8th July, Belgium.
Via Animal Liberation Press Office
“Belgium The A.L.F.saves in the night from 08.07.22 >35 hens < from an intensive farm.”
Defend Direct Action
8th July, Belgium.
Via Animal Liberation Press Office
“Belgium The A.L.F.saves in the night from 08.07.22 >35 hens < from an intensive farm.”
June, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Received anonymously via email:
28th June, Welaunee Forest
Via Scenes from the Atlanta Forest
“Last night we randomly inoculated dozens of trees with steel and ceramic spikes to protect against felling by chainsaw. Signs were posted in English and Spanish to alert workers.
This process is harmless to the trees, but poses a serious danger to machinery and workers should they choose to ignore the warnings. Cops have been seen in recent weeks entering the forest with chainsaws, ignoring the stop work order and cutting down trees in an unskilled and dangerous manner at the site of current and former treesits. They should stop.
Since we know the tree-sits ALONE that have been publicized may not prevent logging by themselves, we have taken it upon ourselves to go the extra mile…
“The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.”–Utah Phillips
The draws of “society” & the “civilized” & ‘developed’ world cannot surpass the sounds of swallows in trees, humming of insects & bees, & the liberation of laying under the starry skies.
-Railroad Workers Union Local 1312”
11th July, Netherlands
Via Animal Liberation Press Office
“The A.L.F. Netherlands Love is liberation love is saves animals”
27th June, Bavaria Germany.
According to hunting newspapers, a hunting tower in Ansbach, Bavaria, was manipulated by unknown individuals. They took the racket strap holding the ladder in place, rendering the tower unsafe.
When the 52 year old hunter climbed the ladder without realising, he made the structure slip away from the tree and came crashing into the floor, falling from about four meters. He injured his hip and had and had to be transported to hospital for treatment.
26th June, Luxemburg
Via Animal Liberation Press Office
“A.L.F. 26.06.2022 Luxembourg 2 member of the Animal Liberation Front saves 13 hens from an intensive farm”
6th July, Czech Republic?
Received anonymously via email:
“In a few days/weeks/months (take your pick) were those who kill our brothers and sisters for their stupid fun vandalized! We will for sure continue in our actions!”
23rd June, Bristol UK.
According to local media, Sandy Park Butchers and Tarr’s Ice Cream Parlour were attacked by the ALF, smashing the windows of both shops as well as spray painting “ALF” and “GO VEGAN”.
Mr Tarr told the local papers he had to stop production for the day and open a lot later as they had to clean up after the action.
Steve Cooper, from Sandy Park Butchers, said that he was not totally surprised to see the windows smashed as he has been attacked before. He says it is business as usual, although he will be affected by the expense and will have to get the isurance involved again.
This two attacks follow a relentless campaign by ALF activists in bristol who have been smashing windows at a steady rate for the best part of 2022.
16th June, Italy.
Via: Frente de Liberación Animal.
“Received anonymously:
They lived chained and locked up inside a rusty cage, surrounded by faeces and in shameful conditions. The ALF has liberated two tethered dogs in Veneto (Italy).
Now they will have a life of freedom away from exploitation.”
Recibido anónimamente:
«Vivían encadenados y confinados dentro de una jaula oxidada, entre excrementos y condiciones vergonzosas. El Frente de Liberación Animal ha liberado a dos perros encadenados y enjaulados en Veneto (Italia).
Ahora tendrán una vida en libertad alejados de la explotación.»
June, Worcestershire UK
received anonymously via email:
“Pixies in Worcestershire (UK) have been busy!
This vile Larsen trap was spotted on the roof of a barn, luckily for the Pixies, the scummers had left ladder nearby
We set to work and rendered it swiftly flat-packed and laid to rest in thick brambles.
Earlier in the year, this gorgeous Magpie was liberated from another Larsen (which was later dealt with!) his body condition was very poor and he was absolutely terrified, but he showed a true covid spirit. After some rehab with trusted friends, was returned to the wild in a safe place.
Until Every Cage is Empty.”