via: Wildfire Magazine.

“Last orders starts now folks!

If you’ve been wondering if you should order some bulk, now is your chance to do it! We will only print as many magazines as we’ve received orders, and we will make sure to publicise the groups, shops and collectives that have stocked Wildfire, but we will not ourselves we selling individual copies, so if you’d like to see us stocked locally, reach out to your local sab groups, animal lib groups or other collectives and distros to tell them you’d like them to stock Wildfire magazine!

What is Wildfire magzine you ask? A zine about animal liberation, direct action, anarchism, art and lots more! On volume 4 you can expect direct action news, pressure campaign history, Blackmask comic raiding a fur farm, how to asses corvids before releasing them from a trap and so so much more, accopanied by artwork and photography by artists and activists within the movement.

We have heard from multiple groups that stocking 30 is too many, so we have lowered the minimum order to 20 instead. This is due to the fact that we have not reached the minimum printing numbers to be able to afford the print out! 

Due to low numbers of orders we have abandoned the idea of printing for the USA directly in the USA, we are aware that this brings the costs of postage up but we didn’t have enough orders in Europe to afford printing the batch! So all USA groups that have shown an interest in Wildfire, reach out now and let’s calculate postage!

As always here are the maths:

Bulk price per zine 1.5 GBP
Minimum order for bulk price: 20 magazines
Total cost: zines+postage.

Recommended sale price: 4GBP”

To order, drop a DM to @wildfire.zine on Instagram or email [email protected]


WHAT: Two day conference + animal liberation march
WHEN: 31st Aug, 1st September
WHERE: Ungdommens Demokratihus, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Join animal liberation activists for a two day animal liberation conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the end of August.

Organisers have put together two (and a bit) full days of mingling and plotting, marching and learning. Expect a social event on the Friday (free, you don’t need any tickets), a national march for animal liberation on the Saturday as well as workshops, and a Sunday full of talks!

The two days event has a cost of 335 KR (around 50 EUR) and it includes breakfast lunch and diner for both of the days. Organisers have made clear that those who cannot afford it can reach out to organise without the ticket price, so nobody is left behind.

For more information about the event, visit https://www.liberation.dk


July, Chile.

Received anonymously via email:

“July 2024, territory dominated by the Chilean state.

Two rabbits rescued from a clandestine slaughterhouse. Anti-speciesist individuals headed to a clandestine slaughterhouse during the early hours of the morning to carry out a rescue. When we arrived at the entrance of the place we found dogs that were being used to hunt rabbits that had managed to escape from this infernal place. We managed to rescue 2 rabbits that were fleeing in the rural sector and then relocate them and be welcomed into a home where they will live free of exploitation and speciesism.

With this small but valuable action we want to send a complicit greeting to the three anti-speciesist companions Tortu, Panda and Ru. Those who remain in preventive detention kidnapped in the Santiago 1 prison, waiting for their early release to the street.

Animal and land liberation, whatever the cost. Against all forms of domination. Against all cages and prisons. “


August, North UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“We have been paying attention to a particular scummy farmer who among other abuses likes to murder turkeys and sell their corpses for Christmas. They also, like many farmers, love to trap and shoot foxes. It doesn’t seem to matter how many mammal traps they find broken into pieces and strewn across the fields, they keep getting more.

This farmer had recently got themselves a new massive fox trap and placed it, ready for future use, in the enclosure they planned to put the turkeys in once they grew a bit larger.

We took the cage apart, making sure the farmer didn’t have a hope in hell of repairing and using it on unsuspecting foxes. We then got to work destroying the turkey enclosure and writing a few messages for our farmer friend to read in the morning. We cut large holes in the thick tarp ceiling and walls of the tunnels and they won’t be able to house any birds there without a number of repairs.

Until every cage is empty and bashed. Solidarity to all prisoners of every species, especially our anarchist comrades, from Chile to the UK to the so called USA.”


WHAT: Mass march accross London

WHEN: 12pm, 17th Ausut

WHERE:Marble Arch, London UK.

The National Animal Rights March is back to London another year to demand justice for animals, to gather with likeminded individuals and to plt, plan and scheme new ways to fuck with speciesism.

Join thousands of other people during this national march, wich speeches from folks like Lynn Sawyer, Roger Yates and Lousie Ryan.

As always,we’d advice folks to mask up, to watch out for cop behaviour and to keep each other safe

see you on the streets!


8th July, Midlands UK.

Received anonymously via email:


It’s always worth having a sneak around at night. After a visit to a farm we knew sold turkeys for Christmas, we managed to locate were the babies they’d be murdering come December were. Young and curious they slept on a filthy concrete floor with little bedding in a barn right next to the farmers house. But we can be quiet and fast when we have to, we took as many as we had good homes for. 26 escaped that night and will not have their bodies commodified or their lives brutally cut short for a Christmas table spread. Fuck anyone and everyone who objectifies, exploits and profits from this bloody business that turns lives into products.

Sending love, solidarity and rage to our comrades in Chile. Presos Susaron a la calle!”


The international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners is coming up, 23-30 August.

“With strength we make this call to action for a week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners. Let our words not die in our mouths but our ideas and actions be realized.

Organize solidarity events, film screenings, banner drops, discussion rounds, direct actions, radio shows, letter writings … be creative!

Let’s remember those who fought against this injustice and paid with their lives.
Let our comrades in prison not be forgotten and let’s show the warmth of solidarity! No one is free, till all are free!”

Read the whole call for 2024, check out new material (flyers in different languages), and find more info about the solidarity week, on the website: https://solidarity.international

Send info about your events and actions to: [email protected].


[Image credit: @suffolkandessexhuntsabs] 

The supplementary badger cull continues, as does action against it. Derbyshire Against the Cull have taken up a combination of direct action and advocacy, as seen in social media posts throughout the month that has shown them successfully stopping free shooters as well distributing flyers and stickers within the community. They’ve also called out for supporters to contact their local MPs to put pressure on them to end the continuation of badger culling as government policy. Hull Wildlife Protectors also held a training day, giving an opportunity for concerned members of the public to learn about wildlife crime and badger persecution and what can be done. Badger setts continue to be monitored, as seen by Staffordshire Hunt Saboteurs.

The Monmouthshire & Valley Beagles in South Wales and the Eryri Hunt in North Wales both disbanded this month. Though the scale of hunting can seem overwhelming, news such as this is a reminder of how vulnerable individual packs are and how realistic it is for them to disband. Dedicated campaigns, including consistent sabbing, is sure way to make that happen.  

The Dove Valley Mink Hounds continue to have difficulties, as they were once against intercepted by hunt saboteurs; this time from Staffordshire and Nottingham. As per, on their arrival the hunt gave up straight away and headed back to the meet. In Essex, the Eastern County Mink Hounds had their first ever experience being sabotaged since they reformed. This hunt originally disbanded once Otter populations had declined massively, resulting in protective legal status, but reformed as minkhounds (though continued to hunt Otter, as many still do). However, they once again disbanded in 2021, following internal problems and becoming the target of local sabotage groups. Thinking they had gone forever, it was then discovered they re-emerged soon after as a private pack who hunt ‘legally’ using dogs to flush their target animal to a gun. But after a little bit of research, a large group of saboteurs made up from North London, Suffolk & Essex, Norwich, South Cambridge and South of Norfolk surprised them by taking the hounds away, forcing them to pack up and leave.  

Northants Hunt Saboteurs, along with other locals, continue to put pressure on The Cottesmore Hunt by having a presence and protesting two fun rides and the hunts summer party. This causes a lot of frustration for the hunt as they attempt to recruit new members and raise money. Sabs and protesters highlighting the brutal reality of hunting counteracts the hunts false narrative they try to uphold. It is bad for business and can play a key part in the demise of a hunt, when combined with other tactics.  

Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs have been busy ‘cleaning up the countryside’, including spring traps and a fox cage. According to them, a simple ‘jump around’ can make a difference to wildlife. Likewise, Underground Badger Syndicate published a video of multiple spring traps being stamped out after looking for shiny things. In a separate post on their Instagram page, they made their position on the UK general election clear as many may have been voting with wildlife legislation in mind. Not only does mainstream politics come with limits, but acting on a single cause or campaign can be very dangerous. As they explain, Labour party leader Keir Starmer is a transphobe, has pledged to continue culling badgers, has platformed Zionist lobbyists and have little interest in supporting refugees. These are just a few examples of the true intensions of this party, who end up winning and now make up the government. Simply put, UBS concludes ‘fuck your votes, take action!’.  

Any information about wildlife killing fundraisers, hunting, the location of traps, tools and infrastructure used to kill and anything dodgy or suspicious relating to the interference or ill-treatment of wildlife should be reported to your local hunt sabotage group. Unsure of your local group? Contact the Hunt Saboteurs Association’s tip-off line at 07443148426 or via social media. The smallest bit of information could make the biggest different to wildlife life.



10th August, Argentina

Via: @anarcoveganismo.arg

ENGLISH (translation):

“Activists from the Animal Liberation Front rescued a chicken from an egg farm during a recky mission.

We were not expecting this liberation, the hen is completely mutilated. She has a severed wing and the back is cut. Now she is somewhere where she will live the rest of her life in freedom, surounded by other chickens.

These animals fall to the ground like they are cargo when the drawers overfilled by human are placed in trucks to drive to slaughter.

In rural areas near the farms, people usually find and keep those chickens to either eat or sell their eggs.

For us, animals are not anyone’s property and even if it is just one life, a person is now free. Let’s respect it, it is their life, not ours!”

SPANISH (original):

Activistas del frente de liberación Animal liberan a gallina colorada de la explotación del huevo haciendo inteligencia en criadero.

“Inesperada liberación, totalmente mutilada. Tiene cortada un ala y también el pico. Ahora se encuentra en un lugar donde vivirá el resto de su vida en libertad junto a otras de su especie.

Estos animales caen al suelo como mercadería,al llenarse los cajones que suben los humanos a los camiones que salen de los criaderos rumbo a los mataderos.

En las zonas rurales los vecinos que viven cerca de los criaderos, suelen tener en sus casas de estas gallinas para consumir o vender sus huevos.

Para nosotros los animales no son la propiedad de nadie y aún que sólo sea una vida,es un individuo que ya se encuentra en libertad.
Respetemosla,es su vida,no la nuestra!”