According to media reports, a building belonging to Vallée de l’Aître Hunting Society that had served as a meeting point for hunters in the area for 32 years was burnt to the ground on the night of the 16th of January.
The 40sqm chalet and all the furniture and belongings were completely destroyed by flames, and Stéphane Claudel, the president of the hunting society, estimates a damage of at least 30,000 €.
As the building is not connected to electricity and it is very remote, investigators believe is was caused by intentional arson.
“On two nights in January, several hunting towers around the Hambach Forest were sawed and knocked down.
A small wooden one was first taken down by pulling and pushing it until it fell. A larger one, also made of wood, was damaged by sawing two of its legs in half and then knocking it over. The third one, a large metal one, was cut with an angle grinder. If you wish to repeat these actions, the towers are easy to break and you do not need to start a fire, which risks burning the woods.
Hunting is a part of the speciesist domination system. In the modern context, it is practised for profit and or amusement by killing and selling the killed people and their body parts. This domination is directly encouraged and rewarded by capitalist commodification.
Even though hunting is brutal, it is commonly accepted, and often romanticized. By directly sabotaging the practice of hunting, we refuse to accept their excuses. We accept no justification for hunting in any form, and actively fight it.
Hunters are either paid, or they pay themselves to kill, depending on the country. Their excuse of conservation only serves to uphold the oppression of the wild. They ensure that exploitation can do its thing while so-called “nature” is mapped, managed and controlled.
Speciesism and the domestication of non-human life not only comes from the roots of civilization, but it has also served again and again as a model by the establishment for the authority over classes. The fight against human supremacy is a part of the fight against oppression and towards total liberation.
“Lors de deux nuits en janvier, plusieurs tours de chasse autour de la forêt d’Hambach ont été sciées et renversées.
Une petite en bois a d’abord été renversée en la tirant et poussant jusqu’à ce qu’elle tombe. Une plus grande aussi en bois a été endommagée en sciant deux de ses pieds à la moitié et a été renversée. La troisième, une grosse en metal, a été sciée à la disqueuse. Faire attention si ces actions sont reproduites, à l’endroit probable de la chute de la tour et de ne pas déclencher de feu dans la forêt avec le risque de propagation.
La chasse est une partie de l’ordre speciste dominant. Dans le contexte moderne , elle est pratiquée pour le profit et ou l’amusement en tuant et vendant les personnes tuées et les parties de leurs corps. Cette domination est directement encouragée et récompensée par la marchandisation capitaliste. Même si pratiquée de manière aussi directe et brutale, cette expression de la domination est communément acceptée, et souvent romantisée. En sabotant directement la pratique de la chasse, on ne fait pas attention à son acceptation et laissons libre cours à nos critiques et attaques. On accepte aucune justification de la chasse dans quelque forme que ce soit, et la nions activement.
Les chasseurs sont payées ou pas selon les pays et « préserver » l’écosystème en tuant certaines personnes et en en gardant un certain nombre travaille à préserver la domination. Ielles assurent que l’exploitation puisse faire son truc pendant que la soi disant « nature » est cartographiée, gérée et controllée.
Le specisme et la domestication de la vie non humaine ne vient pas seulement des racines de la civilisation, ça a aussi encore et encore servi de modèle pour la mise en place de l’autorité sur des catégories de personnes. Le combat contre la suprématie humaine est une partie de la lutte contre la domination et vers une libération totale.
IMAGE: Old stock image of the fight against hunting in Hambacher Forst, (2017).
“Next to the Hambach forest and the gigantic coal mine that almost completely destroyed it, 4 tyres were punctured of an engie vehicle, a French multinational in charge of nuclear, gas and oil energy. All these fossil resources are used in parallel with “renewable” energy (wind, solar) which are not because they use fossil resources to be created and destroy the areas and populations from which they are drawn. They only add to the growing energy demand of this sick and self-destructive world.
It is possible to see this absurdity here, this coal pit of several kilometres, next to windmills, nuclear power stations, solar farms…
It is more than urgent to put a stop to it. To do nothing knowingly is to collaborate.
Without any illusion that this small sabotage won’t be quickly absorbed by the company, the objective is rather to multiply the sabotage, to make the enemies visible and to spread the practice of attack and information, without which nothing will move.
Solidarity is necessary to face repression, let’s build networks of trust, let’s attack to up the pressure.
Support for the occupiers of the Osterholz forest and the anarchists in Hamburg who are under state attack.
DEATH TO CIVILISATION, RWE, ENGIE, CIGEO (nuclear waste disposal project in Bure) AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS”
According to a hunting newspaper, ten thousand partridges have mysteriously disappeared from a farm that was raided by the ALF eight years ago. They say that some hundreds of birds have appeared dead alongside graffitti reading “animal liberation”, and that the police is still unsure if the attack had anything to do with the ALF or if it could’ve been a robbery.
According to mainstream media, in the space of four months, in Villeneuve, France, the premises of the Gergy Hunting Society, chaired by Jérôme Sarre, have been damaged three times.
“February 2019 Animal Liberation Front independent cell. Mexico.
Claim of responsibility for the sabotage action against a McDonald’s restaurant in Barrio de San Antonio, Puebla, during the night of the 3rd of February 2022.
We claim responsibility for this action. We oppose ourselves politically and morally against a system of intensive production that for long enough has exploited animal bodies, human and non-human, and that has oversaturated us with the death it produces, covering the stench with artificial aromas and bright colours, making us unable to choose or imagine an alternative that doesn’t involve exploitation and death. We oppose them with direct action because it directly confronts the system, because it creates and strengthens complicity and because it brews political rage in more people, so they also start taking action.
This is not an isolated action. We add to the hundreds of actions taken every year around the world with the aim to harm and threaten businesses that build their economic empires on death and suffering. Those actions also aim to liberate non-human persons enslaved and systematically tortured.
Those individuals, violently born in this world with the only purpose of being a consumer product, or entertainment, or work, are never recognised for the key role they’ve played in the evolution of the human society. For that reason we believe this violence against animals cannot be analysed or combated without understanding it as systemic violence.
The animal question is a social problem, deeply rooted to colonialism and capitalism, specially in countries contaminated by neoliberalism like Mexico is.
Since its inception, McDonald’s has been part of every imperialist war that the USA has taken part of around the world. Its political, economic and cultural connections to the wars add to the pillage and exploitation of nature, humans and animals in all the territories oppressed by imperialism. It has also contributed to the destruction of culture in most countries around the world, imposing and influencing towards a lifestyle of aggressive consumption.
For all those reasons we believe it is completely legitimate to attack and sabotage McDonald’s as an act of resistance; human and non-human alike.”
“Febrero 2019 Célula independiente del Frente de Liberación Animal México
Carta de reivindicación de la acción de boicot realizada contra la sede comercial de la empresa multinacional Mc Donald’s ubicada en el Barrio de San Antonio, Puebla la noche del 3 de febrero de 2022.
Reivindicamos este gesto, oponiéndonos política y moralmente a un sistema de producción intensiva que durante demasiado tiempo ha saqueado los cuerpos animales, humanos y naturales y nos ha atiborrado de la muerte que produce, cubriendo su hedor con sabores artificiales y colores brillantes, haciéndonos incapaces de elegir o imaginar una alternativa que no implique explotación y muerte. Lo hagamos con las acciones directas, que son acciones de confrontación contra el sistema, por fortalecer y crear complicidades, y por fomentar la rabia política en mas personas, para que se animen en actuar.
Este gesto no es ni será un gesto aislado, sino que se suma a otros cientos de acciones que se llevan a cabo cada año en todo el mundo con el objetivo de dañar y amenazar a las empresas que construyen sus imperios económicos sobre la muerte y el sufrimiento, y liberar a las personas no humanas esclavizadas y sistemáticamente torturadas. A estos individuos, traídos violentamente al mundo con el único fin de servir como productos de consumo, entretenimiento y trabajo, nunca se les reconoce el papel que han desempeñado y siguen desempeñando en la evolución de la sociedad humana. Por esto pensamos que la violencia contra los animales no puede ser analizada y combatida fuera de un análisis y consideración más amplia de un tipo de violencia que es sistemica.
La cuestión animal es un asunto social, conectado profundamente al colonialismo y al capitalismo, especialmente en los países violados por el neoliberalismo, como México.
La empresa trasnacional de Mc Donald’s desde su creación y expansión ha sido vinculada y participe en todas las guerras imperialistas que Estados Unidos ha realizado alrededor del mundo. Su participación economica, politica y cultural en estas guerra contribuye al saqueo y explotación de las vidas naturales, animales y humanas de los pueblos o territorios que son sometidos por el imperialismo. También han contribuido a la destrucción de la cultura en la mayoría de los países intentando imponer un modelo de vida y consumo agresivo a las personas y a la naturaleza. Por lo tanto creemos totalmente legítimo el atacar y sabotear a esta empresa como un acto de resistencia humana y animal.”
“We filled a cart with $600 of venison and bison meat at a natural foods grocery store in Minneapolis and left the cart in an aisle and exited the store. Once workers discover the cart, the meat will be spoiled and thrown away.
This was a very simple act of sabotage.
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