26th January, Germany.

anonymous report:

“Now more than ever!

In the night of the 26.1.2018, we sabotaged a pumping station of RWE with several incendiary devices. With that, we sent first smoke signals to the 9 fighting prisoners of the Hambacher forest movement.

Attacks against RWE-infrastructure are an important part of the Anti-Brown-coal-resistance. For that, there are different opportunities. Attacks on pumping stations are easy to do, as actions in the past show. They disturb the correct functioning of the mine. It causes not just money to replace the destroyed infrastructure, also the costs for the security-personal increased in the past.

We call for an increase in (militant) resistance against brown coal.

Regardless of the cutting having stopped in the Hambacher forest and although the next Ende Gelaende action might come soon: climate activism is not only once a year!
To the state: Your oppression will not intimidate us. The fight goes on…. Now more than ever!

With love and riot to the jail!
Some anarchists”

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