Its been six years since you were murdered fighting Daesh in Deir-ez-Zor.

Six years is a long time, and yet your memory is so incredibly tangible in every step we take. You taught so much to all who knew you; your curiosity, your capacity to listen, your genuine optimism.

I battle with the reasons to join the war in Rojava constantly, but I know your heart was strong and your intentions pure. I just wish I could’ve kept you back in Hambi, or in Pont Valley, away from machine guns and bombs. I wish I could carry on sharing life with you, vicariously enjoying new discoveries through your lens, plotting adventures and causing chaos.

We no longer can do those things together, but make no mistake there is not a single day that I dont stumble upon something I decide to look through Waka’s eyes.

You’re missed, and honoured through the fight, and absolutely never forgotten.

Love you always, friend.

May you rest in the rage of your comrades.

Waka, Farid, Şehîd Şahîn Qereçox.


End of August, Bournemouth, UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“During BournemoutH Air Festival, actionists sent the message that incursions of military equipment and the glorification of the arms industry into spaces of nature will not be tolerated, by splashing a battle tank, a display helicopter, and army recruitment boards with red paint. This action was taken in solidarity with Palestine and all other peoples and land under occupation, and those under the long shadow of British colonialism, with the hope of disrupting the normalisation of the UK’s continuous involvement in war and genocide, and that others will also act against all targets of oppression and domination wherever they see them. It’s true that at first it felt like an intimidating task to go unnoticed in a makeshift military village with military personnel, police and stewards patrolling to protect the equipment, but with the sound of the waves and the darkness of the beach acting as our accomplices, we were able to leave our mark and disappear again. There was no media coverage of our action which we assume to be because of the deep and burning embarrassment caused to the armed forces, security, police and the council who paid for this debacle and trying to keep it secure.

Our message to everyone reading this is that any expression of domination can be a target, and that we are not unique or better equipped to cause trouble to our oppressors than you are. Don’t be inhibited by the idea that something should be impossible – go and see for yourself if you can make it possible. Take every precaution you can, stay ready to change your plans, and know that those who want to stand in your way are not infallible in the way propaganda would have you believe. In testing the boundaries, we so often find how unprepared oppressive forces are for any form of resistance because they expect us to remain passive, and we can start to free our own minds from these artificial cages and empower ourselves and others to act in ways that pursue life with more freedom.”


16th September, Bournemouth UK

received anonymously over email:

“4 poison traps filled with expanding foam to prevent wildlife getting into them and being killed.

We hadn’t planned the action but saw a young mouse next to one of the traps and knew that we needed to do everything we could to make sure they didn’t end up in the trap by putting down an alternative food source for them and rendering the trap impossible to enter with the expanding foam. It’s easy to walk by these monstrosities without noticing them or thinking that it’s too hard to do something about, or that it won’t make a difference because of how widespread the problem is. But it does make a difference to the individuals who would be murdered by them. It’s a simple action that is easy to get away with, so carry some foam with you and take a couple of minutes to save someone’s life. Once they’re broken, at least here they stay broken – we have no idea how many animals would have been lured to their death if the traps remained operational, but currently there is no danger to the animals in this particular area from these traps and that feels good. If they are ever repaired, we will keep on making it so they cannot kill. For all life.”



In September ’24, anonymous activists visited over 20 fur farms in Idaho and Utah to compile footage and data on the dying fur trade, and to determine the operational status of the fur farms in both states.

What we uncovered is further evidence of the power of direct action and pressure campaigns. Farms that once held thousands of prisoners have been reclaimed by nature. We found abandoned properties, dilapidated sheds, and stacks of cages where generations of mink lived and died in.

All 24 sheds at the Ball Brothers Farm in Malad City, ID are removed. This massive farm is no longer.

The Moyle family is an Idaho fur dynasty. In 2013, the ALF emptied their farm in Burley, ID and freed the entire breeding stock. Today, Moyle’s farms are being disassembled.

Larry Carson owned 3 fur farms in Utah. 2 of those farms are now abandoned, with all sheds free of wildlife.

As pelt prices remain under $30, operational farms have been forced to scale back. Once massive farms now hold a fraction of the animals they once did.

But many prisoners still languish, awaiting death in the next 90 days

There is nothing more beautiful than the sight of an abandoned prison. And there is nothing more heinous than seeing living beings caged in filth, abused as commodities without reverence. We saw hundreds of foxes pacing in cages on the Hobbs Fur Farm in Franklin, ID. They gaze out at the natural world, yet can’t participate in it. Unless their cages are opened.

We watched as mink clawed at cages and attempted to escape from the hell imposed on them by the Beckstead family at Sunny B Farms in Preston, ID.

The families still involved in this industry – the Hobbs’, Beckstead’s, and Zimbal’s, are in it for keeps. They’ll squeeze every last penny from the torture and subjugation of native wildlife. Unless we stop them.

Over 20,000 mink and foxes have been liberated in Utah and Idaho since the beginning of the ALF campaign against this industry. The resurgence of the last 2 years – with over 25,000 mink and foxes liberated – promises more.

Visit a fur farm – look the animals in the eyes. You’ll know what to do. The mink and foxes suffering in cages and crying out for freedom have less than 60 days to live. Be their guardian angel.


WHAT: Three day event, workshops, plotting and socialising
WHEN: 27th, 28th, 29th September
WHERE: Can La Fou, Vallbona D’Ainoa, Catalunya.

@Plumas_y_cizallas is organising an intersectional animal liberation gathering with workshops, tattoo artists, self defence lessons and talks by campaigning collectives in Can La Fou, Catalunya (so called Spain) this weekend.

There are sleeping spaces for anyone who needs it, mattresses, places to pitch tents and spots to park vans.

They suggest a minimum donation of 3€ per day, with all profits going to sanctuaries in south america. Food will be provided by @foodnotbombsbcn

They ask to not bring doggos to site to respect the current animal residents.

Fascist, transphobic, ableist, antispeciesist or otherwise any form of bigotry is not welcome in the event.

Confirm your assistance dropping them an email: [email protected]


Leonard Peltier has celebrated his 80th birthday in prison, having been locked up for half a century for a crime he isn’t guilty of. His conviction was riddled with dodgy acts to convince a racist, hand selected jury of his involvement in the murder of two FBI agents inside Pine Ridge Reservation.

Leonard is truly just paying for the crime of standing up for native rights in the so-called USA, and has been used as a political scapegoat for decades. Even in his old age, using a walker to move around and experiencing partial blindness, he is still being thrown in solitary lockdown without much explanation. His health is continuously deteriorating and he does not have a release date, with every single previous campaign to seek his freedom failing to make a dent against the cruel jaws of the carceral system.

Currently he is unable to access the phone and emails are an issue due to the current lockdown. He can still receive letters,although he might not be able to answer to them. Please write to him today. He has a great sense of humour and really enjoys jokes.

Please only write on white paper, with white, big and bold letters so he can read due to his vision. DO NOT add stickers, feathers or else any other non white paper items in the letter.

Leonard Peltier #89637-132
USP Coleman I
P.O. BOX 1033



Wildfire volume 4 has landed! We are so excited to be stocking it on our website and cannot recommend it more!

60+ beautifully designed pages on aninal liberation, anarchism, direct action and prisoner support on mat paper, with amazing articles ranging from how to asses corvids before releasing from traps, anarchism in the animal liberation movement and Praxis’ ‘Blackmask’ comic to top it off.

We are selling them for £4 plus postage and we ship worldwide, so go get one from our site and share with all your comrades!

@wildfire.zine has distributed zines across the globe so check with them to see if you can support a local group by purchasing one nearby, and tell your local groups to stock Wildfire too!

We hope you enjoy the read, for the animals always!



16th September, Dorset UK.

received anonymously via email:

“During a walk in the Dorset countryside, we happened upon a strange fence in a small area of woodland.

Behind the fence were several hundred young pheasants, who we realised had been bred to be chased across nearby fields and shot.

They looked so innocent, so unaware of the violent fate that lay in store for them, so we simply could not walk by.

After disconnecting and removing the battery for the electric fence, we removed several fence panels, and the door to the enclosure. Once we had emptied all of the feed and water, to ensure the birds had no reason to return, we helped usher them out of their prison and into freedom. Run free little ones, you’re safe now x”


For a little over three months, ‘MBR Suppliers’ has focused on plucking away any and all businesses that work with or supply MBR Acres in Cambridgeshire, UK, supporting the broader ‘Free the MBR Beagles campaign’ fighting against the puppy mill that breeds beagles for vivisection in the UK.

Since its inception they have managed to sign up 10 MBR Suppliers to a business boycott where they promise not to work with MBR again. A notable example would be JRS bedding supplier, which was also supplying with bedding to huge companies like Pets at Home. When folks contacted Pets at Home to tell them the supplier also sold bedding to MBR Acres, PaH threatened to pull and JRS decided not to sell bedding to MBR any longer. Other companies joining the boycott have been Acourt Group (they collected MBR Acres dog waste)and Bender, who did their human waste.

IMPEX (the company who transports the dogs from the farm to the labs) was targeted after people found their new van depot, so the farm that rented them a shed to store the vans evicted them and forced them to park in the owner’s house instead. They also lost the company who sold, serviced and modified their vans.

The campaign has seen multiple creative protest, but the vast majority of the action has been even simpler; emails and phone calls have achieved a lot of the wins so far. This means that the campaign is accessible to most, even internationally, but organisers insist that there is a place for all who want to take part, from leafletting and wheat pasting to emailing, protest, phone calls and researching, there are so many ways people can help that you will find a way to join them too! 

They are mostly operation on a Facebook group, which can be found here:

You don’t need to join that Facebook group though, you could potentially just look at the list of businesses identified as MBR suppliers and do your own thing. Check it out here:

They also have an automated emailer, which with a few clicks lets you send emails to all the companies involved. You can find it here:

Campaigning takes a million and one forms, and once you have identified your target, sometimes it is smarter to zoom out slightly to see the connections they have to the outside world. Plucking MBR suppliers away from the dog farm means they slowly asphyxiate trying to find someone else who will work with them, allowing other companies to demand more money for the same service to then pull out of the deal when they feel the pressure. 

Join them, and destroy MBR!

{photo at a demo in front of Stericycle in Bournemouth}


“We are living through hard times, and they are only getting harder. Our movements, friends, comrades, organizations, protests, neighbors and activities are falling more and more on the wrong side of law enforcement, regardless of legality or illegality. Some of us will be kidnapped by the state, to be punished for the crime of seeking justice or even basic survival… … We can neither meet this with despair, nor let the state take away our people so easily.”

Nattsvart Verkstad will hold an art show and education weekend, 20-22 September, at Cyklopen, in Högdalen, Stockholm Sweden. The event will featuring the art, literature, music, and words of imprisoned comrades. Nattsvart have worked together with an international array of anti-carceral groups to make this happen, like Free Marius Mason.

“There will be artwork from prisoners from many parts of the world, letter writing, book table, as well as panel talks and lectures on prison abolition, solidarity and how to get organised in the face of the increasingly rampant carcerality seeping into every aspect of our lives…”

Check out Nattsvart Verkstads website for more information: