As you know, part of our job is to offer prison and arrest support. We have received a heads up that a comrade in Australia is in need of help to be able to pay fines after being charged with “wilful damage” against butcher shops. They have set up a fundraising page and we are encouraging everybody to not only share, but donate as much as they are able to afford to help out our comrade.

You can find their fundraising page here, explaining the costs and the situation:

You can read the filthy media report of the action just below:

Please, help them out however you are able to. If you want to avoid fees and want to donate to them straight away via paypal, please do so on this link:

Another important thing to mention is the court trial of an activist that was detained during a disruption at McDonald’s. Court has summoned them on the 25th of July, and the group is asking for any worldwide solidarity actions people might want to do during that day, and to put a statement up and tag it with #disruptmcdonalds .

We received a text yesterday in relation to the solidarity actions via an anonymous email also asking for more radical, more concrete actions. Although from Unoffensive we do not promote or partake in criminal activity, we believe it is important for people to be aware of the call to action:

“Solidarity action.
Thursday 18th July, give a smashing hug to a McDonald’s near you. With someone on trial on the 25th for a McDonalds disruption we want international solidarity.
Hambacher forst also asked for solidarity against McDonalds. Also the uncountable number of animals and the rampant capitalist behaviour of the company needs not to remain unchecked.
Please include “#disruptmcdonalds” on the report and let people know it has happened the day after for max exposure via BiteBack or Unoffensiveanimal”

Finally, we would like to encourage everybody to spend half an hour today writing to Matthias, our comrade locked up in Switzerland accused of criminal damage on butcher shops, and to send them as much love and hugs as you can. Matthias does not have a postal address, but you can type a letter for them and send it to Solidarité avec nos camarades antispécistes détenu.e.s en Suisse via Private Message. It will take you five minutes, it will make their day.



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