We have received a canary from Scenes for public release. They have been closed down after their hosts became under pressure. Read their words below:

“This is our last canary, you can find our pgp key on our canary page at

As of 11/22/2024(MM/DD/YYYY), no-one working on this project, nor the project itself has ever received a National Security Letter, an order under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, has been contacted by law enforcement, contacted by any government entity, has been served a subpoena for a Grand Jury related to this project, or any other classified request for user information. If we ever receive such a request, we would seek to let the public know.

This project has come to a close.
The noblogs team Autistici/Inventati decided to shut down this blog shortly following the republication of the Heritage Foundation dox from and after the dox of the Elbit Systems of America. This blog hosted a great deal of antagonistic content over the years, and we are thankful to the Autistici/Inventati team for allowing a majority of the content to remain up for so long. They undoubtedly tolerated a great deal of resistance – we trust that their decision to shut down the blog did not come lightly.

the addresses published in the aforementioned two doxxes are still easily available on and,, and a significant archive of the rest of the blog is hosted at

This site served as a nexus for anonymous publication, a space for engaging in dialogue with other rebels, and a place to spread complicity and proliferate autonomous activitiy.

Please keep those who are languishing in jails for accusations related to this movement in your hearts- better yet, send them letters.
Continue fighting for the end of RICO charges.
Never forget Tortuguita, a hero whose bravery cannot be understated.
Continue fighting for a world without markets, hierarchy, and fascism.

For a time, the struggle in the atlanta forest was one of the powerful torches that carried the flames of antagonstic anarchist destruction. We hold our actions in this struggle proudly, and hope you do as well.
We will never forget the weelaunee forest, we will never forgive those that perpetrated its destruction.

!Viva Tortuguita!

Nothing is Finished
Everything Continues

scenes admins”


via: NoTrace

This text is addressed to the international anarchist movement, which we’ll define as the sum of individuals fighting for anarchist ideas around the world. This movement is in conflict with its natural enemies — the State, fascist groups, and so on — and must protect itself if it is to survive in this conflict. In this text, we make three proposals for the international anarchist movement to consider in the coming years in order to allow anarchists to continue attacking while limiting their chances of getting caught.

1. Share knowledge internationally

Our enemies organize internationally through cooperation between police and intelligence agencies and new developments in science and technology — the increasing precision of DNA forensics and the proliferation of drones being just two examples. This means that a repressive technique used in one country may soon appear in another where it is not yet being used. It also means that an effective countermeasure used by anarchists in one country may be effective in another. We should therefore share knowledge of repressive techniques and countermeasures on an international level.

Ideally, any experience of repression or experimentation with countermeasures that might be of interest to other anarchists should be written up, translated into several languages, and made public. When anarchists are arrested and brought to trial, we can often obtain court documents that reveal how they were caught: we should exploit this and publish analyses of such documents, bearing in mind that information obtained in this way may be partial or distorted. We should experiment with new countermeasures and write and publish reports on these experiments (except in cases where the State might adapt and weaken the countermeasure by reading the report). We should try to collect information at the source: read police training manuals, steal police files, analyze data leaks from police servers.

A specific feature of the international anarchist movement is its decentralization. We see this not as a weakness but as a strength: in addition to preventing the hierarchies inherent in centralized organizations, it makes it harder for our enemies to target us because they cannot topple the whole movement by disrupting one part of it. However, this decentralization also makes it harder for us to share knowledge across borders. To overcome this, we see two options: developing informal bonds with other anarchists by meeting at international book fairs and other events, and using the Internet. We propose using the No Trace Project as an international platform to share the knowledge that is suited for sharing on the Internet, not as a replacement for informal bonds but as a useful supplement to spread information beyond existing informal networks.

2. Establish a security baseline

Anarchists who carry out direct actions should analyze the risks associated with their actions and take appropriate precautions: dress anonymously, be mindful of video surveillance and DNA traces, and so on. However, this is not enough. If only those who carry out actions take precautions, it is easier for our enemies to target these individuals. This is, firstly, because they stand out: if only a handful of comrades always leave their phones at home, for example, this could be an obvious starting point for an investigation with no other specific leads. And secondly, because our enemies can get information about them through their friends who do not carry out actions: if someone doesn’t use social media but is mentioned on their friends’ social media, for example, an investigation could query their friends’ social media to get information about them. We should therefore establish a security baseline that everyone in anarchist networks agrees to follow, including those who have never carried out direct actions and have no intention of doing so.

We can’t say what this baseline should be, as it will depend on each local context, but we can give some ideas. As a bare minimum, everyone should help hide information from our enemies by not speculating about who is involved in an action, not bragging about one’s own participation in an action, not talking to the police, and encrypting any computer or phone used for conversations with other anarchists using a strong password. Discuss sensitive matters exclusively outdoors and without electronic devices, and don’t make it obvious to your social environment who you are having sensitive conversations with (e.g. don’t ask someone to “go for a walk” in front of people who aren’t involved in the project being discussed). In addition, we think everyone should stop using social media (and definitely stop posting photos of other anarchists, even with their consent, because this helps the State map anarchist networks) and leave their phones at home at all times (not just during actions). Carrying your phone with you has security implications for everyone you interact with.

It can be difficult to convince people to follow such a security baseline, especially if they think they have no personal interest in following it. If someone is reluctant, we should remind them that it’s not just their security that’s at stake, but also the security of other anarchists around them who may be carrying out or planning to carry out direct actions. Everyone who wants actions to happen has an interest in making anarchist networks as difficult as possible for the authorities to repress.

3. Explore new horizons

Our enemies evolve over time as they refine their strategies and techniques. We should prepare not for the battles that already took place, but for those yet to come. We should therefore go beyond our current security practices, anticipate the evolution of our enemies, and develop new countermeasures.

Here are three issues we think the international anarchist movement should explore in the coming years.


Aerial surveillance is rapidly becoming cheaper and more efficient. How should we react to the presence of police drones at riots, anarchist events, and so on? How can we detect or take down drones? Should we prepare for the risk of drones being used for routine aerial patrols, and if so, how?

Facial recognition technologies

In 2023, a journalist tracked down German left-wing militant Daniela Klette, who had been in clandestinity for decades, by using facial recognition technology to match a decades-old photo of her with a recent photo from Facebook taken during a dance class. What can we do against this threat? How can we prepare for the increasing integration of facial recognition technology into public video surveillance systems?

Lack of insight into police activity

Until a few years ago, radio scanners were used by anarchists to monitor police frequencies, for example to learn about nearby police activity while carrying out a direct action. In most contexts, this is now impossible because police communications are encrypted. Can we develop new techniques to functionally replace radio scanners or, more generally, to gain insight into police activity in a given area?

About the authors

We’re the No Trace Project. For the past three years, we’ve been building tools to help anarchists understand the capabilities of their enemies, undermine surveillance efforts, and ultimately act without getting caught. We plan to continue in the years to come. We welcome feedback. You can visit our website at, and contact us at [email protected].

This text is available as a zine (in Letter and A4 dimensions).

Let’s prepare ourselves, and may luck be on our side.


via: Warzone Distro

As we all attempt to manage our lives with bodies fatigued by wage-slavery, attention spans manipulated by illuminated screens, and minds desperate for new consumer trends that provide temporary relief, the wilderness around us dies, suffocating beneath the paved roads and metallic infrastructure of a prison world we’re paid to expand. To the critical mind, it becomes clear that industrial society is active warfare, not only against all living beings contained within its social and institutional parameters, but also deep within its own builders.

It becomes clear that no government, president, or politician can ever grant us real freedom, and no officer of the law or court system can keep us safe. The colonial establishment known as “america”, like all other colonized landscapes, is designed to disempower, control, and dominate a mass population of people, starting at the individual level.

Despite the best efforts and intentions of political optimists, there is no reforming it. We are all left with only two choices: surrender ourselves to it or resist.

So some of us chose to resist, fighting back and refusing to surrender our lives to the workforce needed to maintain and expand this colonial empire. We understand that the battle is in the streets but also within us – against a mindset conditioned by a society that wishes to enslave us. We have no desire to wait. Our position is pure negation; a refusal to comply with the governing norms and expectations of society. Our vision: industrial collapse and total liberation by every means necessary.

Warzone Distro is a zine creating and publishing project that covers a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) veganism, straight edge/radical sobriety, anarcho-nihilism, individualist anarchy (no, not ancap bullshit), anti-colonization, anti-civ, queer nihilism, and anti-fascism. All zines on- and off-line are free. Mailed zine requests are welcomed. Donations are welcomed as well.

Venmo: @veganatomic

Cashapp: $HazelLilith


In all the years, we’ve never seen a more promising tech resource for activists than Anarsec. This is what the folks behind the project have to say:

“AnarSec is a new resource designed to help anarchists navigate the hostile terrain of technology — defensive guides for digital security and anonymity, as well as offensive guides for hacking. All guides are available in booklet format for printing and will be kept up to date.

As anarchists, we must defend ourselves against police and intelligence agencies that conduct targeted digital surveillance for the purposes of incrimination and network mapping. With the defensive series, our goal is to obscure the State’s visibility into our lives and projects. Our recommendations are intended for all anarchists, and they are accompanied by guides to put the advice into practice.

With the upcoming offensive series, we hope to contribute to the practice of hacking the State and capital. Astute readers may notice that the art featured on our homepage and booklets is taken from communiqués detailing how anarchists robbed a bank (Phineas Fisher) and destroyed police servers (AntiSec) using only a keyboard.”

You can find their website and all their fantastic guides and resources here:

We will keep publishing Tech&Sec 101 series as and when we find the time to write them, but we would advice everybody who cares about their long term existence in the movement to keep an eye on that website and learn from it.



 Editor’s note: Activist Resources is a new series covering any and all websites that might aid activists in their fight for liberation. Send us any suggestions you have over email! 

Many of you have reached out about Talon, asking if we knew why it was down. Well, we can confirm Talon Conspiracy is back online! 

Talon Conspiracy is an incredible website that has over the years archived magazines, zines, leaflets and periodicals of the earth and animal liberation struggles. 

From a collection of Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group magazines to obscure one-off publications, the website is a treasure chest of historical information and is without a doubt worth spending weeks looking around! 

Those pieces of history don’t just inform us of how campaigns used to be run, or what tactics, strategies and discussions the movement has seen over the years (you’d be surprised about how much conversation there has been about racism and transphobia in the movement over the past decades!) But it also is a good research point for current campaigns. 

Many of the places that once were the target of activism still stand, and names and addresses can be found within all those magazines. 

As far as we can tell, the Talon Conspiracy is going to be rebranded as “archive of animal and earth liberation publications”, we will let you know when that has happened, but for now enjoy all the reading material you could ever desire!

Thank you to those who out of love for the movement worked so tirelessly to create this archive, and thank you to those who are now maintaining it!