After receiving a six month sentence and a fine wrongly accused of assault at a fur farm demo in Falkenberg, Richii appealed the case. The court of appeal did not allow him to be present during the case, excusing themselves on “safety precautions” when in reality they did not want a mass of people showing solidarity outside and the media picking up on a story they are already pretty interested in. The Court of Appeal made the decision to reduce Richii’s sentence by two months, having to serve four months in prison and pay the 30000 SEK (2750EUR) fine.

We will update Richii’s address once there is one to be able to send letters, but for now you can help by sending money to cover the fine. You can use any of this three methods:

Swish: 123 013 42 13
Bankgiro: 5310-2174

We’ve just sent 5000SEK as that’s as much money we had in the accounts. It would be amazing if other folks could also donate (even if it is just 10EUR!). Let’s ensure that Richii feels supported and let’s ensure that anyone fighting for a better world knows that we have their back. Donate a few coins and send us a PM via Instagram with a screenshot so we can post it on our stories creating a trail of folks showing solidarity and encouraging more people to do the same. Solidarity is our weapon.

We should mention that we are terribly thankful to everybody that has bought merch and joined patreon or sent some money to PayPal. That’s the only reason we are able to send 4-500 quid to someone that needs it straight away. So to all our supporters, thank you very much.

Now go out and encourage others to donate towards the support fund for Richii! Let’s cover that fine in 24 hours!



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