So it’s been six years. Six years of travelling and covering news on the frontlines of eco struggle and animal rights. Six years of workshops, security culture and technology guides, history of the animal liberation movement and six years serving as a platform for anonymous reporting.

We have seen friends being sent down and come out of jail. We’ve written a lot of letters to prisoners, gotten excited about the work that many of you are doing to further the revolution, learnt new ways to organise and caused a whole lot of trouble.

Unoffensive Animal was born out of the need to bridge the social media activist scene with the direct action scene. As an anarchist collective, we wanted to teach that another world is possible, we wanted to reach out to other action groups and we wanted to educate the public about what a few, anonymous and dedicated folks, are willing to do in the path to liberation.

This year has been exciting to see. The kick off of Free the MBR Beagles, the resurgence of CAFT USA and the Shut Down T&S campaign are inspiring and give us hope for the future. The fierce eco resistance of the Atlanta Forest protectors has been inspiring. So many fantastic campaigns to support! We are sure that many other campaigns under the radar are also working heaps towards a better world and we cannot wait to hear about them too!

As always, we would like to remind you all that UA is a collaborative project, we are open to submissions, we are always happy to receive an email about something new and we love that folks who follow the collective reach out to help and become part of the collective itself!

We would also like to remind you that, although we do not make any profit, pay ourselves any wages and do not do the work for the money, as UA still exists within a capitalist society we are dependent on your donations to keep afloat. We never really get enough to save for better days, so if you can, please consider doing a little donation as an anniversary gift, or joining as a patreon if you can afford a monthly donation! We accept Monero donations too if you prefer to be completely anonymous. You can find our crypto addresses on the website, and out patreon and PayPal below.

Paypal (unoffensive_animal)(att)tutanota(dottttt)com


PS: We are taking some holidays. Sneaky way to announce at the very bottom of the write up, but we are gonna take a few days off. We will be back at the end of the month!

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