‘Solidarity from so-called Victoria, Australia, with imprisoned comrades from the Hambach forest occupation in Germany. On January 22nd, cops raided tree houses and barricade structures in the forest, and took 9 people into custody. We took this photo as a small part of the international day of solidarity with the Hambi 9 on February 3rd.

The occupation has for years now been an amazing and inspiring site of resistance against the continued expansion of Europe’s largest coal mine. It is part of a global struggle against ecological destruction brought on by capitalism.

Freedom for eco-defenders everywhere!’


via Insurrection News


Minsk, Belarus.

‘Near the Turkish embassy in the centre of Minsk, Belarusian anarchists organized a protest against Erdogan’s agenda.

Thus, local activists show a solidarity with comrades from Kurdistan, who are bravely fighting for the freedom and for the building of better society now.’

via Insurrection News



We requested and received an account of the happenings during the last 269 Libération Animale blockade in France. Read the words because they transmit not only how violent the cops can be but also how the estate repression keeps creeping up and the urgency of more activists joining to make a change.

Enjoy the ride and if you for some strange reason haven’t liked their page yet, go support them now!

“The action lasted 14 hours, the slaughterhouse is the 5th biggest in France, hundreds of cows are killed there daily. The slaughterhouse was already targeted by the association in the past, 9 activists chained themselves to the gate and blocked the trucks for 4 hours. 2 Nuits Debout were organized as well and we returned there because it belongs to an important carnist lobby ”Sicarev”.

We occupied the rooftop of another of their slaughterhouses 29-30/10 for 26 Hours. The president of Sicarev came on Monday and tried to convince the police to be harsh with us and said we should all get a prison sentence, as if he substituted himself to a judge. The police tried to steal the phone filming the evacuation and an activist was able to hide it in its pocket to film. They were really violent.

After the evacuation of the activists chained inside the death row, they evacuated us on the rooftop. Some of us (15 approximately) were put in jail for a couple of hours.

Tiphaine and Ceylan, the founders of the association, who were just supporting the action on the streets, and who were not participating, were chased by police officers and locked up for more than 24 hours!

This is just another sign they are trying to put huge psychological pressure on the whole disobedience movement.

This is the first time in France that a slaughterhouse is completely unable to kill for a whole day and it shows how effective we could be if we grew our numbers.

People should stop saying they defend animals and put themselves as heroes, we are just here to be allies and now our resistance against speciesist industries must go into slaughterhouses. We must resist with them, not just for them. This is why we put ourselves between the knives and the victims.”


21st January, Castellón

Activists from Castellón Animal Save and OVIA Castellón decided to sabotage an announced wild boar hunt in the neighbouring town of Borriol.

“We arrived at 6am and invaded all public footpaths where the hunt was supposed to take place. Armed with pots and pans we started a concert alerting the animals to the risks of hunters in the area and letting the hunters know we weren’t going anywhere. Cops were nowhere to be seen and the hunters only came out once to check us out. No shots were heard but we saw a whole herd of wild boar!

On our way back to the cars, filled with a feeling of victory, we saw a hunter coming out of the woods, looking at us as if to let us know that he hadn’t enjoyed the concert. Great sab without any major incidents!”


MULTIPLE ACTIONS AGAINST #InvasionDay2018 ‘So-called Australia’

In the build-up to #InvasionDay2018, there have been reports of multiple actions of solidarity with indigenous people in ‘Australia’.

The Australian state and all of its institutions are built on genocide, slavery, and oppression. January 26th, Invasion Day, marks the anniversary of the beginning of European oppression in Australia.

Numerous banner drops have occurred, with one in particular reading ‘NO PRIDE IN GENOCIDE – JAN 26 = INVASION DAY’.

‘This action was taken by non-Indigenous people as a minimal act of solidarity with the ongoing struggles of First Nations peoples.’


Photo from: Insurrection News


“In solidarity with the imprisoned activists and all people facing repression by the state a banner was dropped in Tübingen, southern Germany, saying “freedom for Hambach prisoners, war against everyone who destroys the earth and confines our comrades”

Since Tuesday January 23rd 2018, nine activists from the Hambach Forest occupation are in pre-trial detention, accused of obstructing the work of officers.”

To show our solidarity with the imprisoned activists and all people facing repression by the state a banner was dropped in Tübingen, southern Germany, saying “freedom for Hambach prisoners, war against everyone who destroys the earth and confines our comrades”

If you have time write letters to the prisoners, the addresses and more info can be found at the ABC Rhineland Blog.

We may not all have the time to squat trees and build barricades, but we all can spare some minutes to support the struggle against RWE and the destruction of our climate and ecosystem – may it be by writing letters to prisoners, dropping a banner or disarm a coal excavator.

Tear down the walls that keep us from each other!

Libertad por lxs presxs Hambi 9!”