22nd April, Brighton UK

Via: Underground Badger Syndicate


We read the news that some folks were charged with aggravated trespass for sabbing a shoot in Pangdean Farm near Brighton. Because we hate the hunting scum, the cop scum, the judge scum, the justice system scum and basically anyone who puts profit over everything else, we decided that Pangdean Farm deserved a little visit.

Straight to the pheasant pens and in we go with a shooting tower, a Larsen, two Fenn Traps and a fox trap – with a fucking starved to death fox inside. We decided to keep their dignity intact and not photograph them.

After destroying all the traps we could find, we let the pheasant pen fall by breaking the corner posts and kicking the fencing down. Some holes in the mesh will ensure they need to reinstall the whole lot if they want to use it again.

Let this be a warning. We might not know the comrades who were charged, but we stand alongside them because they too fight against the hunt scum. If they go down for doing what’s right, this shoot will have to be visited again, and again, as many times as it is necessary.

Shoots are the vilest of the vile, breeding millions of animals into existence and killing any others that get in their way, purely for profit and greed. Get active to fuck them up.

For the wild!

Solidarity #AHAB #HuntScumKillForFun”


On the 19th of August in 2018 activists entered a fur farm during a protest in Hjo, Sweden. 5000 mink were freed from their cages. You can see in the video with what ease and speed so many beings were released from their tiny metal cages. Activists also covered the farmers home in stickers. The farmer, Knut Indebetou, not only tortures mink but also raises hundreds of thousands of chickens for slaughter.

In the hit report activists made it clear that  this it was “not the first time he has been targeted and it will not be the last!” They also provided this handy contact info. “If you want to adress you concerns, Contact:
Knut Indebetou
Lilla solberga 1,
54492 HJO


18th March, Copenhagen

According to Slagteren ved Kultorvet, a butcher shop in Copenhagen, the windows were painted red overnight making their trade “even more difficult” through the pandemic.


8th April, Cheshire UK

According to media reports, Bellefiled pheasant shoot in Warrington, Cheshire, was set alight. The fire burnt pheasant feeders, power generators, chainsaws and other tools as well as four wooden cabins. The estimated damage accounts for about thirty thousand pounds worth of damage. The filth is investigating it as an arson.


After receiving a six month sentence and a fine wrongly accused of assault at a fur farm demo in Falkenberg, Richii appealed the case. The court of appeal did not allow him to be present during the case, excusing themselves on “safety precautions” when in reality they did not want a mass of people showing solidarity outside and the media picking up on a story they are already pretty interested in. The Court of Appeal made the decision to reduce Richii’s sentence by two months, having to serve four months in prison and pay the 30000 SEK (2750EUR) fine.

We will update Richii’s address once there is one to be able to send letters, but for now you can help by sending money to cover the fine. You can use any of this three methods:

Swish: 123 013 42 13
Paypal: [email protected]
Bankgiro: 5310-2174

We’ve just sent 5000SEK as that’s as much money we had in the accounts. It would be amazing if other folks could also donate (even if it is just 10EUR!). Let’s ensure that Richii feels supported and let’s ensure that anyone fighting for a better world knows that we have their back. Donate a few coins and send us a PM via Instagram with a screenshot so we can post it on our stories creating a trail of folks showing solidarity and encouraging more people to do the same. Solidarity is our weapon.

We should mention that we are terribly thankful to everybody that has bought merch and joined patreon or sent some money to PayPal. That’s the only reason we are able to send 4-500 quid to someone that needs it straight away. So to all our supporters, thank you very much.

Now go out and encourage others to donate towards the support fund for Richii! Let’s cover that fine in 24 hours!




19th April, Serbia

Received anonymously via email:

“One hunting tower destroyed in Serbia. 

Serbia is a pioneer in this so your sharing would be a encourage to activists from here. Thanks.”


March, Queensland Australia

According to local reports, multiple butcher shop windows have been smashed in Oxley. Cool meat direct received a visit where the ALF spray painted “Burn butchers, ALF” and smashed the windows. Other butchers around the area report similar activities. M&J chicken van was targeted twice, spray painted and windows broken during the month of February.


We have made the decision to cancel the planned event. It is sad and we cannot negate how fantastic the two previous weeks of action have been, but with the current situation and with people and borders in lockdown, trying to arrange an antispeciesist week in Hambacher Forst is not the easiest task.

The decision isn’t based just on the difficulty of organisation, but also with the intention to show that our priorities should be reshaped towards combating an overwhelmingly controlling state and towards showing mutual aid during this uncertain times.

For that reason, Liberate Or Die: From cage to Freedom has to be postponed. We aren’t giving up, we will organise the event next year, better and stronger than ever.

For now, remember that there is a lot of work to do on the streets. That you can combat the police state that this lockdown is cementing in many different ways. That you can help folks in need in your communities and that it is the perfect time to create an environment where neighbourhoods stops depending on the government and start empowering themselves. There is a lot of work to do and we count on all of you to make this worthwhile.

Never give up the fight. The animals and this planet depend on your willingness to become an accomplice against the oppression.




“some time ago, somewhere”
(details of location and time not provided. When sending hit reports, please provide sufficient details about the action).

Received anonymously via encrypted email:

“Some time ago, on a dark night a building was being investigated. Just by chance an open door gave an unplanned chance to rescue. It wasn’t meant to happen, but we couldn’t leave the shed of thousands of babies without aiding someone on their liberation. Knowing at just 42 days old they’d all be murdered. So the chance was took. Slowly, two individuals where wrapped up and carried out into the col night air. Both showed such bravery. Once in the car, they were away, into the night.

They now live out their days together, in a place that loves them with full hearts of compassion. They’re now free. They made it. It however breaks our hearts to think their family and friends didn’t. But their stories and the reason for fighting alongside animals as allies for their rights live on, in these two beautiful individuals.

Live in power and freedom. Be allies to all individuals. Fight for justice and always choose the most compassionate choice you are privileged too.

One fight. Until all are free.”