Our comrades at Warzone Distro have produced a very nice interview with the people imprisoned for Caso Susaron.

The interview is too long for a short post, but it can be found as a reading version in the Anarchist Library, or as a print version on their website. Both links below.

Reading version:

Print version:

They also turned the interview we did with Sindre into a short zine, so if you want to print it out for distro tables, you can find it here:



Jessica Reznicek is a land and water defender, imprisoned since 2021, for eight years, due actions to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

In February the prison forced Jessica to spend about two months in disciplinary segregation.

Jessica is out of isolation since April. Jessica has recently written a public statement, in which she thanks for all support given to her, and expresses solidarity with her fellow prisoners.

Read more on our website, about how you can support, and write a letter to, Jessica:



Leonard Peltier is a native american activist, who has been locked up since 1976, sentenced to two consecutive terms of life imprisonment, for murder of two FBI agents. Leonard did not get a fair trial and he has always claimed his innocence. Leonard is 79 years old. Lately Leonard has struggled with health problems, he has diabetes and an aortic aneurysm.

Recently Leonard applied for parole. But on July 2th the US Parole Commission announced that they denied Leonard freedom. The fact that Leonard was not granted parole, and that he won’t be eligible for another parole hearing until June 2026, possible means that the last chance for him to be free, is that President Joe Biden will pardon him, so that he can be reunited with his friends and family, spending the last days of his life in freedom, outside the prison walls.

We stand in solidarity with Leonard, with love and respect for the fight that he waged and the price that he has payed. We continue to spread information about his case, and in various ways fight for a world without prisons.

Leonard has written a statement about him being denied parole:

“Greetings my Friends, Family, Loved Ones and Supporters. Hope is a hard thing here. But I always hold hope in you, My People. Pay attention. The parole decision on July 11 may show you what justice truly means to this nation and to whom it is meant for.

Living in lockdown, time has twisted into something that has nothing to do with minutes, hours or years. They have taken what little freedom I have outside this box. Art — gone. Ceremony — gone. Yet they will never take the Spirit of a Sundancer. I have never given them my integrity. I remain undestroyed.

I am counting on you if this decision does not go my way. I always need your prayers. I need you to demand that this country finally commit one act of Justice. My attorney assures me the battle is not over until it is over — she will not back down. I am counting on you not to back down. My time is running out here, with no medical care. I do not fear death, returning to Mother Earth’s womb, but I do not want to die in lockdown.

In my solitude, my mind often returns to Raymond Yellow Thunder. The profound tragedy of Raymond’s murder sparked change in our people and showed them who the American Indian Movement is.

Raymond was a hard-working man. When he came into town to give money to his sisters, it was not enough for the Hare brothers to humiliate Raymond, strip him and parade him around an American Legion Dance.

Raymond was shoved into the trunk of a car and died the next day. The Hare brothers were charged with second-degree manslaughter and released with no bail. [The Hare brothers were arrested as the primary assailants of Raymond Yellow Thunder, a member of the Oglala Nation, who died from his injuries in February 1972, in Gordon, Nebraska. (Lakota Times, Feb. 23, 2017.)]

Raymond’s sisters were distraught that even that small charge may not stick. The authorities would not release the autopsy report. They would not allow Raymond’s sisters to see his body. The sisters sought help from the BIA [Bureau of Indian Affairs], the Tribal government and private attorneys.

In desperation, they turned to the American Indian Movement. AIM members are Spirit Warriors, not merciless savages. We organized 200 carloads of people and demanded justice. With dignity, we demanded justice. Sheriff’s deputies, state troopers and FBI agents agreed that serious charges should be filed against the Hares and that the local police chief should be dismissed.

Indigenous people started holding their heads up after that victory. They started speaking out against abuses by the BIA and Tribal government and white ranchers profiting off their land. We must not allow Raymond’s fate to befall others.

My mother used to ask with dismay, “Why is it so bad to be Indian?” I find myself wondering why they hate us so. We will triumph over the misguided hate of others. Never, ever, forget who you are. We are the First People.

Mother Earth herself fires the blood that runs through our veins. Protect each other, protect Mother Earth for future generations, and stand with oppressed peoples everywhere. Remember that true strength does not reside in holding power over others. Strength comes from living out of a place of humility and integrity, inspiring others to find their unique strengths.

Oppression is rising, running like black mold through every facet of society. We must stand together and let society know that Indigenous lives are not cheap. The lives of our oppressed brothers and sisters are not cheap. All people are worthy of basic human dignity. Colonialism has all but destroyed us. We must do nothing less than transform society into a place where human beings are not disposable.

Do not weep if I am not granted parole. Cry freedom. Coalesce yourselves, galvanize your relationships, establish alliances.

In the power of our people we find strength. Hold your head up high. It is not over, until it is over.

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse. Doksha,

Leonard Peltier”

Read more about Leonard, how you can support, write letters to, him. https://unoffensiveanimal.is/prisoner-support/



We got the chance to speak to Sindre, a Swedish animal liberation activist, locked up in prison indefinitely. (Check out our website for more information, about Sindres case, and how to write to him)

  • Sindre, could you to tell us something about yourself, a brief background?
    I am 22 years old and come from a small Swedish town. Thanks to my parents being lacto ovo vegetarians, I was born into vegetarianism, with a passion for animal rights and when I got older veganism and the fight for animal liberation came naturally. I have now been vegan for about six years. In several ways I have been active for the animals through both direct actions, as well as above ground activism and demonstrations within the organisation Djurfront. I love animals, books, black metal and video games.
  • Anything you want to tell us about your trial? Why you are in prison, and how long you been there, will be there?
    After threatening a mink farmer, I was charged with unlawful threats and attempted assault and summoned to a trial as well as talks with the correctional service to make an evaluation regarding the appropriate punishment. They considered that I needed to perform a psychiatric examination, which indicated a serious mental disorder. An opinion I do not share.
    Then I was sentenced to forensic psychiatric care by the court, which denied my lawyer’s request for a new examination, and I was unexpectedly detained in the middle of the work week, which complicated everything enormously. No reason for the detention other than that there was a risk of new crimes was given. I was detained for three months before I ended up in the psychiatric hospital, in total I have been detained for about nine months now. It is an indefinite period, so unfortunately I have no idea how long I will have to be locked up.
  • How are you doing at the moment?
    I’m fine under the circumstances, but it’s terrible to live trapped with people you don’t know, with staff and rules, to lack self-determination over your everyday life.
  • Anything you want to tell us about the conditions in prison? What does a day look like for you?
    A day usually looks like this. I wake up at 8:00 for breakfast which lasts until 08:30, and after that no food is served, so it’s important that I wake up. Then I take care of my hygiene, shower and brush my teeth. After that, it is usually time to go to the activity center where various activities such as sports, crafts and the like are offered. After that, I usually take a walk on the walking area, which is a footpath outside the rest yards where you can have the privilege of walking without staff during certain times. After that, it’s usually bedtime around 9:00 PM after supper at 5:30 PM. I also read a lot of books during the days when I’m not walking or at the activity center. This is what a day looks like.
  • We heard that you have been permitted to leave the prison, sleep at home sometimes. How does it feel?
    It feels wonderful to come home and see my family and the animal family members who live with us. A moment of freedom.
  • Have you received any support from outside the prison, and what does that mean for you?
    I have received support from my wonderful family and from my wonderful comrades who sent letters already in custody and showed that I was not alone. Since then, my family has visited me regularly and brought things that I need. My comrades have organized so that I received support via letters from all over Europe. I couldn’t be more grateful for all the support.
  • Is there something you need that comrades can help you with?
    Since my finances are arranged through savings and sickness benefit it is probably only mail which would be nice if it continued to come as I feel much less alone in the fight for the liberation of animals.
  • What do you want to do when you are released?
    When I get released, I want to spend as much time as possible with my family and my best friend, a pit bull mix guy named Kenzo. And continue to fight for the animals in every way I can.
  • Are there anything you want to bring up that we forgot to ask?
    No, it’s fine. (I hope my answers were not too long)



Sindre has been granted longer leaves from detention and is sometimes sleeping at home now. He is still serving his sentence, which does not have a final date and psych hospital has the last word on when Sindre is done serving a sentence that without the mental hospital would’ve been a four month prison sentence. Please write a letter to Sindre today and send him love!

Sindre is an animal rights activist, 21 years old, from so-called Sweden. Sindre is a kind and respected comrade in the animal rights community, who has fought against animal abusers in various ways.

In October 2023, Sindre was sentenced to forensic psychiatric forced care. The verdict refers to prosecution for actions in 2021, against the former fur farmer Niklas Pettersson. Sindre denies the alleged crime. Sindre was also sentenced to pay SEK 10,000 in damages to Niklas. The sentence was appealed, but later in 2023 The Court of Appeal upheld the verdict. If Sindre had not been sentenced to forensic psychiatric care, his prison sentence would have been only four months.

Sindre was detained immediately after the trial, on the ninth of October, and has since been imprisoned without an end date. A horrible sentence!

Support Sindre!

Help him endure behind bars, let him know he’s not alone. Send letters to the following address:

Sindre Annasson Persson

Rudolf Jonassons väg 25B

24136 Eslöv



At 18:00 GMT+1 , Monday 1st July, we will shut down the pre orders for hoodies and tshirts to raise funds for susaron prisoners. We will not print extras. We will not have more. Today is the last day you can order them.

Every single penny on profit will go to support the prisoners accused of arson at a meat packaging plant in Chile. You get some threads, they get legal support and vegan food!

Please donate generously, grab yourself some merch and support folks who fight on the frontlines.

Find it here:




ATTENTION! Today marks the last week you’ll have a chance to place a pre-order to buy a t-shirt or a tote bag and support Presos Susaron. Qwerty will not print extras. We will order only as many as there are pre-orders. Grab yourself one before the end of the month if you want to support the three comrades in prison accused of burning a meat packaging plant in Chile.

We are still; below the threshold to place the order with the printers, so please, if you can afford it, grab yourself a tee or a tote bag. You can choose your own price, you can donate more if you can afford it, you can donate less if you’re unable to meet the suggested price, every single penny in profit will go to the support group who keeps Ru, Tortu and Panda going whilst they wait for trial.

They have been locked up since October 2022, accused of being part of a group who set on fire meat lorries and the refrigeration units of a meat packaging plant. Itamar was released from prison back in March having been given a five year tag sentence. The other three comrades are still awaiting trial. They are anarchists, vegan and straight edge and through their time in prison they’ve insisted they maintain strong political views and are proud of their actions. They need our support. Please show up!

If you cannot afford buying a tee or tote, share this post! Make sure as many people as possible see it! 

Buy them here:


Every order will come with free stickers. Every order with a tote bag and a t-shirt together will also receive a wildfire magazine for free.

Solidarity always!


Prisoner support ensures folks feel empowered to take risks that could make them face the law. It tells people they will be backed for all who might not be willing to risk their freedom but that appreciate that others do.

We know many folks are not willing to risk their freedom but appreciate those who do because hit reports are extremely well received, welcomed and commented by many of our readers.

Unfortunately, it is not translating into prisoner support. Cheering for all the fantastic work that anonymous people do fighting back against speciesism or freeing animals from places of abuse is not enough. We must show up for those who have ended up facing legal issues due to those kinds of actions.

We understand that not everybody is able to afford donating towards prisoner support, but that is not the only way you all can show up. Writing letters to prisoners is hugely important, and interacting with posts about fundraising for prisoners goes a long way. If you can’t donate, please comment, share, send it to people privately, email distros who might be able to share it too or in any other way engage with it so more people see it and hopefully support!

Currently we are running a pre-order only merch sale to raise funds for the Susaron Prisoners, who are locked up accused of arson at a meat packaging plant, but that is only one of many; today we received a request for support for almost 2k GBP for folks convicted of taking animals out of farms!

Unoffensive is prisoner support. We believe it to be the most important job we can do, but for us to do it we need you to do it too. Please help us support prisoners around the world.

Write to a prisoner today:

Pre-order some merch to support Press susaron; we have not reached the minimum orders to make it profitable yet:




Back in 2022, a Susaron owned meat packaging plant in Chile was attacked. Six lorries and part of the refrigerated unit were burn to the ground.

Some time later four anarchist and antispeciesist individuals were arrested and sent to prison awaiting trial in connection with the arson attack.

One of those anarchists was sentenced to five years on tag and released from prison a few months ago, but the other three are still sitting in prison awaiting trial and are in dire need of economic support.

Thanks to Krime we have a really cool design to print on t-shirts and tote bags, absolutely all profits made from it will go to the support of the Susaron Prisoners.

These tees and tote bags will be printed as pre-orders only. You won’t be able to get your hands on one of them once pre-orders end at the end of June. For now we have not sold enough to cross the printing threshold, so jump on it and help us support folks in prison!!!

Prisoner support isn’t just the backbone of direct action, ensuring that folks feel comfortable risking their freedom in the knowledge that if something goes wrong, people will have their backs. It also is the strongest form of anti-snitching in the movement. Knowing you are safe if you have to face the law ensures people don’t speak more than they should to avoid consequences.

Get the threads here:


So get involved, show solidarity, grab yourself some nice threads and let’s raise at least a few hundred quid to send to people who really need that support! 



Marius Mason is an activist serving a 22 year sentence after being found guilty of arson at a laboratory and on logging equipment.

Marius was approved for gender affirming care in 2022 when he was moved to FCI Danbury, a male prison. He was then transported to FMC Fort Worth where he was supposed to get gender affirming surgery, but he was informed that the health company contracted by the prison was unwilling to perform a hysterectomy. Marius’ doctor has informed him that there are indications of an early onset of cancer on his uterus, yet the facility is unable to provide the care he deserves. 

His support team has drafted a letter that they are asking to print and post to put pressure and show support. 

Please, read the words below, grab a stamp and print the letter.

Let’s show solidarity to Marius and fight for his health as fearsome as he has fought for our planet. 

“Please copy and paste in to your own document, print and send to:

Director Collette Peters
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20534

Dear Director Peters:
Thank you for prioritizing the rehabilitative purpose and programming of the BOP in your role as Director. It was encouraging to see the Transgender Policy Manual posted again, after years of being unavailable on the FBOP site when you came into office. I appreciate the atmosphere of respect, acceptance and safety fostered at the highest level under your administration for all LGBTQIA+ people currently in the carceral system.

I am writing today to call attention to the situation of Marius Mason (née Marie Mason, #04672-061). Mason has been approved by the FBOP for gender-affirming surgery since 2022. He was transferred from FCI Danbury, a male facility, and after living there for two years, he was transported to FMC Fort Worth, where he was to undergo gender affirming surgery. This was the culmination of a 10-year process, beginning in 2013 when Mason asked to be considered for the new transgender medical policy, after a lawsuit created a pathway to medical transition.

However, Mason was informed at a meeting with Dr. Mercado (the Health Services Administrator), Mr. Strickland and Mason’s therapist, Dr. Bartholomew on 5/24/24 that despite having been approved for surgery, the health services contractor that was working for FMC Fort Worth was not willing to provide gender-affirming hysterectomy. It is our understanding that there are in fact local medical professionals who can perform this procedure, without which the other surgeries will be delayed.

Also at this same meeting, Mason was informed that test results from a prior ultrasound had revealed that there was indications of an early onset of cancer in his uterus, and a further test was being ordered to confirm this possible result. If indeed Marius requires a hysterectomy due to uterine cancer, we hope this will be carried out with all possible speed.

I am asking that you please investigate the apparent refusal of a contracted health care to provide care to a trans prisoner, and also to ensure that this denial and delay do not endanger Mason’s health and safety or delay the approved care long enough to prevent it being fulfilled. Thank you for continuing to be an ally to LGBTQIA+ prisoners in the Federal system.
