20th to 25th May, Hambacher Forst, Germany. 

Last year’s five day event was a blast. People shared and learnt, told the cops to fuck off and a bunch of dirty activists blockaded a slaughterhouse. What is going to happen this year? It is up to you to decide! 

For any of you who might not know, Liberate Or Die: From Cage to Freedom is a five day event filled with workshops, skillsharing and actions. The event is free (including the food!) although donations are welcome. The event is hosted in Hambacher Forst as an attempt to bring together not just the animal liberation movement but also the anarchist, anti-capitalist and ecological struggle.

There are many, many “vegan festivals” to choose from and we would like to say that we’ve checked the calendar to ensure this one doesn’t clash with anything major, but to be honest we would be lying. Basically, if you are into taking action, if you want to learn about something else than outreach and if you want to share a space with like-minded people who don’t simply fall for the standard mainstream vegan, make it to this event.

We will be posting updates and more information about it all, but for now just have a look at the event either on Facebook or on our website. The text has been translated to eight or nine different languages too so that should make things easier.

See you in the next riot, or in Hambacher Forst.

Unoffensive Animal. 

Check the event on our website:

Or over Facebook:

Also, please consider supporting us if you like the work we do. We really could do with more folks donating a dollar or two a month!

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