28th January, London

A call to action to protest the Greyhound Board of Great Britain Awards was sent to us. Make sure to be there if you are close by! 

“This is the biggest event in the Greyhound Racing calendar.

Breeders, trainers, owners, bookies, in fact, all those who profit out of the misery inflicted on these gentle dogs will be there….. and so will we!

10,000 greyhounds are slung out of this industry every year: where do they all go? Some will end up running for their lives in China or Pakistan, some will be left in a shallow grave with a bolt to the head, some will find their forever home, but many, many greyhounds simply disappear.

Come and be a voice for those greyhounds that suffer and die, just for entertainment.”

MULTIPLE ACTIONS AGAINST #InvasionDay2018 ‘So-called Australia’

In the build-up to #InvasionDay2018, there have been reports of multiple actions of solidarity with indigenous people in ‘Australia’.

The Australian state and all of its institutions are built on genocide, slavery, and oppression. January 26th, Invasion Day, marks the anniversary of the beginning of European oppression in Australia.

Numerous banner drops have occurred, with one in particular reading ‘NO PRIDE IN GENOCIDE – JAN 26 = INVASION DAY’.

‘This action was taken by non-Indigenous people as a minimal act of solidarity with the ongoing struggles of First Nations peoples.’


Photo from: Insurrection News


3rd February 2018.

Hambacher Forst Besetzung has issued a blog post calling to action in response to the highly repressive imprisonment of 9 people of the forest after the last barricade eviction.

Whether a lunch-demo in front of your neighbouring prison, direct action against the machine and RWE, pain and colour actions at RWE shops, peaceful blockades and vigils, climbing actions to exhaust the number of climbing cops in the country or a prisoner support and letter-writing evening there are actions to be taken by anyone according to their action level and legal situation.

The idea is simple, targetting around the world any RWE institution, but also saying no to the “justice” system and confronting tribunals, courts and prisons.

Show solidarity with your comrades around the world. Stand up against repression. Say no to this capitalist climate genocide. It is our time to fight back.

If you have ideas, want to share anything with the collective or want to report actions, use [email protected] as your contact.



Sven and Natasha were sentenced yesterday. Charged with “conspiracy to blackmail” on their involvement with the highly successful SHAC campaign, Natasha was given 2 years in prison suspended for 2 years (which means that her conditions will be horrible and alienating and that if she breaches ANY she could be sent to prison) whilst Sven was given 5 years in prison.

This is a show of the state repression and their protection of capitalism. This is another example of how the system works to protect itself, to put profit over anything else, to eliminate the threats.

Sven, Natasha and many others involved in SHAC were true warriors against vivisection. They were fearless and they were effective. They run a campaign so incredibly powerful that the government had to make up laws to stop them.

Don’t let the state win and do not let Sven or Natasha feel alienated.

Please write to Sven here:

Sven van Hasselt A3021ED

HMP Winchester

Romsey Road


SO22 5DF



Over the past week, we have received a lot of donations. Sadly we didn’t reach out the amount we needed so we are gonna have to rearrange trips and miss out on a little bit of the adventures, but we will be still travelling and covering the major events!

It humbles us that so many people are willing to put a little bit of money so we can do our job. We cannot express how eternally grateful we truly are.

It is a strange life, in all honesty. Speaking as the travelling activist within the collective, I never know what’s going to happen next. I never know if I’ll be sleeping under a bridge one night and trying to dumpster dive in the worst supermarket of the area or if an activist will be picking me up from the bus stop and cooking the most delicious meal to then sleep on a sofa in the warm. It gives a chance to the adventure, but it also is a great opportunity to learn how to survive. I wouldn’t change it for anything.

In the next two months, we will visit about 5 countries to be on the front line and bring you the stories as they happen. We will give workshops, train activists, take action and help with infrastructure. We will answer many emails asking for direction in people’s activism and send multiple copies of our prisoner support list. We will do what we are supposed to do on the tightest budget possible because we fucking hate money. I will probably keep eating from the bins because food waste sucks and I will most likely sleep on a bench more than one night, but all that is THANKS to you. You enable us to be able to carry on doing all this. You are saving animals. You are fighting climate change. You are speaking up on gender issues and you are rejecting Nazi scum from neighbourhoods around Europe. You are empowering activists directly and indirectly to become a powerful tool against oppression. You are a fucking heroine!

If anyone feels empowered and capable of joining our Patreon, we would be truly grateful. Thank you again and SEE YOU IN THE NEXT RIOT.


22nd January, Italy.

During the night, an ALF cell in Italy connected seven butcher shops in Via Padova. They left notes reading “MEAT=MURDER” and “FREE ANIMALS”. They also made sure that the locks would not open when the butchers try the next morning.

“We wanted to give a clear message to these animal torturers. We are not waiting any longer. Every day there are thousands of animals imprisoned, deprived of their lives and freedom to end up in a slaughterhouse with a blade on their throats. Horses, cows, lambs and rabbits are treated like objects and not sentient beings. This is unacceptable and we must stop this violence by any means necessary.

Via: A.L.F. Fronte Liberazione Animale Italia


23rd January, France

269 Libération Animale staged their latest liberation in a slaughterhouse during the night of the 23rd of January. They produced a video called “REGARDE MOI (LOOK AT ME) – EYES DON’T SMILE”

“« EYES DON’T SMILE – LIBERATION #5 » / Official video of the direct action of Patrick’s liberation, pig rescued & exfiltrated from a slaughterhouse by activists of 269 Libération Animale on the 23rd of January 2018.

Turn the sound on. Listen. And please share!

When will you join us?”


22nd January, Mogi das Cruzes

During the early hours of Sunday, an activist took direct action at a breeding facility in Mogi das Cruzes and liberated chicks that were confined in small cardboard boxes without almost any air.
