14th January, France.


received anonymously (translation):

“We, independent activists, call for the immediate closure of all slaughterhouses and the abolition of all animal exploitation. We demand the adoption of fundamental rights for all other animals.
This message is primarily intended for ignorant and conditioned consumers. It is time to awaken your consciences, to question your actions and expand your circle of compassion to include all sentient beings who hold the immutable and fundamental right to live free.

This message is addressed in the second place to the elected representatives and to all representatives of the state who refuse even the slightest advance in consideration of these innocents. The validation by the state council of glue hunting, under cover of more sordid and impertinent arguments, such as tradition, just when scientists talk about the 6th mass extinction, is an example of immorality and the irresponsibility of its members. As such and because of many decisions that go in that direction, they are criminals.

Finally, this message is addressed to all the oppressors, who make the torture and death of sentient, social and emotional beings a lucrative trade. You are the actors of the greatest zoocide in history and for that reason alone, you will be judged. You condemn at the same time future generations of our own kind for your ideology of sacrosanct profit.
This is unacceptable and standing still would make us accomplices. To your violence and your systemic oppression, it is our duty and it is absolutely legitimate to defend them.

This is only a prelude, a warning. See in it our ability and our determination to mobilize.
The resistance is already present.

Resistance for Animal Rights.”

“Nous, activistes indépendant-e-s, réclamons la fermeture immédiate de tous les abattoirs et l’abolition de toute exploitation animale. Nous exigeons l’adoption de droits fondamentaux pour tous les autres animaux.

Ce message s’adresse en premier lieu aux consommateurs-trices ignorant-es et conditionné-es. Il est temps d’éveiller vos consciences, de vous interroger sur vos actes et d’élargir votre cercle de compassion à tous les êtres sensibles qui détiennent le droit immuable et fondamental de vivre libre.

Ce message s’adresse en second lieu aux élu-es et à tous-tes les représentant-es de l’état qui refusent la moindre avancée dans la considération de ces innocents. La validation du conseil d’état de la chasse à la glu, sous couvert d’arguments plus sordides et impertinents que les autres, telle que la tradition, au moment même où les scientifiques nous parlent de la 6ème extinction de masse, est un exemple de l’immoralité et de l’irresponsabilité de ses membres. À ce titre et pour moultes décisions qui vont dans ce sens, iels deviennent des criminel-les.

Enfin, ce message s’adresse à tous les oppresseurs-ses, qui font de la torture et de la mort d’êtres sensibles, sociables et émotionnels, un commerce lucratif. Vous êtes les acteurs-trices du plus grand zoocide de l’histoire et pour cette seule raison, vous serez jugé-es. Vous condamnez dans le même temps les générations futures de notre propre espèce pour votre idéologie du sacro-saint profit.

Ceci est inacceptable et rester immobile ferait de nous des complices. À votre violence et votre oppression systémique, il est de notre devoir et d’une légitimité absolue de nous, et de les, défendre.

Ceci n’est qu’un prélude, une mise en garde. Voyez dans celle-ci dans celle ci notre capacité et notre détermination à nous mobiliser.

La résistance est d’ores et déjà présente.

Resistance for Animal Rights.”


via: directaction.info


Different French newspapers have reported six folks having been arrested last weekend just after a fire had started at a slaughterhouse.
According to the filth, they had been investigating the group for a while and they are accusing them of an arson at a hunting federation building. The police was on site when the slaughterhouse fire happened and they report the activists moving the animals away from the building before setting some bales of straw on fire. Cops also say they are linked to multiple anti hunting actions during November. They are accused of criminal damage and being part of a “criminal gang”.
They are all on bail and under investigation. No support group has approached Unoffensive for help, but we will be very happy to aid in whatever way is needed.
We will keep you informed as and when news reach us.


14th January, France.


received anonymously (translation):

“We, independent activists, call for the immediate closure of all slaughterhouses and the abolition of all animal exploitation. We demand the adoption of fundamental rights for all other animals.
This message is primarily intended for ignorant and conditioned consumers. It is time to awaken your consciences, to question your actions and expand your circle of compassion to include all sentient beings who hold the immutable and fundamental right to live free.

This message is addressed in the second place to the elected representatives and to all representatives of the state who refuse even the slightest advance in consideration of these innocents. The validation by the state council of glue hunting, under cover of more sordid and impertinent arguments, such as tradition, just when scientists talk about the 6th mass extinction, is an example of immorality and the irresponsibility of its members. As such and because of many decisions that go in that direction, they are criminals.

Finally, this message is addressed to all the oppressors, who make the torture and death of sentient, social and emotional beings a lucrative trade. You are the actors of the greatest zoocide in history and for that reason alone, you will be judged. You condemn at the same time future generations of our own kind for your ideology of sacrosanct profit.
This is unacceptable and standing still would make us accomplices. To your violence and your systemic oppression, it is our duty and it is absolutely legitimate to defend them.

This is only a prelude, a warning. See in it our ability and our determination to mobilize.
The resistance is already present.

Resistance for Animal Rights.”

“Nous, activistes indépendant-e-s, réclamons la fermeture immédiate de tous les abattoirs et l’abolition de toute exploitation animale. Nous exigeons l’adoption de droits fondamentaux pour tous les autres animaux.

Ce message s’adresse en premier lieu aux consommateurs-trices ignorant-es et conditionné-es. Il est temps d’éveiller vos consciences, de vous interroger sur vos actes et d’élargir votre cercle de compassion à tous les êtres sensibles qui détiennent le droit immuable et fondamental de vivre libre.

Ce message s’adresse en second lieu aux élu-es et à tous-tes les représentant-es de l’état qui refusent la moindre avancée dans la considération de ces innocents. La validation du conseil d’état de la chasse à la glu, sous couvert d’arguments plus sordides et impertinents que les autres, telle que la tradition, au moment même où les scientifiques nous parlent de la 6ème extinction de masse, est un exemple de l’immoralité et de l’irresponsabilité de ses membres. À ce titre et pour moultes décisions qui vont dans ce sens, iels deviennent des criminel-les.

Enfin, ce message s’adresse à tous les oppresseurs-ses, qui font de la torture et de la mort d’êtres sensibles, sociables et émotionnels, un commerce lucratif. Vous êtes les acteurs-trices du plus grand zoocide de l’histoire et pour cette seule raison, vous serez jugé-es. Vous condamnez dans le même temps les générations futures de notre propre espèce pour votre idéologie du sacro-saint profit.

Ceci est inacceptable et rester immobile ferait de nous des complices. À votre violence et votre oppression systémique, il est de notre devoir et d’une légitimité absolue de nous, et de les, défendre.

Ceci n’est qu’un prélude, une mise en garde. Voyez dans celle-ci dans celle ci notre capacité et notre détermination à nous mobiliser.

La résistance est d’ores et déjà présente.

Resistance for Animal Rights.”


via: directaction.info


Different French newspapers have reported six folks having been arrested last weekend just after a fire had started at a slaughterhouse.
According to the filth, they had been investigating the group for a while and they are accusing them of an arson at a hunting federation building. The police was on site when the slaughterhouse fire happened and they report the activists moving the animals away from the building before setting some bales of straw on fire. Cops also say they are linked to multiple anti hunting actions during November. They are accused of criminal damage and being part of a “criminal gang”.
They are all on bail and under investigation. No support group has approached Unoffensive for help, but we will be very happy to aid in whatever way is needed.
We will keep you informed as and when news reach us.


15th January, UK.



please take care when walking in the woods during high winds, this structure came down inches from us, someone could’ve been seriously injured. 

It’s a minefield out there”


via: Underground Badger Syndicate.


15th January, UK.



please take care when walking in the woods during high winds, this structure came down inches from us, someone could’ve been seriously injured. 

It’s a minefield out there”


via: Underground Badger Syndicate.


15th January, UK.



please take care when walking in the woods during high winds, this structure came down inches from us, someone could’ve been seriously injured. 

It’s a minefield out there”


via: Underground Badger Syndicate.


January 13th, Germany


While protesting against the clearance of a forest near Würzburg/Bavaria we are sending support & greetings to the people protecting Hambi. And we can report 1 hunting tower down.



January 13th, Germany


While protesting against the clearance of a forest near Würzburg/Bavaria we are sending support & greetings to the people protecting Hambi. And we can report 1 hunting tower down.



January 13th, Germany


While protesting against the clearance of a forest near Würzburg/Bavaria we are sending support & greetings to the people protecting Hambi. And we can report 1 hunting tower down.