can find it here:



Animal rights activists indicted in Sweden, accused of separately spreading a video clip in which a farmer openly talks about having sex with non human animals.

The indictment is about something that happened in 2018 and two activists are accused of allegedly spreading the film clip. At the time, the farmer was a high-ranking person in the Swedish agricultural lobby. The lawsuit came in 2023.

The activists are accused, among other things, of spreading the film clip on social media. The prosecutor argues that the film clip has harmed the farmer, and therefore the activists should be held guilty of gross defamation (a crime which in Sweden, among other things, can lead to up to two years in prison). Having sex with non human animals is also a crime in Sweden (called “tidelag”), which can lead to up to two years in prison. The farmer is currently not charged with tidelag. 

The farmer says that the film clip is a montage, a fake, that there is another person in the recording. Today, the farmer no longer has any higher responsibilities within the animal industry. 

Ever since the lawsuit, the Swedish judiciary has tried to hold a trial. Which, for various reasons, they have not been able to do (until recently). One of the activists has previously not been served with a summon to the hearing. The district court and the police have tried to reach the activist, and in May 2023 an obstruction certificate was drawn up. On March 5 2024 the trial against the animal rights activists was held. The verdict will be announced March 19th. The prosecutor demands, among other things, that one of the activists should get six months in prison, and pay SEK 100,000 in damages.


Lado was released from prison a couple of months ago after a twelve year sentence for the setting of explosive devices at a McDonald’s. He has been trying to adapt to life outside as well as catching up with doctor appointments that prison completely neglected during his incarceration. He has quite a few health issues and is finding life outside quite complicated, specially navigating different doctors and hurdles with hospitals. He is also concerned about the huge social debt he still has to pay and is trying to fundraise for it.

Thanks to PhillyABC there is a fundraising site where anyone can send a few coins to support Lado, so if you can, please donate (cos he needs to raise 10k EUR) and if you are unable, please share far and wide, talk about it with mates and try and find other methods of support!

To other prisoner support groups, news collectives and anti-repression teams: please consider helping with this fundraiser. A fundraising gig, a merch run, whatever works best for you all, let’s get Lado to the other side of his social debt so that he can focus on his mental and physical health and so he knows the world has not forgotten about him.

  • First of all, tell us about yourself!

My name is Ladislav Kuc. Our village is located 6 km from the second largest town in Slovakia, which is called Kosice. I spent 12 years in prison.

  • How was life in prison?

The guards called me a fucking terrorist. A fucking son of a bitch. The guards beat me. The prisoners made my life hell because when they beat me the guards allowed them to hurt me. I suffered a lot in prison I hate the bastards for whom I suffered so much.

The deputy director had me called when I entered the prison and told me that because I was a terrorist he was going to make my life hell. I have to admit that the bastard fulfilled what he promised me. I had to wash the toilets 3 times a day. The prisoners defecated on the floor on purpose and they rubbed the walls with shit and I had to clean it.

  • That sounds horrible, did you at least feel supported by people outside?

In prison, people started writing to me in English. I didn’t know English, so I asked my mother for textbooks and started learning English. I taught myself English. That’s why I can write and read in English quite well, but I can’t speak English. People wanted to send me money, but the prison warden told me that if I get supporters to send me money, they will transfer me to a section where people will rape me. The prison warden really abused his powers.

  • What was your first thought when you came out of prison?

When I got out my first thought was to eat well. In prison the food was good but portions were small. My mother brought me about a dozen cakes which I ate on the way home.

  • Do you want to talk about your charge? Amongst other charges, you were accused of setting an explosive device at an empty McDonalds which caused no injuries.

I’m a sensitive person who sympathizes with animals, that’s why McDonald’s. I don’t like it when the weak and defenseless are hurt. Animals can’t protect themselves. It’s right to protect animals from abuse.

I noticed that one direct action has 100 times more effect than, for example, a public protest.

  • How can people support you now that you are out?

I have a big debt after prison, some to lawyers and some to fines. The full amount is 9792 EUR. I have been looking for job but after prison it is difficult to find a job. I need donations to help.

  • Is there anything else you’d like to tell those reading?

thanks to every good person for every single dollar


Please consider donating to Ladislav, sharing the fundraiser and organising fundraising events. Link below:


After 11 months kidnapped by the state, Victor Puertas, an indigenous forest defender arrested during a festival in Cop City, has been released. He spent three months in DeKalb County jail without bail and then he was transferred to an ICE facility where he was held for another 8 months.

Now that he is free, he could do with some economic help to help him with medical, living and jail recovery expenses, as well as with legal fees to fight the domestic terrorism and RICO charges he is facing. 

If you can afford it, please drop a couple of coins

VENMO: @peacefuluprising
PAYPAL: [email protected]




Leonard Peltier is a political prisoner who has been incarcerated for 48 years. 

Leonard is 79 years old and the prison is neglecting his health. Leonard is in need of immediate medical treatment for the loss of his eyesight.

”Leonard Peltier has recently experienced a significant loss of vision which has required him to implore the help of fellow inmates to do basic things like dialing phone numbers for him to make calls, help type emails, and even help assist him getting around, as he cannot see well enough to walk on his own…”

You can help Leonard by making phone calls and demanding that Leonard get his medical treatment. See script (in image) and websites for more info:



Unfortunately, Sindre has not received any of the letters that have been sent to him. We do not know if this is due to the centre withholding letters, but he still needs love and support.

Sindre’s support team is therefore changing the address. If you want to write letters, send them to Sindre’s family. They make sure Sindre gets all the letters. Write to: 

Sindre Annasson Persson 

Rudolf Jonassons väg 25B

24136 Eslöv


(Sindre is an animal rights activist, 21 years old, from so-called Sweden. In October 2023, Sindre was sentenced to forensic psychiatric forced care, without end date, for actions against a former fur farmer.)

Please, send a letter to Sindre today, even if you already did so last week. It is likely the facility is stopping Sindre from receiving the letters that would’ve been sent previously, so the change of address should help ensuring he receives them from now on.



Jack was arrested after an arrest warrant was issued in relation to an arson against a police vehicle fleet related to the Atlanta Forest.

He has been locked without bail and will have to wait until the first hearing to see if he will be released. Until then, you should send him letters of love and support!

Remember to not talk about the case. Instead, chose a topic from the list below:

“Jack loves rock climbing, history, Pilates with Nicole, Buddhism, poetry, vegan prison recipes, hip hop, straight edge, punk, carpentry/diy construction, sewing, he wants to hear anecdotes that felt special to you from just everyday things. You could write about a sunset or a wholesome gathering or a way a song made you feel.”

His birthday is March 1st.

Letters must be:

– black or blue ink only.
-any lenght
– not discussing the case
– containing a return address with a name and surname or name of organisation.

His address:

John Mazurek,
Cell 101 2SOUTH,
C/O Securus Digital Mail Center,
PO BOX 989,
LEBANON, MO 65536,




After three homes were raided on Thursday morning in relation to the arson of multiple police motorbikes last year, an Atlanta local has been arrested.

John “Jack” Mazurek is being held without bond in Fulton County Jail. The Defend Atlanta Forest campaign is asking that folks call in to the jail and demand they be provided with nutritious vegan food, moved to gen pop and given coffee.

The contact number for the jail is.
+1 (404) 613-2024
John Mazureks ID number is: 2002124

There is a rally tonight that has already started at Fulton County Jail (901 Rice St NW). Get down if you can and check out the Defend Atlanta Forest socials to stay up-to-date.

There’s no revolution without solidarity. Fight for our comrades.