We needed a little break so we decided to step back from work. It didn’t actually happen when a global pandemic kind of kicked in and we had to start working in local mutual aid. After a little longer than expected, we are ready to get back online and bring you all the news we’ve been bringing you until now, plus some of the series that we’ve been publishing before, plus some news ones! 

There is a lot to discuss and a lot to share and we will be working constantly to catch up with the amount of stuff we want to share with you, but bare with us, we are all volunteers! 

We believe this restart is actually a good moment to explain what Unoffensive Animal is and what we do, in case new people are not aware. 

UA is a collective of likeminded individuals coming from an anarchist, animal liberation perspective that comprehends animal liberation as part of a wider fight to achieve total liberation. That means that our work is directed towards toppling the base of the institutional oppression, which hurts all, the earth and all the inhabitants within it, and that we understand the concept of privilege and the multiple faces that oppression might have, from sexism and transphobia to animal exploitation and the continuous bleeding of the planet Earth. We want to see capitalism toppled, we want to see the institutional chains of oppression overturned and we want to see a society where we can work through mutual aid for the betterment of everybody. A serious task! 

We work as a media channel for those who take action and want to remain anonymous. We receive reports anonymously and give a platform for others to read about what has happened. We DO NOT take part in illegal actions, we DO NOT go into farms and help animals away and we DO NOT smash windows. We serve as a platform for anonymous individuals to report what they are up to. That means that there is no point messaging us asking “how to join” or “please help this poor dog in my neighbour’s garden”. The response to all them was given a long time by the ALF: “When, if not now? Who, if not you?”. 

We also serve as a platform for education. We produce written series about history, about theory and about security. We give talks and organise workshops. 

Lastly, we serve as a prison support platform. We collect money for arrest support, for fines and other economic attacks by the state and for prisoners who need to get some stuff from commissary or to call their loved ones. 

We do all of this out of love. We do it because we believe in a better future where people learn collectively and fight towards a more sustainable world. And we say this because it is important. We cannot do this alone. It is your job to help. It is your job to read, to learnt to expand, to organise, to take action and to support. 

So, we are back, we have many plans on the works and we are asking YOU reading this to start organising too. 

If anyone believes in what we do and how we work, we really could do with help. With the global pandemic hitting hard, some folks have (understandably) cancelled their Patreon donations and some others have reduced what they donate per month. 

If you are able to join the mutual aid team behind Unoffensive Animal, please do so. 


Back tomorrow with news and a whole lot of trouble. 


PHOTO: 100 chinchillas liberated from a fur farm in Brazil, 2014.


We are taking a break. We could explain all the reasons for it but the reality is that internet isn’t the whole of the world and it is very easy to get lost in it. With a project like Unoffensive, a great deal of time is spent in social media and in front of technology. Out of respect for our personal mental health, we need a little break.

We will be back in two weeks. That means no posts, stories or emails for the next 14 days. For immediate release Hit Reports, please contact BiteBack Magazine on info(at)directaction.info and please remember to take security steps sending reports. 

Please continue to support prisoners and tell their stories. You all should check on the latest news on Eric King because it is so incredibly fucked up we cannot just explain it on a paragraph. Go read about it, send a letter, send some money and remember it could easily be you.

We hope this break allows us to breath for a little bit and to focus on the bigger projects we are working on. The documentary needs focus, the information series are lacking and there is at least one if not two major events to organise.

Liberate Or Die event in Hambacher Forst is still on the works. Folks are confirming workshops as we speak. If anyone needs information or wants to offer a talk, please email 3_LoD(at)riseup.net

And that’s basically it because part of learning self care is learning not to feel guilty about taking a break.

See you in the next riot.

Unoffensive Animal.

Photo: Lab raid in Iowa University, 2004. From No Compromise! Magazine n30. 


22nd February, Kent UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“On Saturday 22nd February activists found a rabbit dumped within household rubbish whilst checking out a filthy farm where calves and cows were living in unbelievably disgusting conditions.

Bunny was liberated and now the work with the scum farmers start.

Kent, UK”



25th February, North of France.

Received anonymously via email:

(French below)

“This Tuesday, 25.02.2020, during a walk in the north of France, a young woman saw a hunting stand and literally rushed at it to destroy it.

Let us recall that every speciesist system must be destroyed, the fight must always continue.

Nothing will stop us from fighting against speciesism.



“Ce mardi 25.02.2020, lors d’une promenade dans le nord de la France, une jeune femme ayant vue une hutte de chasse ses littéralement précipiter dessus pour la détruire.

Rappelons que chaque système spéciste doit être anéanti, la lutte doit toujours continuer.

Rien peut nous empêcher à faire face à leur spéciste.



17th February, Sweden.


anonymous report:

“17th of February, Sweden

Two hunting towers were sabotaged in Sweden by DRM (the Swedish Animal Rights Militia).

One of the towers got a message sprayed on it: ‘DRM’ and ‘avskum’ (scum in Swedish).”


16th February, Sweden

Via: BiteBack Magazine

anonymous report:

“A fur selling store was attacked again in Stockholm, Sweden. Poster was placed, glues locked and paint poured. Their windows is still broken to. Mess with the animals and we’ll mess up your store!

In solidatity with innocent comrade Richii Klinsmeister, Djurfront, who was just sentenced to 6 months in prison (for ‘assault’), only for speaking in a megaphone, having a demo against Niclas Pettersson, mink murderer in

Glomen, Sweden.

Number to the mink farmer

(international): 004670869612.

Don’t call to late;)




24th February, Bochum, Germany

Received anonymously via encrypted email:

“Today we paid a visit to the local butcher in Bochum and decorated the shop window with fake blood in order to remind all buyers and pedestrians about the murder they have normalized.”


When we see people wearing their “Support the ALF” hoodies, we really hope they mean it. This is one of those cases.

Someone in Germany was just sentenced to a fine of 2250 EUR in relation to 13 accounts of criminal damage against shooting towers. 

Last year, a wildlife camera took a photo of someone holding a saw next to a tower. When the hunters found 13 hunting towers destroyed in the area, they gave the footage to the police and offered a bounty of 2500 EUR to anyone who would identify the person.

Some scumbag snitch came forward and told the police the identity of the person. A year later and after facing trial, they have been fined 2250 EUR by the German court system.

So this is where you join in this week’s SOLIDARITY SATURDAY. We need to raise those funds and we need to make sure this person feels loved and supported. Please donate 1 euro, or 2, or 50 if you can afford it. Ensure that you share the link with all your friends and local activists. Email big activist groups and platforms like Earth First! Or The Save Movement and ask for their solidarity in sharing this fundraiser. It is everybody’s job, INCLUDING YOURS, to ensure that we all chip in and help this human in need.

At the end of the day, a post about hunting towers destroyed would’ve been praised and hero worshipped hundreds of times. It is now the time to put your solidarity forward and not just your words. 

The link to the fundraiser is here:


Start donating, and sharing and ensuring this person feels loved. Leave a nice message with your donation on the fundraising page.

For the Wild! 


9th February, Luxembourg

anonymous report, from frentedeliberacionanimal.net (translation):

“On the night of February 9, 13 towers used for hunting were destroyed in Luxembourg.

In memory of Mike Hill.

On February 9, 1991, Mike Hill, an 18-year-old hunt saboteur, was killed in Cheshire (United Kingdom) by a hunter who deliberately ran over him during a sab.”