The month of February was a tad slow in terms of reports, but this might have just been because our platform took a couple of weeks off so we count receive those reports! We received a total of 9 reports of direct action during the month, five of them from Germany, where activists targeted a butcher shop, a slaughterhouse, hunting towers and rat traps. Spain too hit against hunting by sabotaging a hunting shop in Madrid. The UK turned their sights against vivisection, and Argentina reported the only liberation action for the month.

Reported actions by country: 

UK: 1




As you all know by now, UA is a volunteer run collective. We do our best to keep up with news about direct action and we try and help with prisoner support as much as we can, we don’t make money from it and do it because we care about counter info and about upholding a radical platform for people to connect and anonymously report what they’ve been up to.

But burnout sucks! And we’ve experienced many a times, with the collective shifting around and people quitting. We even reached the point of quitting not too long ago! We are approaching a whole decade of existence and do not want to get to the burnout stage again, so we are taking a couple of weeks off. This is not necessarily newsworthy, but we want to give a heads up because if anonymous people are sending reports the media links will likely expire before we check the emails, so do not submit anything until at least the 12th of February, we will be back on the 17th!

If on the other hand your reports can’t wait, remember that NAALPO has a system to receive reports too!

See you soon, remember radical self care, love your people, love yourself, cuddle some animals and please, keep fighting!

Unoffensive Animal


January has been a colourful month and really not the standard we are used to. This month there were no reports related to flesh/eggs/dairy industry, but activists around the world targeted hunting, entertainment, vivisection, the pet industry as well as a known animal abuser that had stabbed a horse to death. A total of 9 reports were received by Unoffensive Animal this month.

By country, these are the numbers of direct actions reported:

USA: 1

The north of Italy ALF kept kicking hard as always, visiting three different hunting locations and destroying towers, traps and decoy cages. France’s second report of the year hit national news, with multiple press offices reaching out for comment. We can’t comment because we didn’t do it, so you don’t need to ask!

The UK saw the only reported liberation of the year, targeting the pet industry and rescuing guinea pigs.

Ireland was a bit of a misfit and we were not entirely sure where to categorise “threats to a convicted pedophile and horse stabber”, but nevertheless the Animal Rights Militia reported the action which seemed backed by the local press.

That’s all for January! 



Receives anonymously via email:

“Animal Liberation: A Fight That Needs to Remain Anonymous

Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in reports about actions taken in the name of animal liberation. It is encouraging to see more people getting involved in this cause, freeing animals, and sabotaging the operations of their exploiters. These reports often include photos taken during or after the action, showing the liberated animals or
activists with their faces fully covered. Despite face coverings, some reports are shared on social media by those responsible.

Many activists have been convicted for similar actions, often facing jail time or fines. Revealing the identities of individuals behind these actions makes no difference for the animals, but it does make a difference to the snitches, the cops, and the government. Such actions threaten capitalism and the state, as animals are seen as property for profit and power, driving them to punish those involved.

Animal liberation actions should be taken seriously, with the understanding that every move we make comes with responsibility and potential consequences. Yes, we know that a photo might seem more badass and attract more likes and views to a thread, but that is absolutely not the point. This is not a fight for us. This is not a fight for our egos. This is a fight for those behind bars, inside experimental labs, chained in yards, and used as tools for anthropocentric reasons.

We have seen cases where activists deliberately revealed their identities after an action, followed by calls for financial solidarity. Asking for money for an action that was intentionally exposed is deeply problematic. While revealing an identity doesn’t impact the animals, financial support is crucial for political prisoners, animal shelters, and animal rights groups.

We must acknowledge that not everyone faces the same reality when confronting the police and the justice system. Those from humble backgrounds often go unnoticed and lack financial support, overshadowed by others. It’s crucial to refocus our struggles and liberation efforts on putting the lives of animals back at the centre where they belong.”

[editor’s note: This writing was received anonymously and it does not necessarily represent the ideology of UA. For example, we do not believe that images of liberation are inherently ego-centred and we think that the visuals aid people to deeply connect with the animals rescued. We do agree that there is absolutely no point submitting anonymous reports and then publicly claiming them, and it is without a doubt an ego driven behaviour. We publish the text unedited because we think UA should be a platform of conversation too, so go forth and discuss!]


It is the end of the year, and with it we take the opportunity to look back at the past 12 months, to reminiscence on the campaigns that have pushed forward the animal liberation movement, to celebrate the anonymous actions that helped thousands of animals to freedom and to remember the many ways the state pushed back against people fighting for a better world.

2024 saw a significant increase in reported direct actions to Unoffensive Animal, We received a total of 158 reports (2023 was 99 reports!). It is worth noting that we receive reports mostly in English and from the western world, and that the number is in no way representative of the amount of anonymous actions taken to further animal liberation around the world. Many people decide to not report their actions, and many others might report actions on platforms that we do not know about. It is also important to note that we do not publish open rescues, so those reports are also not included in the total number.

By country, the total number of reported actions for the year is as follows:

UK: 36
Germany: 22
Italy: 21
Denmark: 17
Argentina: 14
France: 14
Australia: 8
Greece: 4
Sweden: 4
USA: 4
Chile: 3
Spain: 3
Ireland: 2
Belgium: 2
Czech Republic: 1
Norway: 1
Malaysia: 1
Serbia: 1

Most of the actions reported were sabotage actions (86), followed by 63 liberations and 9 arsons. By target, hunting was the highest industry to receive the attention of anonymous activists, with 71 reports. Flesh/dairy/eggs/fish and other consumption was the second highest target, at 66 reports in total. Other targets were the pet industry (7 reports), entertainment (6), fur (5) and vivisection (3 actions).

As it has become standards, Germany and France’s numbers came in great part from unreported hunting tower sabotages that had been published in the press, although Germany had a notable February when multiple delayed reports were received about many different animals finding freedom from exploitative farms. Germany also reported a butcher shop sabotage that cost the owner 30k EUR to repair. It is also worth noting Argentina, which shoot up in numbers to 14 when they did not make the list last year! The UK had a big run liberating chickens, but there were reports of arson at a slaughterhouse truck stop and sabotage at a dairy parlour as well as an increase on the targeting of the pet industry. Interestingly in the UK, Dorset seems to have increased in activity, specially in the second half of the year. Greece and Chile competed for the biggest arson this year, burning an egg plant and a bullfighting square respectively. Australia is worth mentioning too, where anonymous activists targeted the political office of Jacinta Allan, who was to blame for the murder of waterfowl, but they also spent some time making hunter’s life impossible when the duck shooting season started. Italy (specially northern Italy!) became a staple of anti hunt activity, but they also reported about the liberation of many farm animals. Notably, after Sonny the Bear was murdered, they too targeted a political office in retaliation. Denmark kept at it with the paint and glue signature dish they’ve been serving up for the past couple of years, where they target butcher shops, restaurants and other exploitative shops to give them a nasty surprise the morning after. France showed solidarity with the MBR acres campaign by liberating two beagles from an MBR farm in Gannat. Lastly on the direct action round up, it was very interesting to see the kick off of direct action under the 12 days of Christmas campaign released by anonymous activists in Scotland, we received a total of 11 related reports in the month of December.

On the prisoner support front we also had quite an eventful year. Jack was arrested and charged of arson after an attack on police vehicles in Atlanta, USA. They were later released and put in house arrest. We will update about their case when we hear anything. From the Atlanta Forest campaign, Victor Puertas was finally released from prison! Snider in Sweden was sentenced to an indefinite amount of time at a mental health clinic after being found guilty of an action against fur farming. We are hopeful he will be released soon. All Susaron prisoners were sentenced after the arson that burnt multiple vehicles and the refrigeration units at a meat packaging plant. Itamar and Turtuga were given 5 and 4 years tag, whilst Panda and ru were sentenced to 5 years in prison. You should write to them, find the address on our website!

After a mink farm raid, Cara and Celeste were arrested. They were kept in jail for a while, but were released on bail. We will keep you informed about any developments on the case.

We organised two fundraisers this year, one for the Susaron prisoners and one for Cara and Celeste, selling t-shirts and prints designed by amazing artists Krime, ZeroFourSixEight, Daisy.lotta, Steveortiz_art and Praxis_vgz.

Daniel Andreas San Diego was arrested in Wales after being wanted by the FBI for 20 years in relation to actions against HLS. We are awaiting for more information about the case and will update you accordingly.

In the miscellaneous corner, Wildfire Magazine Vol.4 was released (and it is so pretty!!!), we turned 8 years old (honestly feeling old!) and NAALPO reported on dozens of fur farms shut in the USA.

Oh, and our website was hacked! That was a fun couple of weeks undoing infected files from the server!

All in all, 2024 felt like a year of ramping up action, of defiance against the speciesist system and of fighting back when the state bites us.

As we wished back in 2022

May 2025 bring either less oppression, or more fighting!

Unoffensive Animal.


What a month it’s been. During the month of December we received a total of 17 direct action reports. For the first time this year, most reports were liberations of animals in places of abuse, which changed the tone from a year heavy on sabotage.

By country, the number of reported actions were as follows:

UK: 9
France: 3
Argentina: 2
Italy: 1
Sweden: 1
Ireland: 1

After a Scottish report of a chicken liberation called for autonomous groups to join the ’12 days of Christmas’ call to action, many reports referring to it were received. In France, 24 turkeys were liberated. The UK then released a report about 3 Cornish cross chickens, another report about a reindeer market’s advertisements being ripped down and a third report claiming that Christmas elves had liberated six ducks. France reported another 7 turkeys liberated, some UK anarchists reported on another six turkeys finding freedom, 32 rodent were taken from a pet mill in UK, where a mistreated kitten was also liberated. A video about another 3 turkeys from the UK was released, and then a report telling us about a continuous campaign to shut down a deer farm and shoot in Britain. Italy reported on five decoy bird cages destroyed as a Christmas present to the hunters. Seems that the 12 days of Christmas turned into the 12 days of crime!

On the prisoner support side we reminded folks that writing to prisoners during the holidays is extremely necessary (but lets be frank, you should write to prisoners always), we shut down the preorders for the Cara and Celeste’s tee fundraiser (we are shipping them very soon!!!) and we were delighted to read Dimitria’s words after being acquitted of the violent charges against a hunter.

As always, we will be here to report on all news about direct action in the animal liberation movement. If you can afford it, please donate a few coins to us or even join our patreon if you want to do a monthly donation! We don’t keep any money ourselves, all the funds raised go towards the project and towards prisoner support needs.

paypal: [email protected]
Patreon: www.patreon.com/animalliberation



Hey folks just a quick shout out to our fundraiser. We are selling t-shirts and art prints designed by super radical artists from across the globe to raise funds for Cara and Celeste. The pre-order only fundraiser will close down in 72 hours, so it is now or never!

Cara and Celeste were arrested in the vicinity of a fur farm that had been raided, where over 600 mink were released to freedom. They spent a few weeks until they managed to post bail and now they are preparing for a legal battle in court contesting many charges including felony eco terrorism.

Philly ABC has a fundraiser going and we would like to send as much money as we possible can to it, so if you can afford it please grab a tee or some prints to contribute! If you grab a print collection and a t-shirt in the same order we will add a few stickers for free as a thank you. 

Please note that this is a preorder item only, which means they will only be sent once they are printed (likely next week), so if you’re ordering other bits from the website which are not marked as pre-order items they will ship together once the tees are ready!

Grab the tees and prints here:

Please donate generously if you can, and even if you can’t afford it please just share this far and wide so others see it before we close the preorders!



Hey friends! This won’t be a very long update, we just wanted to let you all know that we have re-stocked the Christmas cards, so if you were waiting for them they are now live on the site!

A pack of six is marked for a minimum donation of 10GBP and we will include 6 envelopes with them.

Designs by Kate Louise Powell, ZeroFourSixEight and Illustre Feccia!

Grab a set here: 


We also have prints, magazines, pins, patches and stickers and many many more, so have a look on our shop in case you fancy something!

We are shipping as we receive orders but we cannot promise you they will arrive before the Christmas period, especially if they are posted outside of Europe. We will do our very best though to get them to you asap!

Remember that if you include pre-order items in your order (those to fundraise for Cara and Celeste) it is likely they will not make it before Christmas, so order separately if that’s an issue.

Check our shop:

All profits go to prisoner support and the up keeping of the site.



What a month it has been for reported actions and for prisoner support news!

Over the month of November we received a total of nine reports related to animal liberation direct action. As it is standard, a vast majority of them were sabotages targeting hunting, but three of them also targeted the flesh and egg industry, including the an arson of two meat lorries.

By country, the number of reports was:

UK: 3
France: 2
Italy: 2
Germany: 1
Argentina: 1

On the prisoner support side, we head that Toby Shone is finally out of jail. Welcome back! We were elated to hear that Cara and Celeste had been granted bail and are outside too awaiting trial accused of liberating mink from a fur farm in the USA. We have a t-shirt and prints fundraiser running which will close on the 12th of December, with all profits going to the NU2, so if you can support Cara and Celeste check our shop and grab a mink trial solidarity tee!

Last week we also read that Daniel San Diego was arrested after 20 years wanted by the FBI. He had an arrest warrant related to two explosions back in the early 2000s that were reported by the Revolutionary Cells – Animal Liberation Brigade as being linked to Huntingdon Life Sciences targets.

We also re-published an explanation on how to anonymously report direct action to Unoffensive Animal. Have a read if you haven’t yet!


PS: If you like what we do, help us keep going by dropping some coins on our PayPal or patreon
Paypal: [email protected]
Patreon: www.patreon.com/animalliberation


Hey friends! Every now and then we like to make a post like this, where we outline what we do (and don’t do) and how anonymous activists can report their direct actions safely. Read below, and please understand that it is on you to work out what your threat model is, and how many security steps you need!

To start with, let us be very clear: Unoffensive Animal DOES NOT take illegal action, we do not know who does and we cannot get you in touch with the ALF. We are an anonymous reporting platform, we receive anonymous reports and share them publicly, we have done so for almost a decade and all we try to do is keeping you safe reporting your actions anonymously.

So, now that that’s clear, why should people report actions? One can simply do stuff and they do not need to share about it online, even if anonymously! Whilst we believe this to be completely fair, we understand anonymous reporting as a way to talk to other anonymous comrades who also take action themselves, as a way to inspire others who might decide they can too take action and as a form of self expression. It also helps support prisoners by enlarging the platform and showing folks why prionser support is necessary (so that people take action knowing they’ll be supported by the community if they get into trouble!)

This is how you report anonymously to us:

1- Use the TOR browser. This browser has many characteristics that make you a little more anonymous. If you don’t have the TOR Browser, you can download it here: https://www.torproject.org/

2- Head to our website (www.unoffensiveanimal.is/contact-us) You will find a contact form where you can write whatever you want on it. Tell us your story, but do not tell us your name or other personal identifiers. Do mention when this happened, where it happened (even the name of the farm would be useful), tell us why it happened, dedicate it to a prisoner if you fancy…. We DO NOT want to know about your personal details. We also DO NOT want to know about your future plans. Please do not make us complicit. Not knowing is the best way for us to keep safe.

3- Do you have photos or video? Delete the metadata (send them on signal, then download them from signal if you want the very easiest way, but if not, just download EXIFEraser and use the software to clean the media). Then upload it to ufile.io or to wetransfer.com or whatever other service (as long as you do not give personal details). Make sure that the service keeps your media for a minimum of 7 days. We do not check emails every day. SEVEN DAYS MINIMUM! Paste the download link to the contact us box alongside the anonymous report.

4- Tap on Encrypt and send. The message will encrypt and be sent to us. You can now shut down TOR Browser. If report is not online within 2 weeks, you can re-send it. Maybe it’s gone missing. Before resending, please check the content and ensure you haven’t sent personal details, (we don’t share open rescues), also make sure the content wasn’t fucking racist, or sexist, or otherwise bigoted or insensitive to other oppressed peoples.

And that’s about it.

Get out there, mask up, cause trouble.

Solidarity always.

PS: If you like us existing as an anonymous platform, please donate some coins either on PayPal or patreon!

Patreon: www.patreon.com/animalliberation
Paypal: [email protected]