The AAA Pödelwitz invites you to a new year’s skill-share to strengthen the resistance against coal and capitalism in the lignite mining area close to Leipzig. Pödelwitz, the village where the skill-share will happen, is threatened to be destroyed to make the close opencast coal mine bigger and the villagers are going to be dispossessed of their houses. Let’s get together and build a community of resistance against that climate killing energy! We can use the old train station, the rooms are heated and there is electricity and water: pure luxury!

Workshops and discussions will be about all kind of stuff for example about the communities of Siberia slowly killed by coal, how to set up a vegan cooking collective, degrowth, encryption, direct action, rhythms of resistance,… and the evenings will have concerts from friends, jam sessions or films about struggles we feel close to.

For more information and the complete program: https://aaapoedi.noblogs.org/

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