At 80 years old, Leonard has finally arrived home following one of the last presidential orders Joe Biden would sign before leaving office. He was accused of the murder of two FBI agents in Pine Ridge, during an armed altercation that also saw a member of the American Indian Movement dead back in 1975. Since the beginning of his imprisonment he has maintained his innocence, and multiple groups have shown that the FBI had no evidence that Peltier was the shooter that made contact with those two FBI agents.

Joe Biden did not pardon Peltier. He signed an allowance to serve the rest of his life sentence in house arrest, so Peltier now is confined to his house and immediate community. Nevertheless, this means he has access to the people around him without the oppressive eyes of the prison system, and it also means he now can access medical care he so immediately needs. When being asked why he wouldn’t plead guilt and remorse in front of parole boards in an attempt to gain his freedom sooner, he says “Well, that’s just not what I’m fighting for, grandson,” ‘I’m sorry for what happened to those agents, but I’m not going to sit here and admit to something I didn’t do. And if I have to die in here for that, I’m going to.’”

Now, back in North Dakota, he says sometimes he still wakes up terrified that it was all a dream and he is still in a cell, but he feels positive about young natives still keeping up the fight. “It makes me feel so good, man, it does,” “I’m thinking, well, I didn’t give my life for nothing.”

Welcome back home, Leonard. We all keep fighting.


At the end of February, we received the wonderful news that Sindre has been released. We congratulate Sindre on the release! We hope that he and his loved ones, as well as his best friend, a pit bull mix named Kenzo, now can spend more time together.

Sindre is an animal rights activist from Sweden. In October 2023, Sindre was sentenced to forensic psychiatric compulsory care, for an indefinite period. (Sindre was also sentenced to pay SEK 10,000 in damages) The verdict refers to prosecution for actions in 2021, against the former fur farmer Niklas Pettersson (the fur farm is now closed, due to years of action). Sindre denies the alleged crime! Sindre was detained immediately after the trial, and then locked up, without an end date. Now he is finally free!

If Sindre had not been sentenced to forensic psychiatric care, his prison sentence would have been four months. Instead, he was locked up in forensic psychiatric care, for almost a year and a half.



Rebels in Prison Support is a group supporting activists locked up in prison in the UK.

They mostly support Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain, Just Stop Oil, Palestine Action and Animal Rebellion activists that have been handed sentences for their civil disobedience or direct actions.

Whilst we fundamentally disagree on making any difference between peaceful and violent action prisoners and would normally not prioritise publishing about folks facing the courts for accountable actions, the staggering 40+ current prisoners can do with support and love.

Below is the link to RIPS list of current prisoners, most of them have an email address you can write a letter to, which we assume will then be handled by a middle person so that their actual address is not made public. If you have an hour today, send some letters to political prisoners. Receiving love whilst inside can make your day infinitely better and absolutely nobody should have to face the full force of the empire on their own.




Cara and Celeste were arrested and accused of raiding a mink farm in the USA. Luckily after some legal pressure, their bail was lowered and they were able to be on the streets again awaiting trial, but the legal fees associated will be serious. PhillyABC launched a fundraiser so we decided to put together a team of artists (thank you, you four are amazing!) to sell some t-shirts and prints to raise funds for them! 

After having sent all the tees and prints we can confirm that your donations have made a difference, we sent 2200 USD to the fundraiser thanks to all of your generosity.

Thank you again for getting behind the initiative and supporting the cause. It is thanks to you all that we can keep going with the project and we would love to organise similar fundraisers in the future if people think they are a good idea. 

For anyone who missed the tee/print fundraiser, we still have a few prints left on our website, but please, consider donating directly to the fundraiser that Philly ABC is running, the goal is 75K and we are still well far from it!


Thank you again.



Longtime political prisoner Leonard Peltier was granted clemency on January 20. Leonard will be able to spent the rest of his life sentence from his home, starting on February 18.

Leonard Peltier was arrested for a shootout in June 1975 on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, in which two FBI agents were shot and killed. Although there is no evidence against him, and his two co-defendants were acquitted before his trial started, Peltier was convicted in 1977 by a racist court hand-picked by the FBI to get a guilty verdict. Other government misconduct during Peltier’s trial included coercion of witnesses, intentional use of false testimonies, hiding ballistics evidence, and manufacturing a murder weapon. Despite all of this, Peltier has been consistently denied requests for a new trial. Instead, Peltier has spent almost 50 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Today, Leonard is 80 years old, and he suffers from several health problems. On January 20, the outgoing Biden administration granted Leonard clemency, and he will be released from prison on February 18.

Over the years, many people and organizations have fought for Leonard’s release and freedom. We are now happy to hear of Leonard’s clemency and to know that he will finally be able to spend time with his family and friends, outside of prison walls.

”It’s finally over – I’m going home…”, Leonard said, in a statement released by the NDN Collective.



Below is a translation of two of the prisoners from Caso Susaron, translated from spanish:

We hope that our first words represent a push of strength for those who are doubting whether the value of their beautiful actions and their consequences make sense or not.

Two years and almost two months after our captivity, we continue to reaffirm that the path of war and confrontation, with all its bitterness and misfortunes, continues to be the only dignified way of life that we understand as valid.

In recent months there have been several developments in our case.
Comrade Ru was sentenced to 5 years in prison, with the prosecution and the court denying the possibility of a supervised release on the grounds that he is a danger to society, with no intention of reinsertion.

At the same hearing, happily, comrade Tortuga was released to the street. Sentenced to 5 years of tagged probation, joining comrade Ita.

After some appeals that evidently failed, comrade Ru was transferred to the ex-penitentiary.

This transfer was carried out by the gendarmerie in violation of a court order that the comrade could not be moved until a report on the feasibility of transfer to La Colina was issued.

The comrade was received with open arms by the nihilist prisoner Hector Herrera, in 3C Street. In the overcrowding and discomfort that is lived in those facilities.

Days later, without any warning and with an absolutely arbitrary criterion, they transferred comrade Panda without warning from La Colina, where he was already settled after months serving his sentence, to the ex-penitentiary.

The report delivered by the gendarmerie justified the transfer of the comrade on the grounds that he would be a negative leader, a danger to the internal regiment of La Colina and that this prison would not have sufficient security to prevent a possible escape.

The next day, Panda is received by Ru and Hector in 3C Street.

We call to participate in all instances of solidarity. Since this new process requires a greater expense in parcels and in managing the intrapenitentiary benefits, meaning a great economic blow for family, friends and relatives.

To close this message: we are still here. Loving our successes and our mistakes, without regrets or hesitation. Clear that no trick of gendarmerie to hit our spirit will generate that we do not smile looking at the facts that led us to this place lost in time.

Today more than ever animal and total liberation! Veganism is war! Fire to existence! 

Prisoners Vegan straight edge anarco nihilists, Caso Susaron (*Panda and Ru)

C.D.P. Santiago Sur (Ex penitentiary)
December 2024.

SPANISH (original):

Buscamos que el inicio de estas palabras representen un vendaval de fuerza para quienes están dudando sobre si el valor de sus hermosas acciones y sus consecuencias tienen sentido o no.

A dos años y casi dos meses de nuestro cautiverio, seguimos reafirmando que el camino de guerra y confrontación, con todos sus amargores y desventuras, sigue siendo la única forma de vida digna que comprendemos como valida.

En los últimos meses son varias las situaciones en nuestro caso.
El compañero Ru fue condenado a 5 años de cumplimiento efectivo, con la fiscalía y el juzgado negando la posibilidad de una Liberata vigilada por considerarle un peligro para la sociedad, sin proyección de reinserción.

En la misma audiencia, alegremente, el compañero Tortuga se fue a la calle. Condenado a 5 años de libertad vigilada, uniéndoselas a la compañera Ita.

Despise de algulas instancias apelatorias que evidentemente fallero, el compañero Ru fue trasladado a la ex-penitenciaria.

Este traslado fue realizado por gendarmería incumpliendo un oficio del tribunal que ordenaba que el compañero no podia ser movido hasta que se emitiera un informe de factibilidad de traslado a La Colina.

Al comparer lo recibió el preso nihilista Hector Herrera con los brazos abiertos, en la calle 3C. En el hacinamiento e incomodidad que se vive en esas instalaciones.

Dias después, sin ningún aviso y con un criterio absolutamente arbitrario, trasladaron al compañero Panda de manera sorpresiva desde La Colina, donde ya estaba instalado hace meses cumpliendo su respectiva condena, hacia la ex-penitenciaria.

El informe entregado por gendarmería justifica el traslado del compañero en que este seria un líder negativo, un peligro para el regiment interno de La Colina y que esta cárcel no contaría con la seguridad suficiente para evitar una posible fuga.

Al otro día de su traslado, Panda es recibido por Ru y Hector en la calle 3C.

Hacemos un llamado a participar en todas las instancias de solidaridad. Ya que este nuevo proceso requiere un mayor gasto en encomienda y en gestionar los beneficios intrapenitenciarios, significando un gran golpe económico para familiares, amigos y afines.

Para cerrar este mensaje es que mandamos a decir que acá seguimos. Amando nuestros aciertos y nuestros errores, sin arrepentimientos ni titubeos. Claros de que ninguna artimaña de gendarmería para golpear nuestro espíritu generara que no sonriamos mirando los hechos que nos condujeron a este lugar perdido en el tiempo.

!Hoy mas que nunca liberación animal y total! !Veganismo es guerra! !Fuego a la existencia! 

Presos Vegan straight edge anarch-nihilistas, Caso Susaron (*Panda y Ru)

C.D.P. Santiago Sur (Ex penitenciaria)
Diciembre 2024.


Just a quick update for you all! We were planning on sending all tshirts to everybody tht pre-ordered by the end of december, but unfortunately with christmas and new years dates we are yet to receive the garments in order to post them to you!

We will be receiving the tshirts this week and start posting all orders then, so bare with us, we will get them all sorted and they will arrive to you soon!

We are also aware that we’ve not published the amount raised for C&C yet. This is because we do not know until we calculate the postage costs, which will only be available once we’ve parcelled all your orders. All going well we will be able to release the final number (and send it to the fundraiser!) next week. Sorry it’s taken us a little longer than expected, but we will come through with full transparency!

Thank you for your patience with this. We would’ve loved to send the tees a lot earlier, but that’s life sometimes!

Solidarity always




Daniel San Diego was arrested in Wales after being wanted by the FBI for 20 years. The authorities have been wanting to talk to him in relation to actions at Huntington Life Sciences over 20 years ago. He has a hearing in Westminster Magistrates Court, UK, tomorrow 31st of December at 11:45.

Please show up and show support. It is easy for people to feel they do not have anyone whilst being processed by the system, ensure that they don’t by showing up and sending love! If you can make it to Westminster Magistrates court, show up and ensure Daniel knows he is not alone! 

Solidarity always.


Breaking cages and fighting the crappy society means you can sometimes be forced to spend time behind bars.

To be in prison can be lonely, especially during the so called holidays. Let’s remember our incarcerated friends and comrades these days. Send a postcard to a prisoner. Let them know they are not forgotten!

If it’s your first time writing an inmate, we have a list of prisoners you can send letters to. Check our website for more info.



Dimitria was acquitted of the assault and theft of a weapon charges they received back in 2018 in Evia, Greece. Read their words below:

[photo unrelated]

“For the trial with the hunter in Evia – A victory dedicated to comrade Lary

On November 28, 2024, the case with the hunter in Evia was tried on charges of robbery and theft. The prosecutor’s original proposal included the penalties of unlawful violence and vigilante justice. The final decision of the court announced by the president after a half-hour recess was acquittal of all charges, with the prosecutor himself stating that the charges were not arising from anywhere.

The lawyer appointed by the hunting club disappeared like lightning with the announcement of the decision, ashamed and with his face on the floor, as I was informed by comrades who were there since I personally did not even have time to notice when his seat went empty. Likewise, the hunter and his wife who had been roaring two days before – as she did this time on hearing the prosecutor’s proposal on the sentences – left the courtroom rapidly, so that I only had time to see their backs and unfortunately not their faces.

Be that as it may, what is certain is that it is not the court decision that gives this incident its just or unjust character. Preventing a killer from killing either a human or a non-human animal is just at its core, self-evident and non-negotiable. Nevertheless, there is now a precedent and I urge the people of the struggle not to let it go unheeded. Hunters continue to kill non-human animals and they will not stop on their own unless we stop them. We must never stop trusting our source instinct for immediate and direct action as it is only by doing so that this world is changed. Whether in or out of the courts, the fight for total liberation never stops.

A huge thank you to all the comrades who stood by my side all over the years and supported in any way they could each and every one of them both me and this case and its political opening, contributing to the spread of anti-hunting, anti-speciesist and total liberation discourse and struggle on the occasion of this trial.

This court victory is dedicated to my comrade and original attorney Lary, without whom the outcome of this trial would certainly not have been the same. He was there in my first phone call from the detention centre in Istiaia where I was completely disoriented and lost, in the formation of the defence line already on the phone, in the first pleas to the investigating judge and the prosecutor in Chalkida. He stood as a comrade defending with his lawyer identity an intense situation in the prosecutor’s office at the moment when the control was lost and we were shouting at her, risking pre-trial detention. He was there, in the preparations before every trial for 5 whole years, in the irregular phone calls in the midst of pressing moments, like a guardian angel at rallies and marches in the street, outside the Petrou Ralli hellhouse and elsewhere, where he never missed an opportunity to remind me that I have a court and I have to be careful. He was there to support both with his words and with an open hug when circumstances got tough. Always available whether in his office, in a hangout or squat, or on the street, wherever I might just happen to run into him, and he was always eager to discuss the case. He was there even when he was absent from court in adjournments due to health issues, on the phone ready to reassure, advise, guide, support in any way. And as he was there then so he was there now. His words – etched in my mind. His advice along with new guidelines – my guide in the court room. He was there and even though he wasn’t there. He was always there and without him nothing would be the same now.


Athens, 01/12/2024”