10th September, Belgium.

received anonymously via email:


Two hunting towers were put out of action in the Belgian Ardennes. In solidarity with everyone fighting for liberation across the world, and for the animals, always.”


WHAT: Night vigil in front of a slaughterhouse
WHERE: Multiple countries around the globe, and near you if you organise one too!
WHEN: 25th to 26th of September (night).

Our comrades at 269 liberation animale have sent us a call to action to share. It is their 4th international event in front of a slaughterhouse. A night for people to transform their street activism into activism in front of a place of exploitation, giving them a taste of what a night out looks like within the confines of a vigil (and thus, legal and safe!)

If you want to organise (or want to join one of the multiple vigils across the globe), get in touch with them over social media.

Read the call to action below: 


When ? During the night of Wednesday the 25th to Thursday the 26th of September.

Where ? It’s an international event taking place in several countries simultaneously : the list of the targeted slaughterhouses is to be found in our previous publication.

In the night of the 25th to the 26th of September, 269 Liberation Animale will organise it’s 4th edition of the « Nights out in front of slaughterhouses ».

An international event taking place in several countries simultaneously. This event was first initiated [email protected]_animale to encourage antispeciesist activists to go from street activism to targeting places exploiting animals.

To build the fight WITH THEM and not anymore « in their name ». A first step towards a confrontational activism.

Exploited animals arrive in the middle of the nigt at the slaughterhouse and get killed at dusk, with no one to care about them. But we’ll be there. Not to cry, not to take photos of the victims, but to trigger a revolutionary spark.

May this night call for direct actions by people who will for the first time witness the materiality of the speciesist oppression.

In order for this event to become a menace for the animal exploitation system, we call for all motivated comrades, who share our vision, to contact us if willing to organise a night, in front of a slaughterhouse in their area.

Those gatherings are legal and hold no risks of legal consequences.

Join one of the many nights being organised, and together, let’s become slaughterhouse’s worst nightmare, on the night of this coming 26/9”


[editor’s note: in November 2022, four anarcho-nihilist and animal liberationist individuals were thrown in jail accused of an arson attack at a meat packaging plant ‘Carnes Susaron’, Ten lorries, the administrative offices -including the safe and all their paperwork – and the actual meat factory and refrigeration systems that at the time had seven tones of flesh ready for distribution, were completely destroyed in the fire. Itamar, one of the four accused, had her trial and was sentenced to five years of intensive tag. Earlier in July, another comrade, Panda, was sentenced to four and a half years in prison. Ru and Tortuga are still locked up awaiting trial. Below is a translation of their latest communique from prison.

Please, write them a letter. You can send an email to their support team on [email protected] and they will pass on your love. ]

ENG (translation):

“For those who fight with the enthusiasm that characterizes those who oppose the current.”

Today in this cold season, still locked in this small matchbox that seeks to hide the beautiful immensity of the world, we continue to get up every morning to face the symbolic and graphic morning cold shower of dawn in prison. Washing our body and teeth, with the conviction that that routine morning dagger in the skull, cold as grief, is not something that will last for eternity.

Every morning taking a deep breath and weighing the love for our convictions, which allows us to stay alive and firm in this place built and designed to break people.

Most of those who read this communiqué will know that we were detained, as a result of the events at the headquarters of the bastard company carnes susaron, in the commune of quilicura, Santiago, Chile. In September of the year 2022.

Events that culminated in its entire block burned. Including: all its fleet of trucks, 10 to be more precise, administrative offices; together with its documentation and safe. And the central meat packing plant from where the other branches of the capital’s meat processing plant were supplied; which housed 7 tons of corpses.

Giving to the earth and the wind, a rite of fire in honor of all those lives annihilated in the name of superiority and usual human thuggery.

In addition and not less important, generating a damage of several million dollars for these despicable ones; our frank enemies.

At this time we are approaching almost 2 years of imprisonment, exactly 22 months. In which authorities have identified us as their enemies (because we are).

Extending our process of investigation and preventive imprisonment as much as possible.
At the beginning there were 4 of us detained. And a few months ago one of us, Itamar, managed to get out of prison sentenced to 5 years of intensive probation. As already reported in previous communiqués.
Remaining 3 of us in the Santiago 1 prison.

What is new in this writing is that a few weeks ago, our comrade Panda, was sentenced to 4 and a half years of effective imprisonment because of the intervention of gendarmerie through a negative report that usually and with complete arbitrariness they use to avoid the benefits and probation from the prison Santiago 1. Executed in the following days, his transfer to the prison for convicts Colina 1.

He was received there in a fraternal manner by fellow anarchists already condemned.

Rucio and Tortuga are still waiting for a new date to clarify their fate. Being constantly hindered by tedious and bureaucratic paperwork of the prison system. That always seeks to extend the stay in these human slaughterhouses, for those who declare themselves enemies of the established order and all authority.

In view of the situation where the next destinies for each one of us have been slowly being defined, we ratify more than ever our unwavering commitment to our cause, which is animal and total liberation.

There is nof freezing water, anguishing or claustrophobic afternoon, prison violence, or emotional blow for being separated from our world that makes us regret our ideas and actions.

No day that we do not inflate our chests with pride at the consequences that our decision to stop being spectators has generated around the world.

Because every action that has been dedicated to us, every greeting loaded with praxis where animals have been liberated or places sabotaged has given us the necessary fuel to continue with the same strength and pride with which we have faced this tedious process from the beginning.

That said, we call for the slogans “fire to the slaughterhouses”, “death to speciesism” and “animal liberation” to be put into practice.

As prisoners proud of our cause and ideas, that is all we ask to face this difficult cycle.
Take action!

Because time is slipping through our fingers. Every minute we rest in the calm of our leaflets, millions of animals are tortured and killed. Thousands of hectares of natural habitat are consumed and destroyed. Millions of lives (human and non-human) are cut short by the devastating machinery of capital, speciesism and authority.

We send a special and warm embrace to all the comrades who have been present in the territory and abroad. Whether with letters, drawings, propaganda, organization and attendance at fundraising event which have been essential at the time of paying for this whole process. In terms of expenses for lawyers, expert’s reports, parcels and food.
We always welcome and are grateful for any sign of solidarity that allows us to carry out this process in the best way possible.

Enormous gratitude to all of you, who have made this complex stage of our life as warriors bearable, with all the multiform and refractory solidarity mentioned above.

Let direct actions be multiplied. Sabotage, propaganda and liberations. Let words be transformed into deeds. And let those deeds speak for all those who cannot.

There is no day that we do not miss freedom, but there is also no day that we do not smile remembering the warm embrace of fire.
Because we are prisoners but they will never be able to subdue our gaze and spirit.

Fire to existence.
May every prison for humans and non-humans explode, with their jailers inside.

Don Sergio Olivares, Mónica Caballero, Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Lucas Hernández, Aldo Hernández, Javier, Syde, Gerardo and Jordano, free them all!!!

Francisco Solar out of isolation!

Always against all authority and symbols of subjugation, and with immeasurable love:

Anarcho-nihilist vegan straight edge prisoners.
Case susaron.
Panda, Tortuga and Rucio.

C.D.P. Santiago 1.
Cárcel de cumplimiento Colina 1.
Agosto, 2024.  “


25th August, Chile.

According to local press, a council owned bullfighting square in Cabrero, Chile, was intentionally set alight by unknown activists a couple of weeks before it was due for opening. In an interesting exercise of mental olympics that somehow forgets both colonialism and speciesism, the mayor has condemned the attack and saying the only reason this has occurred is to attack the traditions of the countryside working class.

We have not received any claim of responsibility for this action.


31st August, Argentina.

via: @anarcoveganismo.arg

ENG (translated):

“In the early hours of the World day for the end of Speciesism, four animal liberation front volunteers sneaked into an egg farm and liberated twelve chickens that now live free and safe in different homes owned by vegan people.

‘The wet and cold night was our accomplice. After having reccied the location we cut the fence to get access, we crossed the farm and approached one of the most accessible barns in the farm. There, chickens slept inside of cages, with shit tiles of shit almost reaching their deformed legs, with their combs and nails destroyed. We couldn’t liberate all and we know that other hens will fill in the gaps, but at least these 12 will never be exploited again. Today they can open their wings, stretch their legs, run, jump and breathe in freedom.

To us there is no veganism without animal liberation. We must risk it all, against all odds, against all oppression. Organise, mask up and take action. Our animal friends don’t get to liberate themselves.’”

SPANISH (original): 

“Anarquistas Liberan 12 gallinas de un criadero.

En la madrugada del dia de “La Jornada mundial por el fin del Especismo” 4 activistas del frente de liberación Animal se escabulleron en un criadero de gallinas “ponedoras” y liberaron a 12 de ellas que ya se encuentran a resguardo en distintos hogares con personas veganas libres.

“La madrugada de lluvia y frío fue cómplice en esta acción. Luego de hacer un reconocimiento del terreno cortamos el alambrado para embarrarnos, cruzar el criadero y llegar a una de las naves más accesibles del centro de explotación. Alli estaban ellas, durmiendo enjauladas, sus heces llegaban casi a tocar sus patas deformadas con uñas y crestas largas, descoloridas. No pudimos liberar a todas, y sabemos que otras de sus hermanas ocuparán sus jaulas. Pero estas 12 no serán más explotadas, hoy pueden abrir sus alas, estiran sus patas, corren, saltan y respiran libertad.

Para nosotros no existe Veganismo sin liberación Animal. Debemos arriesgarlo todo, contra todo pronóstico contra toda opresión, organízate, encapuchate y actúa. Nuestros hermanos animales no se liberaran solos.”


Reported animal liberation actions in the month of august, by country:

UK: 5
Denmark: 3
Argentina: 2
Greece: 2
Sweden: 1
France: 1
Chile: 1
Italy: 1
Spain: 1

In the month of august, a total of seventeen animal liberation direct action reports were received by Unoffensive Animal, making it the second busiest month of this year, just behind February (21 reports).

The UK seemed to get busy in August with one sabotage at a turkey farm and four liberations, which totalled 166 animals liberated (egg laying hens, broiler chicks and turkeys) and which included the complete emptying and destroying of a backyard egg farm with cages outlawed over a decade ago.

Denmark was a close second with three reported actions, the three being what has come to be the Danish signature action, spray painting speciesist shops in the capital.

Notably, Greece reported an arson that rendered a whole egg factory to ashes, with the anonymous reporters saying “If you rebuild it, we’ll burn it again.”

It was also a busy month for antifascist action in the UK, with multiple fascist demos popping up around the country. For that reason we produced a quick intro to joining antifascist demonstrations (illustrated by Praxis!)

On the prisoner support front we reported about Vegan Peredachki, a Russian vegan prisoner support organisation, we reminded folks to please write to Marius and we accounted how much money we managed to raise for press caso Susaron: a total of 600 GBP was sent to their support team!

As always, thank you for supporting unoffensive. If you can afford it and you like the work we do, please consider donating as a one off or even joining our patreon.
Paypal: [email protected]


[Image credit: @aggravatedtrespass] 

Though the supplementary badger cull is ongoing, which started in June, activists, saboteurs, campaigners and monitors are preparing for the intensive badger cull which could have an authorisation date within August, though is likely to begin in September. Natural England, a public body connected to the UK Governments’ Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (who are responsible for the cull) published an online opportunity for public comment on a consultation which confirms that an application has been made for a new zone in Cumbria. If authorised, this will be the first new zone since 2022 and shows that the new Labour government has no intention of ending the systematic murder of badgers. It has also been reported that they intend to end culling by 2029, though this is vague and is only achievable under certain conditions. It is also believed that this is on the assumption that they would serve a second term in government, if they were to win in the next general election. To summarise, unless there is a dramatic change, many more will be murdered for years and any hope for badgers through political means is, at best, thin. Direct action therefore, is the only real tangle method of giving the wild animals a chance of survival. Many setts, some existing for centuries, have been wiped out, as reported by Derbyshire Against the Cull who remain determined to do what they can. Northamptonshire Badger Group have also had ‘mixed results’ whilst surveying, with some healthy sett activity reported but also some not active.  

The Dove Valley Mink Hounds continue to have a hard time after being intercepted by saboteurs twice this month by saboteurs from Staffordshire, Nottingham and Lincolnshire.  Throughout the summer, the hunt have had to pack up again and again in what has been a disastrous season for them. Frustrated, they attempted to slip under the radar and leave the kennels in the early hours of the morning but were unsuccessful as they were soon discovered and foiled by 8am. With little of the mink/otter season remaining, the continued failure of the hunt will no doubt have an impact on their morale and could spill over into the following season next summer. Multiple sabotage groups in the East of England also paid another visit to the Eastern Counties Mink Hounds who were hunting in Essex. Though they reported to have not been able to attend as quickly as they had previously, the tip-off they received no doubt made an impact on the hunt who soon packed up, believed to have not been successful at killing.  

The Stag hunting season has begun and immediately caused ‘horror on the hills’ in the South West of England. Sabotaging this form of hunting comes with differing challenges to other hunting. Despite the efforts of hunt saboteurs from Mendip and North Dorset, a stag was killed by the Quantock Stag Hounds and two were also killed by the Devon & Somerset Staghounds on separate occasions. However, the two groups, accompanied by Weymouth Animal Rights, were successful on another day. Stag hunting has a specific legal loophole, lesser known to the public, using a relay of two hounds to flush to a gun for the purposes of ‘scientific research’. Regardless, it is brutal but campaigners push to challenge this and pursue amendments and strengthen the Hunting Act 2004 to make it stronger. Though the impact of this is contested, it is important for a myriad of tactics and methods be explored to cause as many obstacles as possible. Doing so can make hunting ‘unworkable’, as seen by the success of the Scottish legislative campaigning against fox hunting last year.  

The Grouse shooting season has also begun, starting on the 12th August, self-proclaimed as the ‘glorious twelfth’, but didn’t go to plan for some. In recent years, this expensive form of shooting has been increasingly targeted by hunt saboteurs with this year being no exception. Following the successful work of spotters, a large group of saboteurs from multiple groups were able to shut down a shooting ‘party’ on the Wemmergill Estate. Police attended but were unable to prevent the mass hit, though one saboteur from the Sheffield group was arrested. Disruption continued the next day with another shoot being forced to cancel following the arrival on saboteurs. It is believed that shutting down one of these shoots for a day can save hundreds of Grouse and can cause £1000s in damages to the shoot organiser/manager. As well as Grouse, these estates murder other wildlife on a large-scale using traps, some of which were dealt with by saboteurs present. A reminder of this form of wildlife persecution can be read about through two articles recently published on the Hunt Saboteurs Association website.   

On top of the abovementioned, another season has begun; cub hunting. This is where Fox hound, Harrier, Beagle and Basset packs are routinely taken out at dusk and dawn with the purpose of training young hounds how to kill Fox cubs and Leverets. This training process is also vital for building a relationship between the huntsman and hounds as well as hounds learning how to work as a pack. Therefore, sabotaging this is not only important for protecting wildlife on the day but can also be detrimental to hunting efforts during the main season by becoming acquainted with the landscape and where wildlife specifically reside which gives them a better opportunity to act. Many sabotage groups across England and Wales have been present during hound exercise and have taken action when cubbing has been attempted, with too many sabotage groups to mention.  

Any information about wildlife killing fundraisers, hunting, the location of traps, tools and infrastructure used to kill and anything dodgy or suspicious relating to the interference or ill-treatment of wildlife should be reported to your local hunt sabotage group. Unsure of your local group? Contact the Hunt Saboteurs Association’s tip-off line at 07443148426 or via social media. The smallest bit of information could make the biggest different to wildlife life.




“Open Call : “Animal Liberation” Exhibition.

We are excited to invite artists, writers, tattooists, & creators to participate in a 3 day antispeciesist event in Athens, Greece, focused on the Animal Liberation. The event will take place in October, featuring screenings, book distro, vegan food, tattoo sessions, music, merch, & more. We invite you to be part of it and raising awareness, sparking conversations, & envisioning a future where all living beings are free from exploitation and harm.

We’re looking For any genre of Visual Art, Zines & Books, Video & Tattoo Art that tell stories or share personal narratives of activism, veganism, and resistance. Your participation will contribute to a growing movement and inspire change through the power of creative expression.

All the profit of the event will be shared between the antispeciesist shelter DoggyBagCrew, political prisoners & the Vegan in Palestine collective.

“Doggybagcrew is an anti-speciesist association whose members have been advocating for animal liberation in Greece since 2016. During a trip across the country, they observed an alarming level of animal abuse & abandonment, which prompted them to take action. Their first initiative involved collecting medicine & food that were destined to be discarded in Belgium & then transporting them to Greece. They also financially supported local associations by organizing fundraising events to cover veterinary costs.

By visiting shelters, they helped build infrastructure for the animals, always using the funds raised from these events.

Their goal is to create an anti-speciesist shelter that would provide a safe space for both human and non-human animals, a type of facility that currently does not exist in Greece.

This summer, they welcomed the first non-human animals & gradually started building living spaces for everyone. DoggyBagCrew refuses any assistance from the government or the European Union due to their political convictions & they mainly self-finance
through solidarity events. The road is long & difficult, but a project of this scope can only succeed”

Image by @carotideae”


Vegan Peredachki (VP) is an organization that supports prisoners in so-called Russia, who have problems maintaining their veganism while in prison (and in other types of custody of the Russian state). It involves prisoners, often convicted on trumped-up charges, who have undergone torture and are in prison for long periods of time, living in appalling conditions. Among the prisoners supported by the VP are anti-fascists, anarchists, political activists, people who have criticized the Russian government in various ways. VP provides various types of support to prisoners, such as vegan food, medicines, vitamins and clothing. VP also offers moral support to prisoners in various ways. Like writing letters, and supporting their families.

VP’s operations depend on private donations, also from abroad. More information about ways to donate, and how to support prisoners in other ways, writing letters, can be found on VP’s website,

“Vegan Peredachki emerged on February 24, 2022, with a primary focus on offering aid to protesters detained overnight. Recognizing the complete absence of vegan food and essential supplies for detainees, we expanded our mission beyond protests…” .


End of August, Wilton UK

Via @dorsetanimalaction

“I saw a broken down lorry in Wilton, near Salisbury. In the back, the lorry driver was trying to re-stack crates filled with thousands of chicks; the noise of their cheeping was deafening. There were loads of dead chicks on the floor of the lorry, crushed by the falling crates. The driver was trying to sort them into piles of dead chicks or throw them into a crate if they were still alive. Lots of chicks were rolling off the back into the road. I stopped beside the lorry to block all the traffic, shocked that everyone was just going about their day.

I picked some chicks off the road and placed them in my glove box. Another lady was doing the same. Pedestrians were horrified that the chicks were off to be killed by factory farms and grabbed a few to take home. I kept filling my truck until the lorry driver turned his back. I grabbed the crate he had filled with the escaped chicks, put it in my pick-up, and drove. I took them home to Dorset to figure out what to do next. There were 70 of them!

I contacted Dorset Animal Action and other local groups, and word soon spread. A sanctuary got in touch, and 20 minutes later, the chicks and I were back on the road. I’ve had an update several days later, and all 70 babies survived their traumatic experience and are doing really well.”

These beautiful chicks will now get to live out their full lives in the safety of a sanctuary, but billions more are suffering inside factory farms. Be vegan for them ”.