5th November, Italy.
“34 hens were released from a farm in Monselice (Padua), Italy. Now they can live happily free from exploitation in a beautiful home.
In memory of Barry Horne.
Animal Liberation Front.”
Defend Direct Action
5th November, Italy.
“34 hens were released from a farm in Monselice (Padua), Italy. Now they can live happily free from exploitation in a beautiful home.
In memory of Barry Horne.
Animal Liberation Front.”
6th November, Sweden.
Via BiteBack Magazine:
translation of anonymous report (photo: blt.se):
“There is now one less mink farm in Sweden. It was burned down in the heart of the Swedish mink industry: Sölvesborg, a small town of inbred animal abusers and extreme racists.
The farm was empty, but now future abuse is prevented.
No animals were hurt.
Unfortunately no mink farmer was killed in the fire.
To all fur farmers in Scandinavia. You might be next!
Close down before it is too late.
The Swedish Animal Rights Militia
in Memory of Barry Horne (RIP)”
25th October, Belgium.
According to an anonymous report on frentedeliberacionanimal.net, the Animal Liberation Front destroyed several hunting towers in Belgium during the night of October 25-26.
29th October, Sweden.
anonymous report:
“On the 29th of October Djurrättsmilisen (the Swedish Animal Rights Militia) celebrated an early Halloween together with fur farmer Niclas Pettersson. Loads of cat shit was thrown into his beloved garden. And a Halloween prop, a gravestone, was put in his garden as well. The gravestone was marked with ‘RIP Niclas Pettersson ex-mink farmer’.
Happy Halloween you disgusting animal abusing scum! //Djurrättsmilisen”
Photo: Unrelated lab raid in the late 80s.
Content Warning: It includes some vivisection footage that might be distressing to viewers.
In this episode of ALFridays we show you a Sky News segment featuring Dr Jeyyr Vlasek, an ALF press officer, during 2005.
Based in the USA, the feature includes SHAC campaign, anti fur campaigning and anti bear hunt protests. With a very strong focus on direct action, the mainstream media wonders the links in between underground and overground actions.
There is also a snippet on the actions that the vivisection lobby took during the SHAC campaign to counteract the investigation footage, like employing professional spokespeople and releasing their own videos on animal testing.
It is an interesting segment that shows how direct action and acts of sabotage can get the attention of the media, starting the conversation on issues that otherwise would be ignored.
reported anonymously:
“Switzerland – End of September
Three young goats and two rabbits destined to death were rescued and brought to a safe place.
We couldn’t stay still watching them incarcerated in tiny spaces while bred to become pieces of meat.
With this action we want to send a solidarity sign to Matthias who is in prison in Switzerland accused of different actions against animal exploitation businesses and whose trial will start on the 6th of November.
The best solidarity is DIRECT ACTION and continuing the struggle!
For total liberation, for anarchy!”
30th October, Italy.
According to a report on frentedeliberacionanimal.net, the Animal Liberation Front destroyed a hunter’s cabin in Castel d’Ario.
9th October, Cremona, Italy.
via: Frentedeliberacionanimal.net
“On her neck she wears the wounds of the chain, in her mind the traces of solitude. She was an object, not even worthy of a name. Forced to drink rotten water and food leftovers, without any contact or even any interaction with his “owner”. A pure soul that has suffered repeated physical violence.
The liberators could not look away, they had to save him and they did. His recovery will be long, at some point he will be able to trust humans again. Now she will be given the chance to live in a place where she will receive love, a word unknown to her, hundreds of miles away from cruelty.
The deep wound in her neck will sooner or later disappear, but within her a very heavy scar with which she will have to live will remain forever.
Long live ‘Little Sweet Angel’.”
October, Germany.
via: BiteBack Magazine.
According to media reports, “militant hunting opponents” are suspected of being behind the destruction of numerous hunting towers near the city of Celle in recent months. Four hunting towers were set on fire in the last week alone.
Other reports from Northern Germany and Bavaria put the count of hunting towers destroyed up to 30.
The police has offered money for anyone who wishes to be shanked for being a snitch.
As some of you who have followed this page for a while now, you’ll know our views on cops, and the institution of the police, we hate them. In this A is for Anarchy, we’re going to explain why that is, and why the cops are not your friends.
The main reason for our hatred of cops is that they exist solely to maintain the status quo, which in today’s capitalist society means upholding the systems of oppression that affect anyone not of the ruling classes. The Police willingly choose to uphold unjust laws, evicting people from their homes, stealing people’s possessions simply because they’re sleeping on the streets, criminalising sx-wrkers for simply making a living, locking people up for stealing food to live, and yet the large corporations who exploit humans, animals, and the planet go unchallenged, ask yourself, why do you think this is? Why can a CEO be praised for stealing millions of pounds yet someone stealing an overpriced vegan wrap is criminal filth in the eyes of the law?
Some of you may ask “but aren’t the police just people like us, shouldn’t we try to get them on our side?” or “I’ve never had a bad experience with the police” (I’m looking at you Extinction Rebellion). Whilst I guess cops are technically people, they are not like us. Do you really trust someone who’s morals can be bought for the right price? If you’ve never had a bad experience with the police, you’re very likely to be privileged, submissive, or both. The reality is accepting the police into any movement not only alienates communities that face significantly more police oppression, it also puts every activist in that movement at risk. The people who sign up to be cops choose to base their livelihoods around protecting the status quo, they know exactly what they’re signing up for and what they will be expected to do as an arm of the State.
Now you may be wondering what we can do to challenge policing in our local area, the easiest way to do so is to start a community “CopWatch” (as long as it is safe for you to do so). What this involves is recording how cops interact with the community, either by writing it down or taking video evidence. Providing those under arrest with information about their rights is also another good way to challenge the abuses by cops, again, only if it is safe for you to do so.
For information on your rights (with a focus on protests but a good starter in general) check out https://greenandblackcross.org/action/know-your-rights/ and https://network23.org/freebeagles/
For what to do during an immigration raid/immigration check (fuck “immigration enforcement” too) check out https://network23.org/antiraids/immigration-checks-know-your-rights/
Both of the above sites provide “bust cards” free to print, as well as other pdf’s and zines about your rights, and what cops can and can’t do
For more information about policing in general, and alternatives to cops (although with a slight USA centred spin) check out the following:
(if you haven’t already, go read everything you can by Crimethinc. as well as listening to their podcasts)