Cara and Celeste were arrested and accused of raiding a mink farm in the USA. Luckily after some legal pressure, their bail was lowered and they were able to be on the streets again awaiting trial, but the legal fees associated will be serious. PhillyABC launched a fundraiser so we decided to put together a team of artists (thank you, you four are amazing!) to sell some t-shirts and prints to raise funds for them! 

After having sent all the tees and prints we can confirm that your donations have made a difference, we sent 2200 USD to the fundraiser thanks to all of your generosity.

Thank you again for getting behind the initiative and supporting the cause. It is thanks to you all that we can keep going with the project and we would love to organise similar fundraisers in the future if people think they are a good idea. 

For anyone who missed the tee/print fundraiser, we still have a few prints left on our website, but please, consider donating directly to the fundraiser that Philly ABC is running, the goal is 75K and we are still well far from it!


Thank you again.



26th January, North Italy.

Received anonymously via email:

ENGLISH (translation):

“For an A.L.F. activist, there is no more beautiful sound than the sound a cage makes when it shatters underfoot.

On January 25, 2025 we received a report of the presence of trap cages placed by the criminal human to catch and kill nutria.
On the 26th morning we promptly took action and destroyed more than 30 cages, some of them still stained with the blood of poor animals previously caught and killed.
The human is NOT superior to ANYONE and has NO right to take the lives of other living things.
The Struggle continues.
Get out, Liberate, Destroy.

ITALIAN (original):

“Per un A.L.F. non esite suono piu’ bello di quello che fa una gabbia quando si distrugge sotto i piedi.

Il 25 gennaio 2025 abbiamo ricevuto una segnalazione della presenza di gabbie trappola posizionate dall’umano criminale per catturare e uccidere nutrie.
Il 26 mattina siamo prontamente intervenuti e abbiamo distrutto piu’ di 30 gabbie, alcune delle quali ancora sporche del sangue di poveri animali precedentemente catturati e uccisi.
L’umano NON e’ superiore a NESSUNO e non ha NESSUN diritto di togliere la vita ad altri esseri viventi.
La Lotta continua.
Esci, Libera, Distruggi.


Longtime political prisoner Leonard Peltier was granted clemency on January 20. Leonard will be able to spent the rest of his life sentence from his home, starting on February 18.

Leonard Peltier was arrested for a shootout in June 1975 on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, in which two FBI agents were shot and killed. Although there is no evidence against him, and his two co-defendants were acquitted before his trial started, Peltier was convicted in 1977 by a racist court hand-picked by the FBI to get a guilty verdict. Other government misconduct during Peltier’s trial included coercion of witnesses, intentional use of false testimonies, hiding ballistics evidence, and manufacturing a murder weapon. Despite all of this, Peltier has been consistently denied requests for a new trial. Instead, Peltier has spent almost 50 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Today, Leonard is 80 years old, and he suffers from several health problems. On January 20, the outgoing Biden administration granted Leonard clemency, and he will be released from prison on February 18.

Over the years, many people and organizations have fought for Leonard’s release and freedom. We are now happy to hear of Leonard’s clemency and to know that he will finally be able to spend time with his family and friends, outside of prison walls.

”It’s finally over – I’m going home…”, Leonard said, in a statement released by the NDN Collective.



10th January, Yonne France.

Received anonymously via email:

During the second week of January 2025, in the North-East of France (Yonne), we destroyed 22 hunting towers in one night. Located on three different sites, some of these structures had already been destroyed a few months earlier. Hunting towers help hunters of Yonne to kill innocent people: they hide the hunters, enable them to shoot safely and prevent animals from fighting back. However, all it takes is a few saws to destroy them. So if you see similar structures in your area, put on your masks and take action.

We hope these actions will make it easier for our forest-dwelling comrades (wild boars, deers, birds, etc.) to escape their murderers.

PS: Hunters, you can rebuild them, we will come back.


Durant la deuxième semaine de Janvier 2025, dans le Nord-Est de la France (Yonne), nous avons détruit 22 miradors en une nuit. Situés sur trois différents sites, certaines de ces structures avaient déjà été détruites quelques mois auparavant. Les miradors aident les chasseurs de l’Yonne à tuer des personnes innocentes : ils dissimulent les chasseurs, leur permettent de tirer avec davantage de sécurité et empêchent les animaux de contre-attaquer. Cependant, il suffit de quelques repérages et de scies pour les abattre. Alors si vous voyez des structures similaires près de chez vous, mettez vos masques et passez à l’action.

Nous espérons que ces actions permettront à nos camarades vivant dans la forêt (sangliers, cerfs, oiseaux, etc) d’échapper plus aisément à leurs meurtriers.

PS : Chasseurs, vous pouvez les reconstruire, nous repasserons.”


Below is a translation of two of the prisoners from Caso Susaron, translated from spanish:

We hope that our first words represent a push of strength for those who are doubting whether the value of their beautiful actions and their consequences make sense or not.

Two years and almost two months after our captivity, we continue to reaffirm that the path of war and confrontation, with all its bitterness and misfortunes, continues to be the only dignified way of life that we understand as valid.

In recent months there have been several developments in our case.
Comrade Ru was sentenced to 5 years in prison, with the prosecution and the court denying the possibility of a supervised release on the grounds that he is a danger to society, with no intention of reinsertion.

At the same hearing, happily, comrade Tortuga was released to the street. Sentenced to 5 years of tagged probation, joining comrade Ita.

After some appeals that evidently failed, comrade Ru was transferred to the ex-penitentiary.

This transfer was carried out by the gendarmerie in violation of a court order that the comrade could not be moved until a report on the feasibility of transfer to La Colina was issued.

The comrade was received with open arms by the nihilist prisoner Hector Herrera, in 3C Street. In the overcrowding and discomfort that is lived in those facilities.

Days later, without any warning and with an absolutely arbitrary criterion, they transferred comrade Panda without warning from La Colina, where he was already settled after months serving his sentence, to the ex-penitentiary.

The report delivered by the gendarmerie justified the transfer of the comrade on the grounds that he would be a negative leader, a danger to the internal regiment of La Colina and that this prison would not have sufficient security to prevent a possible escape.

The next day, Panda is received by Ru and Hector in 3C Street.

We call to participate in all instances of solidarity. Since this new process requires a greater expense in parcels and in managing the intrapenitentiary benefits, meaning a great economic blow for family, friends and relatives.

To close this message: we are still here. Loving our successes and our mistakes, without regrets or hesitation. Clear that no trick of gendarmerie to hit our spirit will generate that we do not smile looking at the facts that led us to this place lost in time.

Today more than ever animal and total liberation! Veganism is war! Fire to existence! 

Prisoners Vegan straight edge anarco nihilists, Caso Susaron (*Panda and Ru)

C.D.P. Santiago Sur (Ex penitentiary)
December 2024.

SPANISH (original):

Buscamos que el inicio de estas palabras representen un vendaval de fuerza para quienes están dudando sobre si el valor de sus hermosas acciones y sus consecuencias tienen sentido o no.

A dos años y casi dos meses de nuestro cautiverio, seguimos reafirmando que el camino de guerra y confrontación, con todos sus amargores y desventuras, sigue siendo la única forma de vida digna que comprendemos como valida.

En los últimos meses son varias las situaciones en nuestro caso.
El compañero Ru fue condenado a 5 años de cumplimiento efectivo, con la fiscalía y el juzgado negando la posibilidad de una Liberata vigilada por considerarle un peligro para la sociedad, sin proyección de reinserción.

En la misma audiencia, alegremente, el compañero Tortuga se fue a la calle. Condenado a 5 años de libertad vigilada, uniéndoselas a la compañera Ita.

Despise de algulas instancias apelatorias que evidentemente fallero, el compañero Ru fue trasladado a la ex-penitenciaria.

Este traslado fue realizado por gendarmería incumpliendo un oficio del tribunal que ordenaba que el compañero no podia ser movido hasta que se emitiera un informe de factibilidad de traslado a La Colina.

Al comparer lo recibió el preso nihilista Hector Herrera con los brazos abiertos, en la calle 3C. En el hacinamiento e incomodidad que se vive en esas instalaciones.

Dias después, sin ningún aviso y con un criterio absolutamente arbitrario, trasladaron al compañero Panda de manera sorpresiva desde La Colina, donde ya estaba instalado hace meses cumpliendo su respectiva condena, hacia la ex-penitenciaria.

El informe entregado por gendarmería justifica el traslado del compañero en que este seria un líder negativo, un peligro para el regiment interno de La Colina y que esta cárcel no contaría con la seguridad suficiente para evitar una posible fuga.

Al otro día de su traslado, Panda es recibido por Ru y Hector en la calle 3C.

Hacemos un llamado a participar en todas las instancias de solidaridad. Ya que este nuevo proceso requiere un mayor gasto en encomienda y en gestionar los beneficios intrapenitenciarios, significando un gran golpe económico para familiares, amigos y afines.

Para cerrar este mensaje es que mandamos a decir que acá seguimos. Amando nuestros aciertos y nuestros errores, sin arrepentimientos ni titubeos. Claros de que ninguna artimaña de gendarmería para golpear nuestro espíritu generara que no sonriamos mirando los hechos que nos condujeron a este lugar perdido en el tiempo.

!Hoy mas que nunca liberación animal y total! !Veganismo es guerra! !Fuego a la existencia! 

Presos Vegan straight edge anarch-nihilistas, Caso Susaron (*Panda y Ru)

C.D.P. Santiago Sur (Ex penitenciaria)
Diciembre 2024.


9th January, France

VIA: Attaque (from local press)

ENGLISH (translation):

“Étupes hunters are fed up! Since September, their personal vehicles have been the target of several acts of vandalism: flat tires, scratched bodywork… Every three or four weeks, while they are hunting game, a new act of vandalism takes place in front of the hunting lodge where members of the AICA Étupes Taillecourt fusion park. “We don’t understand who could have a grudge against us,” says Eric Ajoux, president of the AICA Étupescourt fusion. says Eric Ajoux, president of the association.

Every month, between five and six cars fall victim to punctures of one or more tires. “The tires are pierced on the sidewall by a knife blade. I’ve already had to pay over 600 euros to repair my car this year. It’s just not possible! says a disillusioned Eric Ajoux.

Some members of this hunting club no longer dare to come hunting for fear of seeing their cars damaged. “What’s it going to be tomorrow, broken windscreens, a car on fire? asks Eric Ajoux. Especially as it’s always the same cars that are targeted. Philippe is also one of the victims. “Both my rear tires were punctured on a Sunday, so I couldn’t get to the garage, plus my door was scratched. I was really angry. If it goes on like this, I’ll end up not coming here any more”, he admits. he admits.

The Etupes hunting association is suspicious of certain individuals.“We think it’s someone from the commune, since we’re the only hunting association in the area to be attacked”, thinks Eric Ajoux.thinks Eric Ajoux.Between 6 and 7 complaints have been lodged with the gendarmerie by hunters who have suffered damage.”

FRENCH (Original):

“Les chasseurs d’Étupes en ont ras-le-bol ! Depuis le mois de septembre, leurs véhicules personnels sont la cible de plusieurs dégradations : pneus crevés, carrosseries rayées… Toutes les trois ou quatre semaines, pendant qu’ils chassent le gibier, un nouvel acte de vandalisme a lieu devant le chalet de chasse où se stationnent les adhérents de l’AICA Étupes Taillecourt fusion. « Nous ne comprenons pas qui peut bien nous en vouloir, nous avons de bonnes relations avec tout le monde, les randonneurs, la mairie, les riverains …« , affirme Eric Ajoux, président de l’association.

Entre cinq et six voitures, sont victimes, chaque mois, de crevaisons d’un ou plusieurs pneus. « Les pneus sont percés sur le flan par une lame de couteau. J’ai déjà eu plus de 600 euros de réparations sur mon véhicule cette année. Ce n’est pas possible« , lâche, Eric Ajoux, désabusé.

Des adhérents de cette société de chasse n’osent plus venir chasser par peur de voir leurs voitures dégradées. « Demain, ça sera quoi, des pare-brises de cassés, une voiture en feu ?« , s’interroge, Eric Ajoux. D’autant plus que ce sont toujours les mêmes voitures de ciblées. Philippe, est également une des victimes. « Mes deux pneus arrière ont été percés, un dimanche donc impossible d’aller au garage et en plus ma portière a été rayée. J’étais en colère. Si ça continue, je finirai par ne plus venir« , avoue-t-il.

La société de chasse d’Étupes à des soupçons sur certaines personnes. « Nous pensons que c’est quelqu’un de la commune puisque nous sommes la seule association de chasse du coin à être attaquée.« , pense, Eric Ajoux. Entre 6 et 7 plaintes ont été déposées à la gendarmerie par les chasseurs victimes de dégradations.”


3rd January, North Italy

Received anonymously via email:

ENGLISH (translation):

“In the night we attacked and rendered harmless for a long time two hunting posts.
We will continue to give clear and precise messages to hunters because those who cowardly kill and violate Nature and Animals must pay very dearly.
Animal LIberation Front Italy.”

ITALIAN (original):

“Nella notte abbiamo attaccato e rese inoffensive per molto tempo due postazioni di caccia.
Continueremo a dare messaggi chiari e precisi ai cacciatori perche’ chi uccide e stupra vigliaccamente la Natura e gli Animali la deve pagare molto cara.
Animal LIberation Front Italia.”


On the second of January, this year’s wolf hunt started in so-called Sweden. This year, 30 wolves where planned to be killed, in five different hunting areas, in just over a month. Close to 4,000 hunters had registered their interest in participating in the vile killings, of which roughly 300 of these were foreign trophy hunters.

Before the hunt, there were many who criticized the wolf hunt, of among other things because politicians and hunters in Sweden are risking to wipe out all of the wolfs in the long run, when they kill so many, and have set the goal that as few wolves should be allowed to remain.

This year, only Hunt Saboteurs Sweden (HSS), of all the anti-hunting organizations in Sweden, conducted active resistance in the forests against wolf hunt. HSS believes that the government and the hunters over time intends to kill all wolves in Sweden. Based on this extreme context, HSS adapts its methods, and carries out radical actions during the wolf hunt, that sabotages the hunt, with the aim of saving the lives of wolves. At the same time HSS also wants to instill fear in individual hunters, so that they refrain from hunting in the future (which in the long run can also save wolves). Before the hunt, HSS had received massive support from individuals and groups, several international, through a fundraiser to collect money for cars and petrol.

Before the hunt, HSS had explored both different hunting areas, as well as which hunters would participate in the hunt. Once the hunt started, HSS were well prepared, and they had several groups of activists stationed around in different hunting areas in Sweden. In several places, the hunters were found before the hunt started at sunrise, and HSS were able to disrupt the hunt immediately as planned.

For example, in Salungen, Värmland, where several groups of hunt saboteurs drove around the forests and disturbed the hunt, scaring hunters. Of course, the hunters called the cops, and the police then had to spend all their time trying to keep tabs on the activists. Something that the cops didn’t do very well. Because HSS confused the cops, so that the police followed one and the same car with activists all the time. In this way, the remaining activists could continue to sabotage the wolf hunt in Salungen.

Unfortunately, it is common for the hunters to kill many wolves in the first few days of the hunt. This was also the case this time. In most hunting areas several wolves were killed during the first day. However, only one wolf was killed in Salungen, where the hunters neither could find the remaining five wolves, nor hide their frustration at not being able to vent their bloodlust. Hunt leader Anders Olsson spoke critically about this in the media, whose reasoning boils down to the fact that hunters must be given the opportunity to kill an unlimited number of wolves, instead of the limited allocation they currently receive through the state today. HSS, in turn, believes that the five other wolves that were planned to die in Salungen had probably already been killed by the hunters in advance, through poaching. HSS went out in the media and criticized the formal structure for how hunting is decided in Sweden, that it is undemocratic (since it is primarily hunters who have power, influence over how hunting is done). HSS also did a home demonstration at the house of hunt leader Anders Olsson. The result was not long in coming. The national radio in Sweden retracted the statement it had previously allowed HSS to make, accused HSS of spreading lies, and the Swedish minister responsible for hunting issues advocated stricter laws against hunt sabotage. However, none of this stopped HSS’s actions against the wolf hunt, which was going on in the forests at the same time.

Roughly a week after the wolf hunt started in Sweden, 23 wolves have been killed. In Salungen, the hunt has now been called off, as they did not find the five other wolves that they wanted to kill.

Unfortunately, not unlikely, the remaining two wolves will be killed, and the whole wolf hunt will end shortly. Positive, however, is that some wolves seems to have survived, escaped, like the alpha couple in Örebro.

HSS officially ended its actions on Saturday 11/1. HSS says that they are satisfied with their actions, that they were able to disrupt hunts and scare hunters as planned. Nevertheless, HSS mourns all wolves murdered by the hunters during the hunt.

HSS is now withdrawing, for evaluation and reflection on this year’s hunt sabotage. For example, they have had several new activists with them this year, in new areas, which has been very positive. This bodes well for future hunt sabotage. HSS will never allow hunters to freely kill innocent individuals in the forests.



Receives anonymously via email:

“Animal Liberation: A Fight That Needs to Remain Anonymous

Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in reports about actions taken in the name of animal liberation. It is encouraging to see more people getting involved in this cause, freeing animals, and sabotaging the operations of their exploiters. These reports often include photos taken during or after the action, showing the liberated animals or
activists with their faces fully covered. Despite face coverings, some reports are shared on social media by those responsible.

Many activists have been convicted for similar actions, often facing jail time or fines. Revealing the identities of individuals behind these actions makes no difference for the animals, but it does make a difference to the snitches, the cops, and the government. Such actions threaten capitalism and the state, as animals are seen as property for profit and power, driving them to punish those involved.

Animal liberation actions should be taken seriously, with the understanding that every move we make comes with responsibility and potential consequences. Yes, we know that a photo might seem more badass and attract more likes and views to a thread, but that is absolutely not the point. This is not a fight for us. This is not a fight for our egos. This is a fight for those behind bars, inside experimental labs, chained in yards, and used as tools for anthropocentric reasons.

We have seen cases where activists deliberately revealed their identities after an action, followed by calls for financial solidarity. Asking for money for an action that was intentionally exposed is deeply problematic. While revealing an identity doesn’t impact the animals, financial support is crucial for political prisoners, animal shelters, and animal rights groups.

We must acknowledge that not everyone faces the same reality when confronting the police and the justice system. Those from humble backgrounds often go unnoticed and lack financial support, overshadowed by others. It’s crucial to refocus our struggles and liberation efforts on putting the lives of animals back at the centre where they belong.”

[editor’s note: This writing was received anonymously and it does not necessarily represent the ideology of UA. For example, we do not believe that images of liberation are inherently ego-centred and we think that the visuals aid people to deeply connect with the animals rescued. We do agree that there is absolutely no point submitting anonymous reports and then publicly claiming them, and it is without a doubt an ego driven behaviour. We publish the text unedited because we think UA should be a platform of conversation too, so go forth and discuss!]


[Image credit: @suffolkandessexhuntsabs] 

December is the busiest time in the fox and hare hunting calendar. In the run up to Christmas and until the festive break finishes in the new year, hunts can easily bump their numbers up in the form of foot followers and mounted riders. The latter is arguably more important to them as they pay to participate and securing this income stream is vital for the longevity of the hunt. The increased numbers also boost morale and often results is more boisterous, arrogant and, where they see fit, violent behaviour. Saboteurs and the wider anti-hunting community also rally together in bigger numbers and are more active during this period, which has had a mixture of results with far too many reports to include. But here are some highlights. 

The tyres of Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs were found slashed one morning before heading out but were still able to get a team out to the Grove and Rufford Hunt thanks to the assistance of Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs. Frustration got the better of one member of the hunt who stole equipment and, when confronted, headbutted a member of the team, but finished the day without a kill.  

South Thames Hunt Saboteurs seemingly received the worst of the violence after they were attacked by the Hursley Hambledon Hunt after their attempts to hunt and kill a fox were ruined. According to their reports, a team of 3 were set upon by 9 and resulted in one of their team needing medical attention due to a serious head wound, while another came away with a swollen face and black eye. A camera and mobile phone were also stolen. Though it was a traumatic experience, they later published their appreciation for the ‘overwhelming’ support they had received since publishing what had happened, as well as starting an online fundraiser. They initially wanted to raise £320 to replace the stolen equipment and to purchase a quality first aid kit but had reached £8000, which they state will be used to buy a vehicle for their new group. In a final update, they announced they were no longer accepting donations and strongly encouraged generosity to continue elsewhere, suggesting foodbanks, other sabotage groups and etc, but specifically highlighted the support needed for Happy Pants Ranch. The sabotage group concluded; ‘we make our intentions clear and known; we will not stop until hunting is finished. It is what the community wants and it is what wildlife deserves.’ 

It is widely believed that the behaviour of the Hursley Hambledon Hunt was also due to being caught killing a deer the week before, as seen by South Hampshire Hunt Saboteurs and has prompted attention by the police. South Wales Hunt Saboteurs also reported a fox had been killed by the Sennybridge Farmers and it was sudden. Another deer was also killed after they were quickly and unexpectedly mauled by hounds of the Thurlow Hunt despite the efforts of multiple sabotage groups present. Suffolk and Essex Hunt Saboteurs also reported that a deer was found dead in a woodland with fresh injuries after hounds of the Essex and Suffolk Hunt left. These are all examples that reaffirm the difficulty of sabotaging a hunt as well as how quickly it can escalate and how against the odds it can be for wildlife. The reality is that not all wildlife can escape this fate because of the presence of saboteurs. However, without them, many more would be condemned to death.  

The vast majority of sabotage groups, if not all, were active on Boxing Day, which is the biggest day in the hunting calendar. Despite the challenges this comes with, as mentioned before, efforts against hunting were largely successful. Some were even reduced to stick to trail hunting; salt in the wound for those bitter about the changing landscape of hunting in recent years. Some violence was reported, including Brighton Hunt Saboteurs who were ridden at and whipped, as well as the Wight Hunt Saboteurs who were also ridden at and assaulted by a hunt supporter. Seemingly, levels of violence and aggression were relatively tame in comparison to previous years, though the usual pushing-and-shoving continued – especially during the parading of hounds where saboteurs and protesters continued to maintain a presence. Protesting the boxing day hunt has been a regular tactic for decades and usually attracts media attention and gives an opportunity for members of the public to show their disgust the ongoing persecution of wildlife. Specifically, pressure continued to be mounted on the hunts who are subject to dedicated campaigns against them, including Mendip Farmers Hunt, Cottesmore Hunt and Kent Hounds, though protests and sabotage against hunts was seen all across the UK with too many to mention. Though fox hunting is largely the focus of the day, hare hunting was also targeted, as seen by North Down Hunt Saboteurs who packed up Christchurch and Farley Hill Beagles as well as the Lake District Hunt Saboteurs who foiled the plans of the Black Combe Beagles. Cheshire Monitors also packed up the Cheshire Beagles who were caught hunting an exhausted Hare.  

Other hare hunting packs have also been paid attention throughout December. The De Burgh and North Essex Hare Hounds, who have been successfully targeted a number of times in November, have continued to be stopped throughout this month by Suffolk and Essex Hunt Saboteurs, along with neighbouring groups. The Hunley Beagles were also visited by the East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Saboteurs, who quickly packed up on the arrival of opposition. Likewise, Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs foiled the Severn Vale Beagles. But it didn’t stop there. Hare hunters were foiled right until the end of the month, as seen by Wiltshire Hunt Saboteurs who packed up the Royal Agricultural College Beagles on the 30th and a joint meet of the Radley College Beagles and the New Forest Beagles on the 31st, sabotaged by a number of groups. 

It is worth noting that hare-hunting foot packs are especially vulnerable to sabotage as they have a diminishing support network, made worse by a lack of a reliable income stream and is generally seen as more controversial than fox hunting. It is believed that the guidance given to these packs by their governing body is to cease their activity and leave on the arrival of saboteurs. And that is exactly what they do. Therefore, simply turning up is enough to stop them.

The festive period is seen as a middle point for the fox and hare hunting season. As the vast majority of sabotage groups have remained consistently active for months (not including cub and leveret hunting), it is understandable that some are feeling tired. Messages of support, donations and purchases of merchandise go a long way in showing appreciation for what they do. 

Any information about hunts or shoots, wildlife killing fundraisers, the location of traps, tools and infrastructure used to kill and anything dodgy or suspicious relating to the interference or ill-treatment of wildlife should be reported to your local hunt sabotage group. Unsure of your local group? Contact the Hunt Saboteurs Association’s tip-off line at 07443148426 or via social media. The smallest bit of information could make the biggest different to wildlife life.