According to local media, hunters from Var discovered fourteen hunting towers destroyed earlier this month. They are used to the odd tower being smashed, but they were left perplexed by the amount of destruction unknown perpetrators left behind this time. Anchoring posts dug up, structures knocked down, fittings dismantled: all that remains of the hunting cabins is a pile of wood scattered across the woods.
“Every year, we have tree stands destroyed. Here, or further down, at Le Fraye. But this is the first time we’ve had fourteen in one go” says one of the hunters. “I went to the gendarmerie but, like the other years, it won’t do any good. I’m fed up.”
“Often, we’re insulted, even though walkers or motorcycles and quads aren’t allowed to pass here. We’re not murderers,” says another hunter, who remembers one year when the watchtower was vandalized without the hunter stationed above noticing. “The construction cracked when it was almost two meters high. We had to hoist the colleague out by helicopter – it could have been very serious.”
According to local reports, four hunting towers in Wettin Forest, Germany, were found destroyed during Valentine’s day. Wolfgang Buchholz, who organises the hunting in the forest, says that they are suspicious of the Animal Liberation Front due to graffiti they have found in the broken towers reading “ALF” and “hunt hunters”.
“The four best high seats have been knocked over.”, says Wolfgang. A roofed cabin, a particularly high hunting seat and two conveniently located towers were destroyed. Over 2000 EUR worth of damage was done.
Wolfgang believes the attack wasn’t intended to hurt hunters, but believes the methods are unacceptable. “If they really believe that animals should not be shot in the forest, then they can campaign for this through democratic processes”. Wolfgang also laments that there is no insurance to cover the costs of vandalism against hunting structures, so he must pay for the repairs himself.
According to local media, on the 29th of January when two hunting parties joined forces to hunt during saint Hubert’s day, patron saint of hunting, they discovered their hunting platforms destroyed. No one has claimed the action.
“Within the last 2 weeks the ALF destroyed 15 hunting towers around Meiningen/Thuringia in solidarity with all forest and land defenders around the globe. We are punished, jailed, criminalized or even killed but we are not stepping back!”
“in the night, we decided to protest against the kill-all policy put in place by the Lega (Italy’s majority political party) by going to the city symbolic of the party’s origins: Legnano in the province of Milan, Lombardy, Northern Italy.
We used spray and red paint to symbolize the blood of victims by the most dangerous predator: MAN. The League has started a war, without precedent, to the detriment of wildlife through a policy that does not take into account European directives for the protection of wolves and bears (in Trentino there is a massacre under the signature of the Leghist President Fugatti to the detriment of plantigrades: a few hours ago the bear M90-Sonny-“guilty” of having walked home in the woods and having met-it seems-two people: a real execution of an innocent! !!) and supporting hunting by proposing changes in existing legislation aimed at increasingly favoring hunters rather than conforming to the sentiment of the majority of Italian citizens who declare themselves in favor of abolishing hunting. Anyone who declares himself, openly or otherwise, an enemy of animals is, and will be under our attack.
ITALIAN (original)
“Nella notte abbiamo deciso di protestare contro la politica ammazza-tutti messa in atto da parte della Lega (partito politico di maggioranza italiano) recandoci nella città simbolo delle origini leghiste: Legnano nella provincia di Milano, in Lombardia, Nord Italia.
Abbiamo usato spray e vernice rossa per simboleggiare il sangue delle vittime da parte del predatore più pericoloso: l’UOMO. La Lega ha iniziato una guerra, senza precedenti, a danno della fauna selvatica attraverso una politica che non tiene conto delle direttive europee di tutela del lupo e dell’orso (in Trentino è in atto una strage a firma del Presidente leghista Fugatti a danno dei plantigradi: da poche ore è stato ucciso l’orso M90-Sonny- “colpevole” di avere camminato a casa sua nel bosco e avere incontrato-sembra-due persone: una vera e propria esecuzione di un innocente!!!) e sostenendo la caccia attraverso la proposta di modifiche della normativa in essere volte a favorire sempre di più i cacciatori anziché adeguarsi al sentire della maggioranza dei cittadini italiani che si dichiarano favorevoli all’abolizione della caccia. Chiunque si dichiari, apertamente e non, nemico degli animali è, e sarà sotto nostro attacco.
“On february 6th, the ALF dismantled 10 hunting towers around Meiningen/Thuringia in solidarity with wildlife- and forest defenders all over the world. While forests get evicted and destroyed, activists get harassed, jailed, criminalized or even killed the capitalist system and its killers & supporters have to understand we are everywhere and we are willing to fight and to destroy them.”
According to mainstream press, L’Amicale des chasseurs La Perdrix cabriéroise has reported that twelve hunting stands were found destroyed. The hunters say that “the act of vandalism is a clear show of the desire to harm the hunting activities by the perpetrators”.
A complaint was logged with the police. No claim of responsibility has been received by UA.
Disclaimer for the feds: Incite, Conspire, Inspire is a solely-for-fun section never designed to give real advice. The tools, tactics and ideas given on the series are only thought to entertain. We would never dream of anyone using any of this tools as a form of dissent and we do not promote, partake in or condone any illegal activities that might derive from said tools.
We’ve all been there. The demo gets rowdy and there are a few bricks being thrown at the nearest Starfucks. Walking in the countryside you hear gunshots a field away. You’re waiting in the queue at the bank and decide to rob it instead. You’re babysitting your nephew and Netflix seems to be down. We have a solution for all those situations and you’re probably wearing that solution.
No face – no case! might be a bit of an overstretch, but the reality is that masking up can keep you and many others safe. In a society where state surveillance is at all times high, with cameras on every corner and mobile phones in every pocket, covering your face helps greatly against that sneaky fucking camera that films you popping a McDonald’s window on a Tuesday morning. But you might not always carry a neck warmer on you, or one of those fancy fucks with three holes that cover your whole face, makes you look incredibly menacing and are ridiculously hot for a summer evening.
The solution is simple and will make you look like a badass ninja (so you can entertain your nephew, remember?). Pop that t-shirt off and follow these very easy steps:
1- Turn your t-shirt inside out. This will help with any branding that the shirt might have, hiding that badass Defend Direct Action bolt cutter print you got from Unoffensive Animal.
2- Put that t-shirt over your brain bucket, with the neck hole on your eyes (so you can see, duh).
3- Grab the sleeves of the t-shirt and tie them behind your head, tight enough so it holds, but not too tight you give yourself a fucking headache.
4- Arrange your eye-hole. Try covering your eyebrows and lift up the bottom as close to your eyes as possible, covering the nose. Then grab those two lil bastard folds on the side of your head and tuck them in making the whole thing nice and tight.
5- Finalise your ninja style. The label of your t-shirt is sticking up. Fold that thing in. Depending on your situation you might also want to tuck the end of your t-shirt under your hoodie so it doesn’t flap around, avoiding your enemies grabbing and pulling it.
6- Rob that bank. Or play ninja attack with your nephew. Up to you.
ON MASKING UP: The black mask is not a fucking fashion accessory. We get it, you put that mask on and look at yourself in the mirror and you feel badass as fuck. You might even take a selfie or two. Don’t be a fuckwit. Black masks are a tool. They help during a demo by avoiding folks being singled out. Even if you aren’t throwing bricks, it is a lot more difficult for the filth to find who it was if everybody is masked up! The same way, paired with some sunglasses, it can help cover skin colour of whoever is underneath it. Black masks are solidarity, even if you are never “Up to no good”.
When someone does an open rescue, an investigation or a photo-Op for instagram and they mask up whilst freely giving their name and surname away, they are simply capitalising on the looks as if a black mask was an accessory. Don’t be that person. When a black mask is the way forward, remember that it is helping you keep anonymous and it is helping the masses keep anonymous too. Behave accordingly. Tuck that fashionable pink hair inside and cover your tattoos and your nose piercing. You can show off all that later on, but for now, you are one with the masses and the masses have the power. For a world of freedom, black masks and gasoline. UA.
Video courtesy of We all miss Stimulator.
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originally published on @undergroundbadgersyndicate
After the main intensive cull dies off, Underground Badger Syndicate goes into semi-hibernation, like badgers, and spends less time out and more time grunting indoors to survive the winter.
We’ve had enough now and are ready to make hunters upset with our antics, and as every year, the spring trapping season is about to start and we cannot wait to see how many scumbags we can make sad this year!
Just to kickstart it, after checking on some local setts that had been fucked with by the hunt the week before, we decided to check around the main house in a very posh estate. As it was expected, we found mole traps littered all over their incredibly pristine and obviously lifeless grass field they’d call a garden.
We wasted no fucking time and pulled a total of twenty traps from the ground. Because that was not enough, we decided to nick a spade they had in their garage and made sure their green and flat excuse of a garden gained a few extra holes, mounds and imperfections.
You truly need to be a posh twat to want to kill moles. Fuck posh twats, and fuck mole killers.”
Jack was arrested after an arrest warrant was issued in relation to an arson against a police vehicle fleet related to the Atlanta Forest.
He has been locked without bail and will have to wait until the first hearing to see if he will be released. Until then, you should send him letters of love and support!
Remember to not talk about the case. Instead, chose a topic from the list below:
“Jack loves rock climbing, history, Pilates with Nicole, Buddhism, poetry, vegan prison recipes, hip hop, straight edge, punk, carpentry/diy construction, sewing, he wants to hear anecdotes that felt special to you from just everyday things. You could write about a sunset or a wholesome gathering or a way a song made you feel.”
His birthday is March 1st.
Letters must be:
– black or blue ink only. -any lenght – not discussing the case – containing a return address with a name and surname or name of organisation.
His address:
John Mazurek, Cell 101 2SOUTH, PO2402124, C/O Securus Digital Mail Center, FULTON COUNTY JAIL, PO BOX 989, LEBANON, MO 65536, USA
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