Last month we released a pre-order only fundraiser, selling t-shirts and art prints to raise funds for Cara and Celeste, who are facing trial accused of being involved in a mink liberation in the USA.

We have received a few orders and reached the minimum to print t-shirts, but it would be great if we could raise extra funds, so please have a look and grab yourself a print, or a collection of prints, or a t-shirt or three! If you order both a t-shirt and a print collection, we will send some free stickers designed by Praxis with your order!

We’ve priced minimum payment for t-shirts at 20GBP, for the print collection 15GBP and for single prints 7GBP, but we are not a shop and simply collect donations, so if you can afford paying more for them please consider adding a few coins towards the fundraiser, you can name your price in the shop! 

Remember that if you order pre-order items alongside other bits from the shop, we will send them all mid December when the pre-orders are ready, so they will take a little while!

Grab a tee or a print here: https://unoffensiveanimal.is/product-category/mink-trial-solidarity/

If you want to donate but don’t want to grab any tees you’re also welcome to just send your donation to the Philly ABC fundraiser for Cara and Celeste. Find it on www.unoffensiveanimal.is/nu2

Remember that Cara and Celeste have not been found guilty of the mink releases and you should not imply they are guilty of anything! Just support them because the state bites hard on anyone they fancy and we should protect everybody as that is the very best self defence.



As has been widely reported, Daniel San Diego was arrested this week in Wales, 21 years after he was named as a person of interest in two bombings at companies connected to the notorious animal research laboratory Huntingdon Life Sciences.

At this moment, we would like to be clear that Daniel has not been charged with, nor convicted for these actions and is therefore, as far as society is concerned, innocent until proven guilty.

While he has been wanted by the FBI for two decades, he has never escaped custody and has not been ‘on the run’. He has seemingly chosen not to talk to an organisation that labelled him as significant a threat as Bin Laden (who they famously assassinated in his own home).

We would encourage everyone to respect Daniel’s position at this time, and to avoid speculation, or praising/critiquing him for actions he may have played no part in.

We will of course keep you updated, and offer whatever support we can as we learn more.


As many of you know, we are organising a fundraiser to support the legal costs that Cara and Celeste might face due to their arrest following the release of 600 mink from a fur farm.

They spent a few weeks in jail and after bail modifications they were able to come out awaiting trial. They are facing multiple charges, including felony eco-terrorism, and have a long road ahead in court. For that reason, we are selling limited edition t-shirts and prints, which all profits going directly to their fundraising link.

Artists @daisy.lotta, @zerofoursixeight and @steveortiz_art designed artwork which we are printing on A4 size, matt finished recycled paper (they look amazing!!) and @praxis_vgz designed a t-shirt, which we are screen printing on NoSweat garments (cooperative made, organic, eco friendly threads!)

You can grab one or more items, we sell the prints individually or as a collection and we are still running the pre-order for t-shirts too. If you grab a print collection AND a t-shirt, we will also send a bunch of stickers that Praxis designed for us totally free of charge just as a thank you <3

As always, Unoffensive Animal is not a shop. You choose your price on the item’s page, so donate however much you can afford. All the fundraising items are pre-orders and the run will close on the 12th of December, so go order one before it is too late! Remember that if you order any other items alongside the pre-order items, they will be sent together once the tees are printed.

You can find the prints and t-shirts here:


If you can’t afford grabbing a tee or a print, please share this fundraiser far and wide! Also, if you do not want to grab any items but would still like to donate, this is the fundraising link:


Remember that Cara and Celeste have NOT been found guilty of any charges, so do not treat them like such. Instead, treat them like any other human who needs support when the state tries to bite back.

Solidarity is our biggest weapon!


Toby Shone walked free from HMP Garth on Monday 11th November after serving his entire sentence. He was released at 830am and picked up by friends and comrades. He has no licence conditions or restrictions.

The State made a few last desperate attempts to exercise their spite and misery at losing Toby, including removing another close comrade from his phone list four days before his release, but it was to no avail.

Nothing is over, everything continues.



Cara and Celeste were arrested back in October after a mink farm was raided in Pensylvania. They spent a few weeks in jail until the judge agreed to a reduction to 10% on their bail as well as dropping a few other bail conditions, and they were able to come out a few days ago. Whilst a reduction from 150k USD to 15k each for bail is an amazing drop in costs, Cara and Celeste are now facing such massive legal costs that they need all the help they can get.

They are facing multiple charges including felony eco-terrorism, accused of the release of 600+ mink from a fur farm. Their support team is fundraising 75k USD to help cover sots of legal, transportation and other outgoings for the long road ahead.

We have launched our own fundraiser, supported by artists @praxis_vgz, @daisy.lotta, @zerofoursixeight and @steveortiz_art.

Grab yourself a tshirt, a print (or a full collection if you fancy!). If you grab both a collection and a tshirt, we will add some free stickers to your order which have been specially designed for this fundraiser!

This is a pre-order item only. The preorder starts today and it stops 12th December, we will not print any more t-shirts than the ones you order, so please go grab one now, support the initiative. Every single penny in profits will be sent to Philly ABC’s run Cara&Celeste fundraiser.

As always, our site is not a shop, it is a pay as you feel style donation where we send you cool itemz when you drop some coins, so please if you can afford it donate more than the minimum for tshirts and prints! We’ve set the minimum price at 20 GBP for tshirts, 15GBP for the full print collection and 7GBP for individual prints. If you can donate more, please do!

Prints are A4 size, on thick, recycled luxury paper. The tshirts are printed on NoSweat garments, who run a campaign against sweatshops and produce garments that are organic, eco friendly and only made in cooperative factories.

Grab them here: https://unoffensiveanimal.is/product-category/mink-trial-solidarity/

If you grab other items on the same order, please understand they will all be sent together with the pre-order items, so you might now receive them for a little while.

Please, grab a tee and a print, share it around and spread the word. let’s support folks when they face the system, prisoner support is our biggest weapon!

If you don’t want to buy shit to clutter your wardrobe, please just donate some coins to the legal fundraiser: www.unoffensiveanimal.is/nu2

PS: Please use your head. Cara and Celeste HAVE NOT been found guilty of any crimes. Don’t thank them for crimes, don’t tell them they are heros, being charged does not equate guilt. Do not treat them like they are guilty of a crime they have not been sentenced for. Just support them throguh the fucked up road that is navigating the judiciary system.


Cara and Celeste, “the Northumberland 2”, were arrested after a mink raid at a fur farm. They were held on multiple charges, including felony eco-terrorism. On the 9th of November, their bail review changed as the judge accepted 10% bail (from 150k each to 15k each) and they are both out of jail after 3 weeks locked up. Despite the reduction of bail conditions, they are still facing multiple charges including felonies, which will ensure a lot of court dates ahead.

They are going to need a lot of support, even now when they are out of jail. The legal costs will start piling up very fast, and it is only through solidarity that we can ensure Cara and Celeste are supported and have the best chance at remaining free.

We have an art fundraiser in the pipeline, but for now, please head to Philly ABC’s donor box and donate a couple of coins to support them through the legal battle!

Find it here: unoffensiveanimal.is/nu2

We see a lot of people celebrating when anonymous reports are published. It is time now to be as loud as possible about support. Regardless of their innocence, showing up for anyone who is facing the law means we are telling everybody the movement has their back if they ever get into trouble. 

Show up now! Send C&C solidarity!


On October 30th Leonard was released from the hospital, back into prison. However, Leonard still needs continued medical care, his health is continuously getting worse. For example is he experiencing partial blindness. You can put pressure on politicians and prison staff to provide Leonard with the medical care that he needs. You can find contact information to Senate Judiciary Committee here: https://www.freeleonardpeltiernow.org/donate

Leonard is 80 years old, having been locked up since 1976, for a crime he didn’t commit. His was convicted by a racist jury of the involvement in the murder of two FBI agents inside Pine Ridge Reservation. Leonard does not have a release date. You can find more information about Leonard’s case here: https://unoffensiveanimal.is/prisoner-support/



On the 19th of October, Cara and Celeste were arrested accused of green 638 minks from a fur farm. They are facing an array of charges including eco-terrorism and burglary. This case is continuously being updated, so we will be keeping you informed as things evolve.

For now, there are two main things you can do to support our two incarcerated comrades.

Firstly, you can donate to their bail and legal fees fundraiser. The bail has been set to 150k USD each, and their support group estimates legal fees to reach up to 100k, so they are trying to put together 400k USD. This is a huge amount of money, so if you can donate, that would be amazing, but if you can organise a fundraising event, screening, food share or otherwise any other form of fundraising that raises the profile around your community, that would be extremely beneficial.

For donations, please head to Philly ABC’s link here:


Secondly, you can write letters. We are still working out the best method to get love to Celeste, but Cara has a prison address you can use to send your love. Please, DO NOT TALK about the case. DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING ILLEGAL! Instead, write to Cara about their interests, which include anti monogamy, family abolition, relationship anarchy, chess, memes, crafting, bike trips and collective living projects.

Their address is:

Cara Mitrano
Northumberland County Jail
670 Northumberland County Drive
Coal Township, PA 17866

Writing restrictions are as follows:

  • Handwritten only, black or blue ink (no coloured pens)
  • Hand drawn pictures are unlikely to get through. No zines, stickers cards or articles as they will not get through either.
  • Pictures are welcome, but only developed (not printed). Max of 10 per person.

We are organising a limited drop of t-shirts and prints to raise funds for our comrades. Keep an eye on our posts and as soon as we have them ready we will publish about it!

Support prisoners everywhere, and today, support the Northumberland 2!



Osman Evcan born in 1959 in Samsun, is an anarchist prisoner who spent the last 41 years in prison. İn 1992, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison with the charges of being a member of a radical leftist group. He was also imprisoned for 9 years between 1980-1989. Since Osman adopted anarchist ideas in 2003, he also became vegan and supports animal liberation struggles.

Osman Evcan was imprisoned in many different prisons all over the country during his conviction. He built his life fighting against authoritarian violence and especially the violence and oppression which is a systemic part of the prison’s hierarchical structure, and he still continues his fight against prison’s oppressive mentality, without giving an inch, aspiring to the right standards for anarchist, vegan, libertarian individuals.

Osman’s first barnburner act was his hunger strike in 2011 for vegan food to be available in prison which lasted 42 days. During his hunger strike the anarchists, animal liberationists from all over the World and in Turkey supported Osman’s fight to access vegan food in prison. After 42 days of hunger strike the government gave in and made regulations for the vegan and vegetarian prisoners: “Vegan or vegetarian prisoners demands will be accepted as long as its limited by subsistence allowance.” After this victory of all anarchists, animal liberationists and political prisoners, Osman continued to be in the anarchist struggle during his time in prison. He has supported the LGBT, Animal Liberation, women’s rights, anti-imperialist struggles outside prison and he made hunger strikes to protest the animal massacre during each ‘feast of sacrifice’ every year for 3 days. He wrote articles to support nature, ethnic and different identities against the government’s and comprador bourgeoisie’s raids and he still continues his political fight as much as he can from prison.

He self-criticized by saying that both capitalist and socialist system forms for being are statist message and colonist formations.

To quote his own words: “Veganism is not only a capitalism contrast it also includes socialism contrast. Veganism is civilization contrast. Veganism has an all out attitude against technological destruction, violence, human species alienation to nature and to itself, ecological pillage, pollution, colonialism, global warming. Act of civilization has a common history with statist forms of organizations. The idea of a state grown up process starting from primitive-simple history ongoing modernization continuum for thousands of years and transforming to nation state is a result of civilization. We cant separate this ongoing, mutually reinforcing facts that produce each other, from each other. Veganism is a radical attitude against all…”

In Kocaeli no 1 high security prison, the pressure against him continued to increase. After his hunger strike for 33 days on June 2015 he took vegan food supplies one step further and he gained the right to get vegan food from outside the prisons. The prison administration usurped this gain due to arbitrarily reasons. Osman Evcan continued his hunger strike since 10 November 2015 and won the fight in late December 2015.

  • Osman Evcan could be with us in the near future.
    He could’ve been released in September of 2022. The worst scenario is 2028.

To send letters :
Letter Adress
Marmara Kapalı Cezaevi
Infaz Kurumu (9 Nolu)
Oda No: A-6-41
PTT Kampüs Cezaevi Şubesi

Contact e-mail: [email protected]

Freedom and solidarity for Osman Evcan


A movement with the goal of crushing a ruling oppressive system will have to learn that people in it will be exposed to repression from the government. This can sometimes mean that you, or your friends, are forced into prison. To take care of ourselves, our comrades, our movement, and to continue fighting to achieve our goals, it is therefore important that we practice prisoner support.

Prisoner support can look very different. Among other things, because we may have different needs when we are imprisoned. But also because we who help do it in different ways. Therefore, it is not possible to easily define exactly what prisoner support is, how it is done. However, there are some recognizable features of prisoner support.

As prisoner supporters, it is fundamental to show solidarity with your comrade in prison. You can do that by getting in touch and check what needs the prisoner have. For example, you can write letters to the inmate (guidelines for letter writing differ between different institutions, so check which rules apply in the prison you are writing to). Then think about what you want, and can handle. You can, for example, write a letter only on a single occasion, to show that the inmate is not forgotten, alone. You can also start a longer relationship, by writing letters. You can hear what the inmate wants.

In addition to letter writing, there are other ways to help prisoners. For example, for those who have the opportunity, and if it is allowed by the prison, you can contribute with money and things that the inmate needs, e.g. send books to the prisoner. If necessary, you can also help the inmate’s friends and family, outside the prison. Several families need both emotional and financial support. In cases where you are not able to donate financially, you can contact the nearest Anarchist Black Cross, check if you together can start a fundraiser for the family. You can also be there for the inmate when they are released, helping in different ways when the comrade leaves prison is often important.

With prisoner support, we can not only help inmates but also strengthen comrades outside prisons. All comrades in the movement should know that if they themselves are imprisoned, they will not be alone or forgotten, on the contrary. In this way, prisoner support contributes to strengthening the entire movement for the liberation of animals. No one is alone. No one is free until all are free!