“While checking in on local wildlife a group of activists came across a whole heap of shotgun pellets and a pheasant feeder. That night the country was hit by fierce storms that damaged the feeder deeming it unusable!
Note wherever animals are being killed storms will continue to rage!”
Photo: Unrelated image from a pheasant farm raid in Belgium, 2019.
At dawn, hooded people arrived at a butcher shop belonging to the Susaron chain, in Quilicura. Once there, they threw Molotov cocktails against their trucks and infrastructure.
The result of the action was the burning of 6 vehicles and part of the refrigerator of the animal exploitation area.
Pamphlets found in the place said: “The attack is expanding and we are growing in daring, mind and danger. Be careful, the groups of intransigent anti-species belligerence are blooming like daisies. Today we attack this company in its infrastructure, tomorrow it will be its owners and collaborators of any kind. For all of them we predict lead and shrapnel.
Animal liberation, without consideration to whoever comes across it.”
“On the night of September 12, days before the patriotic festivities began, we attacked the galleries and quinchas of a crescent located at the foot of the Renca hill, venues that, for “sports” and “criollista” reasons, do nothing more than perpetuate the ill-treatment and torture of animal life, as well as the livestock and fishing industry, hunting and vivisection centers.
According to the FEROCHI (Chilean Rodeo Sports Federation founded in 1961 and that, in 1962, through an official letter from the National Sports Council and the Chilean Olympic Committee, recognizes rodeo as a “sports discipline”), more than 1,900 rodeos are held a year, evidencing the systematization of these abusive practices.
Both FEROCHI, the Federation of Horse Breeders, Clubs de Huasos de Chile and Gil Letelier, among others, are complicit organizations in maintaining these high figures. For the same reason, we must not forget the necessary projection of antispeciesist actions that seek to put an end to that reality.
Persisting in the ways of attacking power, we join offensive forces betting on and expanding the New Subversion, in the same way that we propose our maximum disposition with autonomous action that seeks to intensify the denial of order and law to the world. In memory of Macarena Valdés, Sebastián Oversluij, Claudia López, Matías Catrileo and Mauricio Morales. To multiply autonomous action.
For animal liberation, fire to capital and its progress.
“This night we went in different breedings and where birds are exploited for their eggs or their flesh. These farms are officially organic free range places where the individuals are supposedly happy until they are on-site gently slaughtered.
The truce is well different: the hens were plucked, thousands of them in a dusty building, without outdoor access because of the avian flu that has been around for months.
The geese and the ducks were parked in an enclosure without anything to entertain themselves or to fulfill their biological needs like a water point, and just a few meter away from the noises of a little slaughterhouse where their brothers and sisters are killed.
Every one of them will now have happy lives with loving humans who will not consider them as objects or food providers.
Happy exploitation does not exist, fight every single one of them ✊🏼”
“On the night of the 23rd, the ALF attacked a training centre owned by the hunting federation in Bergamo.
They broke cages and liberated 22 quails. The training centre was completely destroyed.”
«En la noche del 23 al 24 de agosto, el Frente de Liberación Animal asaltó el centro de entrenamiento de la federación de caza ( il quagliodromo di Levate.) en Bergamo (Italia). Se rompieron jaulas y se liberaron 22 codornices. Centro de entrenamiento de caza fue totalmente destruido y se abandonaron mensajes en las paredes.»
“Two Animal Liberation Activists went into an intense cage farm and freed 56 hens. These hens were at the last week from being slaughtered and spend almost 1 year in their cages.
They liberated hens in week 1, and liberated their sisters in their last week from that same horror place, and noticed they we’re worn out, in bad condition some had almost no feathers.
“I sabotaged 18 rat traps in front of shops and restaurants using construction foam. Fuck you and your speciesism and stop poisoning my little friends.
Rats are beautiful creatures. You are the pests not the rats.”
“The ALF recently liberated around 50 “game” birds being held in a release pen in Norfolk.
These sentient earthlings were imprisoned during a 32oc heatwave, waiting for a sad bunch of wankers to show up with their big guns and inferiority complexes.
Activists cleared the pen and watched the birds reclaim their stolen freedom, flying off into the night.
Once the last few stragglers had been evacuated, no time was wasted in tearing the structure to the ground.
When it was thoroughly trashed, activists left to contemplate where to hit next.
The animal rights movement continues to strengthen, gaining support and momentum. Violence towards the innocent will not be accepted in the just, peaceful and sustainable world we must forge. And sorry huntscum, but that means finding another outlet for your sexual dysfunction.”
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