4th January, Switzerland.


PHOTO: Unrelated. After investigation we have discovered that the incendiary devices did not ignite during the action.

“Murat Sahin (president of UETD) owns a meat factory in Buckten. We went there yesterday night and set fires. Our goal was the largest possible economic damage for Sahin. Via the UETD, he is one of the leaders in organising people for the AKP in Switzerland. Therefore, he is a major local political figure for the fascist block of the AKP-MHP in Turkey. We took revenge with this fire against him and them – fight facism everywhere!

Sahin appears in the media on a regular basis whenever Erdogan is in Switzerland or when events are planned in support of Erdogan. This was recently the case when Erdogan visited Geneva so as to propagate his plans of ethnic cleansing in Rojava at a UN-event. Sahin organized a meeting for a small circle of loyal supporters with their leader on the first day of this visit in the expensive hotel ‘Four Seasons’ in Geneva. Sahin has also become known for attacking people who dare to oppose the reactionary agenda of the Turkish government. It must be assumed that he also plays a central role in the surveillance of people from Turkey who live here and has connections to the Turkish secret service MIT.

We attacked in solidarity with all those who fight Turkish fascism. Be this in Rojava against the Turkish army, which was supported by the West and is now allied with jihadist forces. Be it in Turkey in the smaller and larger cities of the West or in Bakur, the southeast of the country. Be it internationally in a joint struggle against this barbaric situation and for a hopeful future beyond capitalism, imperialism and fascism. We dedicate this to all those who fight and who have fought. Nothing and no one will be forgotten – the fight goes on.

A fire in every heart!



Part of what we do is to try and give tools to people to be able to take action and to feel more empowered in their activism. At the beginning of the year, we have four workshops lined up in Germany, Austria and Slovakia. If you’re close by you should come and have a chat, share your thoughts and learn from everybody attending! Our event are always for free as we believe knowledge should always be for everybody. We never charge anyone for travel, for accommodation or for any other silly shit.

As our workshops are logged on Facebook, we will create a Story Highlight on instagram for anyone who cannot access that platform to be able to get all the details they need. We would truly appreciate for people to share around the events to anyone local who would be interested in joining.

25th January, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany:

Who are the ALF? + Security culture: In this talk we will focus on the history of the animal liberation movement and its links to direct action as well as how security culture works and how people can keep themselves and others safe. This talk is not just for those interested in taking part in direct action and everybody can benefit from the knowledge shared.

26th January, Wuerzburg, Germany:

Security Culture + From a chair to a raid in 90 minutes, hypothetically: As well as talking about security culture, we will try a new talk for the first time! This talk is tailored to analyse actions from the past and learn what difficulties people face when deciding to take action, how they overcome them and that with the right state of mind, anyone can take whatever action they want to.

8th and 9th February, Vienna dan Bratislava:

We are super excited about this weekend event, split into two different locations. The talks are as follow:

Saturday 8th:

– “Who are the ALF? A history of the animal liberation movement” (90 min) 

– “From your chair to a raid in 90 minutes. Hypothetically”. (90 min)

– Screening + Open Discussion (maybe Behind the Mask, or if people haven’t watched it yet, The animal People, or If a tree Falls, or maybe we can analyse the soon-to-come new documentary by We Animals.

Sunday 9th: 

– “Security Culture for the Conscious Activist” (60 min)

– “Getting into places and causing havoc; a look to the past”.

– Violence and direct action, What is justified in the path to liberation? “What is violence and what is self-defense? What can we justify on the path to liberation? Guided open discussion.”

We cannot wait to see what comes out of that weekender as there is a lot of work and thought put into it, so if you’re around, please come by!

Check our stories to see all the event details and share it around if you know people who would be interested in it!

As always, we would like to remind people that we cannot do all this without your support. Our patreon is sadly at an all time low and we could really do with folks joining for even a dollar or two. If you have to spare, please consider doing so! You can have a look at our tiers on the link below:

If you’re unable to join a monthly donation scheme but you still want to send some coins to help us with our work, we have a PayPal. You can send your donation over here: [email protected]

See you in the next riot, or in the next workshop! 

Unoffensive Animal.


3rd January, South England. 

Received anonymously via email: 

“It’s the new decade and animal exploitation and murder is still widespread. So, the pixies thought they’d go out and smash shit up for some self-care! They had a few more towers they wanted to take down but were unfortunately spotted by some potential scummers. This meant they had to quickly fly off into the woods to avoid exposure (they like to remain imaginary in human minds). If this has inspired you, get off your arse and into your local estate/woods to take down instruments of murder!

Love and liberation, ALF. “


31st December, France.

received anonymously over email:

A pig farm was visited receiving graffiti on the walls as well as cables cut for the automatic machines and the tractor. ‘

‘The last day of 2019 was another excuse for a feast, to celebrate human domination by exterminating even more living beings than the rest of the year. Good feelings in the spotlight, but torture and violence all over the plates.

While they are feasting, the revolt is here. There is no respite for resistance. Every day of the year is an opportunity to attack this system. To hurt and weaken it.

As for every visit in a camp, the horror is there. The most gloomy places on this planet, for the most innocent beings. Barely born, and already shredded, gutted.

As for every farm, we check if the conditions are right to release the slaves in the wild. To restore their stolen freedom, open the torture factories gates. To stop leaving them behind, not to let them in hell. This time, it was not possible.

But we will never surrender. We are everywhere. We will go to every places where speciesism kills.

The end of the camps, or the end of the world. It’s a matter of survival for every inhabitant of this planet.

Therefore, no negotiation, no compromise.
2020: slavery ends.

#StopSpeciesism #EndSlavery #AbolitionNow


End of December, Meiningen, East-Central Germany. 

received anonymously via email:

“During xmas- & new year’s holidays 17 hunting towers & shooting chairs around Meiningen/Thuringia were destroyed and/or damaged so no more killings are going to happen from these ones.

When I was a little child I used to climb on each tower I found, until I realized what they were made for.

Since then, destruction is my only message to you killers. As long as you don’t stop killing innocent souls, we won’t stop smashing your shit!

Waking up on the 1st morning of 2020 reading 30 animals burnt alive in a zoo, I’m out of words and I promise I won’t stop until all are free!

Merry Xmas & a happy new year from the ALF”


28th December, South East UK.

received anonymously via email:

“On a fine Sunny afternoon, just before the new year, some pixies were out for a stroll in the cuntryside. When suddenly, they found a hunting tower! Unfortunately, tripped into the tower very hard, resulting in it falling over! OOPSIE!

Yours truly,


IMAGE: Unrealated destroyed tower from a report fromm Hambacher FOrst 2017.


Donate here:

We haven’t shared our arrest support fundraiser for a little while as we did not want to put pressure on anyone with all the capitalist celebrations coming, but we decided to give this one last try in the hope that people might be willing to donate even one or two euros towards the funds.

The arrest support fund was created to help folks who were arrested and or charged during 2019 for many different actions. Some of those actions are public whilst others are not for the safety of the defendants.

Since its creation, we have a few news to share. The Earth First 11 were all either dropped or found not guilty. That means no one will have anything on their record or have to pay any fines for their action inside the coal mine in County Durham. This fundraiser, however, helped some get all the way to the north of the UK for the court hearings. 

The Ramsgate 3 had a plea hearing and are now scheduled for sentencing on the 6h to the 8th of January.  The outcome is most likely a fine, so help covering costs will be very necessary. 

SMASH Speciesism still doesn’t have a specific date for trial as they are waiting on all evidence to be accounted for and accepted, but that is 11 people who might face  serious fines for the slaughterhouse blockade in Kent.

The seven folks who do not want their case to be public yet are still waiting to know more about what is going to happen next, but support is always necessary and needed and their will make their legal status public as and when it makes sense. 

The Dolce & Gabbana Bloody Bunnies will be sentenced next year and the most likely outcome is a fine. Some of them are already having to deal with huge costs for legal help. All just for a theatrical action on the streets of London! 

Finally, a new addition to this year’s arrest support crew is a human charged with multiple accounts of criminal damage towards hunting towers. The prognosis is unknown but the lawyer is talking about anything from a seriously hefty fine to prison sentence, so again support really is needed. 

Normally we get an average of 8-900 reactions per post across all social media. In this case we are asking you TWO favours. The first one is to increase that average to be able to reach more people and fuck about with the algorithm. Like, comment some messages of support towards those who need it and share it absolutely everywhere.

Secondly, we would like everybody to donate. If you are fucked with money that is ok, we do not want to put you in a difficult situation, but if you can spare a euro or two, or maybe five or ten, ANY donation helps towards the goal. 

So please share, comment, donate, show solidarity towards all folks who took action and are now facing consequences and remember it could’ve been any of us.

Never stop fighting.

Solidarity is our weapon.



It is becoming a standard that our comrades at Underground Badger Syndicate create a little video at the end of the badger cull to showcase what the angry punk badgers have been up to. this year it wasn’t any different and they did not disappoint. 

Have a look at the video and read what they have to say below: 

“The long awaited UBS Documentary 2.0 is here. It has taken some time, but imagine how diffiult it is to edit videos whilst being a badger.

In this video we bring you clips that we’ve been sent over email or that we’ve found on the internet or inside of badger setts. Mostly we just want to remind people that they should put their middle finger up to animal exploitation, to the filth and to anyone that tries to murder animals for whatever backwards reason.

Badger cages are a fun target for your middle fingers, specially after they’ve been smashed to bits. Other targets might include pheasant and duck feeders, shooting towers, your local dairy farmer and every single police officer (because ACAB).

With this video we also want to extend our love to every single person that travelled through Europe to join us in the fight. Big up Hunt Saboteurs Sweden, Hambacher Forst Besetzung and a bunch of groupless dirty punks that came during the badger cull from far away countries just to join us in getting wet and flipping off basically everything we could see moving.

Special mention once again to the british police for being such a bunch of radioactive flem bukets. They can now once again retreat back under their fucking rock and stop “investigating crime in the countryside” until the cull starts again. All whilst ignoring the mass murder of animals year round. Fuck off.

Aware that many sab groups are posting their views on the upcoming elections we have a lil advice too. We don’t give a shit who you vote for or if you even fucking vote. Just remember to embrace anarchism, ALWAYS vote with your boots, ALWAYS take direct action.


Fuck cops.

PS: We have merch so if you want some UBS tshirts fucking PM us and we will get you sorted. Seriously get some of our merch so we can carry on being “forest jihadis”.

And if you don’t want to fall for the fucking capitalist enterprise do us a solid and just send us a couple of coins over paypal. That would be massively appreciated.



10th December, Italy. 

anonymous report, from (translation):

“In a house near the Euganeo stadium in Padua (Italy)… A new life has been rescued, from a horrible place where his life depended only on his release.

Now he is free and away from his horrible nightmare.”