21st August, UK.

via: Underground Badger Syndicate


In our travels up and down the country we stop at way too many service stations to have a poo in McDonalds and nick some monster energy drinks.

Because nowhere is safe, we are also at work when stopping for a break. In the past week we have disabled, smashed or destroyed dozens of rat traps. They are littered around petrol stations and services everywhere and they are not the most difficult thing to deal with.

You’ll find two types of traps, poison or spring loaded.

If they are spring loaded (see the photo of the poor comrade caught and left to rot in one?), you can simply open them (with a kick, a hammer, whatever) and damage the metal bits.

If they are poison bait you’ll need to open them the same way and pick up the bait (it might be red like in the photo, or any other colour) and bag it in plastic. Dispose of the poisonous bait in a fire, or put it in a dog poo bin that normally gets incinerated.

Smash those boxes too so they don’t get used again and don’t forget to recycle them!! Wherever there is animal abuse, someone will fight back. From the wild sinking their teeth into the oppressor, to the angry punk youth lending a hand.”

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