23rd July, France.

Via: Attaque.

ENG (translation):

“Anti-corrida tags blossomed on the walls of the Orthez bullring, while a call to protest was launched on social networks ahead of the festive bullfight on Sunday July 28.

Anti-corrida tags were sprayed in the Orthez bullring on the night of Monday July 22 to Tuesday July 23, according to La République des Pyrénées. At least seven phrases denouncing bullfighting were written in red, black or white paint, which were quickly erased by municipal services on Tuesday morning.”

FRENCH (original):

“Des tags anticorrida ont fleuri sur les murs des arènes d’Orthez, tandis qu’un appel à manifester était lancé sur les réseaux sociaux en amont de la corrida des fêtes, dimanche 28 juillet

Des tags anticorrida ont été réalisés dans la nuit du lundi 22 au mardi 23 juillet aux arènes d’Orthez, révèlent nos confrères de La « République des Pyrénées ». Au moins sept phrases dénonçant les spectacles taurins ont été inscrites à la peinture rouge, noire ou blanche, rapidement effacées par les services municipaux ce mardi matin.”


3rd August, Main River, Chile.

Received anonymously via email: 


“Switch Off! Claim of responsibility for the arson attack on “Melón” and “Áridos Río Maipo” cement plants. (August 03. Sector San Juan de Llolleo, Valparaiso Region, Chile).

“We are the piles of rubble and grains of sand in the gears of a machine that advances inexorably with a heavy pace. We are disturbance factors in the engine room”. -Volcano Group.

The night of Saturday, August 3rd, accompanied by the forces of the river, we decided to attack the cement factory “Melon” and the company “Aridos Rio Maipo SA.” located near the mouth of the Maipo River, seeking to paralyze the operation of these by entering both premises and setting fire to their production lines, logistics and administrative offices by placing 10 incendiary devices, causing the total destruction of the facilities of the premises, thus consolidating our third act of sabotage with significant damage to companies that prey on and threaten life along the Maipo River, returning part of the damage that for decades they have generated to the land and the environments where they operate, as a way to contribute to the fight against devastation. Faced with the destruction of the land and our lives it is only logical for us to respond with the total destruction of that which destroys us.

In this area, as in other stretches of the river, the cement and aggregate extraction activity leads to ecological sacrifice and degradation of the communities living in the vicinity, thus becoming another sacrifice zone (there are a total of 4 concrete, cement and aggregate companies operating in the area). This has not been indifferent to the local community that has already demonstrated against the effects caused by the operation of this harmful industrial activity, although beyond this particular conflict in the area, we are part of it, putting into practice with conviction our commitment to anarchist revolutionary violence as a concrete and necessary method for the intensification of the conflict for earth and total liberation.

Melón is a cement company operating in Chile that is currently in the hands of a powerful Peruvian business conglomerate (Grupo Breca, owned by the Brescia-Cafferata family), which intends to expand the land exploitation business throughout southern Abya Yala, adding this activity to the other economic sectors in which it already operates. On the other hand, the aggregates company “Maestranza y Planta de Áridos Rio Maipo S.A.” is actively operating in the Maipo River sector of the communes of Santo Domingo and San Antonio, Valparaíso Region, although not before attempting to establish itself in the commune of Navidad (Rancagua, VI Region), starting its activities without even having the respective approval of the region’s environmental impact execution commission, showing its total indifference to the harmful effects of land and river exploitation. In addition to these two attacked companies, there are two other concrete/cement plants in the area, one of which is “Cementos San Juan” of the multinational group UNACEM, which also devastates the land in several countries of Abya Yala (USA, Ecuador, Chile, Peru and Colombia).

The environmental impact of both activities is well known, causing the degradation of rivers and environmental contamination, as well as damaging the life and ecosystems of the environments where they operate. It is not for nothing that in other first world territories, models to which some people aspire so much, the extraction of aggregates in watersheds is prohibited. Extracting aggregates and minerals from riverbanks damages their course and speed, generating sinkholes that replicate upstream in a domino effect (a phenomenon called retrograde erosion), destroying the flora and fauna that inhabit them and setting the stage for alluvium or similar phenomena. The impact generated by cement production is no lesser, bordering 7% of CO2 emissions worldwide (tripling those of air traffic and ranking as the third most polluting industry). In addition, all those absurd and enormous quantities of cement produced daily worldwide (about 150 tons per second are consumed) are generated with raw materials such as sand, gravel and stones that are taken from river basins or by drilling the earth for mining extraction and vast extensions of beaches are devastated and devoured to extract the necessary sand.

Such industries exist to proliferate the current civilized model of life, where every day the cement is imposed on more and more land, crushing and hiding it to give way to ingratitude towards the native, erecting huge buildings after the respective displacement or destruction of wildlife habitat and vegetation that gives life to ecosystems, and this is day after day without ceasing, expanding the city more and more towards the edges and heights, thus devastating the nature of the territory, where the parks are nice but do not cease to be a simple functional bubble to the city in the middle of all the cemented shit. The rainwater does not drain properly into the ground, the heat in the concrete city is suffocating, and there is no land to plant. To obtain cement these extractive and environmentally destructive industries are necessary, this gray and opaque way of life has serious consequences and is not indifferent to us.

Understanding that these companies are part of that extensive extractivist machinery, present throughout the world and specifically turning the whole of Abya Yala into a sacrifice zone; that the exploitation of the land is a vital artery of domination; that the industrial activity responsible for climate change due to global warming has no real interest in halting its devastation but is determined to pretend to be ecological and new sources of energy that are harmful to ecosystems and our lives; and above all, with the clarity that each of us are the only ones who can fight the advance of the devastation, is that we see the urgency of attacking the industry that destroys the earth, adding our initiative and action to the internationalist campaign “Switch Off! “campaign, of which we have spoken in a previous article called “The conflict in Abya Yala and its proximity to “Switch Off!: Anarchist words regarding the necessary struggle for land”.

Switch Off! Cement and aggregate extraction!
Switch Off! The world of devastation and the system of destruction!

Let this fire be an embrace for the comrades who have struck blows in other territories of the world such as the attacks in Germany on the cement plants of “HeidelbergMaterials AG” and “Cemex”, to the comrades sabotaging gas pipelines in Mountain Valley – U.S.A., the perpetrators of the attacks on Tesla, among various other acts of sabotage and destruction around the globe, knowing that the attack must be immediate and in every territory where the facilities and means of those responsible for the devastation are located, contributing to the dialogue through direct and confrontational action, without any kind of hope in institutional processes or savior entities. For those with whom we find ourselves on the offensive, encouragement and love <3.

We also unite with the struggle for Mapuche autonomy, which consequently remains with its head held high despite the colonizing offensive of the Chilean and Argentine state, responding without hesitation with fire and bullets to the extractive industry.

But the state offensive has not only been in Wallmapu, the repressive situation in the whole territory has been intensified by the hand of social democracy, which has intensified its authoritarian and police policies against any sector antagonistic to the interests of capital and the state, which disguises its anti-revolutionary actions by raising false banners of struggle, dyeing itself as ecologist, pro human rights, pro “native peoples” and against gender violence, proving not only to be a fraud in each one of these aspects, but reinforcing the opposite. We see it in the repressive escalation in Wallmapu, in the disproportionate and vindictive condemnation of our anarchist comrade Francisco Solar, in the media repressive hunt in the historically combative Villa Francia population, in the anti-takeover law that criminalizes and indiscriminately condemns the land occupations of homeless people, in the construction of new high security prisons, among so many other blatant actions in benefit of the powerful and to the detriment of the exploited and fighters, such as the release from prison and total impunity given to the actions of police bastards like the cops Crespo and Sebastián Zamora, to the murderers of Cristián Valdebenito and those of Pablo Marchant, among so many other cases. Our solidarity with all those who suffered the consequences of repression such as imprisonment, mutilation, persecution and murder.

All this being the work of nothing more and nothing less than the “popular” government that came to stop “fascism”, a government commanded by the one who at a key moment shook hands with power to agree to bury the revolt and stop any possibility of escalation of popular violence, all this being the work of those who had the support of the illusive voters of supposedly combative sectors, we express our total repudiation of the complicit silence, the victimhood and immobilism of the sectors calling themselves revolutionaries who once tried to convince us that participating in democracy could be a good idea. We abhor all those who under the eave of struggle sustain and actively participate in the electoral system and the representative democracy that only defends the structure of the neoliberal and police regime, because institutionality and its justice will always watch over in favor of those who govern and their repressive arms. We are repulsed by those sectors that call themselves “anarchists” or “revolutionaries” and were part of the constituent electoral show and of this government, who today, instead of making a deep self-criticism and propitiating the decisive step to offensive action, remain silent after having bitten their tongues and today succumb to immobilism and sterile speeches that do little to end this reality that shakes us. The only response to the brutal repression, the imprisonment of our comrades, the political executions and the police state is and will be the autonomous struggle and direct action, far away from institutionality and democratic traps. It was said before, counting on centuries of historical experiences of struggle, and today, after spitting and spitting back in the face of the illusory participants of democracy, we repeat it again: there is nothing to negotiate with the enemy, the only way is conflict, without half measures or lukewarmness, fire to progressivism and open war against all authority!

In this month of August, charged with memory for Santiago Maldonado and Macarena Valdés, we continue on the path of direct confrontation, spreading the fire against devastation, giving life and continuity to the combative memory for our dead.

Likewise, we join the call of the international week of agitation for Francisco Solar, comrade currently locked up by the State after a sentence of 86 years and in a vindictive regime of isolation. Let’s leave aside the victimist speeches and let’s attack Power wherever it is, since that is the only way we have to get Francisco out of isolation. And the more forceful these attacks are, the greater their impact will be and, therefore, their capacity of incidence and irruption will increase, which will certainly strengthen the expressions of anarchist solidarity.

“We understand that the only way to stay alive is to strike back at the oppressors. We know that power will not fall with these attacks, but that does not mean we will stand idly by. We strike because we do not contemplate citizen passivity in our lives. We move away from the formal structures of combat to take in our hands, gathered in affinity, the pleasure of the attack.
Let us unleash destructive hostilities!” -SEDITIOUS ACCOMPLICES /FRACTION FOR REVENGE.

A strong, warm and tight embrace to Francisco Solar, Aldo, Lucas, Mónica Caballero, Tomás, Joaquín García, Panda, Rusio, Tortuga, Mapuche prisoners, villa francia prisoners and anarchist prisoners of the world. An push, a breath, a gesture and a wink, translated into fire against the industries of domination and devastation, making them part of this expansive fire of liberation.

Immediate release of the lonko Facundo Jones Huala who is on a dry hunger strike in the prisons of the State of Chile.

From Wallmapu to Palestine, armed resistance is necessary against colonialist occupation. Action against genocide is feasible on all continents, to destroy colonialism wherever it is found. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

“Let’s attack the industry and economy that profit from colonialism and the destruction of nature and make a future worth living increasingly impossible!”

Switch Off! Turn off the system of destruction.
Switch off the machine. Destroy the machine.

Bau, Claudia, Mauri, Angry, tortuguita and all the anarchists dead in action walk with us in the offensive.

For anarchy, for the earth, for our lives.

Célula insurreccional por el Maipo. Nueva Subversión.”


Campaña Switch Off! Reivindicación de ataque incendiario a cementera “Melón” y “Áridos Río Maipo”. (03 de Agosto. Sector San Juan de Llolleo, Región de Valparaíso, Chile).
“Somos los montones de escombros y los granos de arena en los engranajes de una máquina que avanza inexorablemente con paso pesado. Somos factores de perturbación en la sala de máquinas”. – Grupo Volcán.
La noche del Sábado 03 de Agosto, acompañadxs de las fuerzas del río, decidimos atacar la cementera “Melón” y la empresa “Áridos Río Maipo S.A.” ubicadas en las cercanías de la desembocadura del Río Maipo, buscando paralizar el funcionamiento de éstas haciendo ingreso a ambos recintos e incendiando sus líneas de producción, logística y oficinas administrativas mediante la colocación de 10 artefactos incendiarios, propiciando la destrucción total de las instalaciones del predio, consolidando así nuestro tercer acto de sabotaje con significativos daños a empresas que depredan y amenazan la vida a lo largo del Rio Maipo, devolviendo parte del daño que por décadas han generado a la tierra y los entornos donde operan, como forma de contribuir a la lucha contra la devastación. A la destrucción de la tierra y de nuestras vidas, solo nos es digno responder con la destrucción total de aquello que la destruye.
En este sector, al igual que en otros tramos del rio, la actividad cementera y de extracción de áridos conlleva el sacrificio ecológico y la degradación de las comunidades que habitan el entorno, convirtiéndose así en otra zona de sacrificio (son 4 en total las empresas hormigoneras, cementeras y de áridos que funcionan allí), lo que tampoco ha sido indiferente para la población local que ya se ha manifestado contra los efectos provocados por el funcionamiento de esta nefasta actividad industrial, aunque más allá de este particular conflicto en la zona, nos hacemos parte del mismo llevando a la práctica con convicción nuestra apuesta por la violencia revolucionaria anárquica como método concreto y necesario para la agudización del conflicto por la tierra y la liberación total.
Melón es una empresa cementera operativa en Chile que actualmente está en manos de un poderoso conglomerado empresarial de Perú (Grupo Breca, de la familia Brescia-Cafferata), el cual se propone expandir el negocio de la explotación de la tierra a lo ancho del sur de Abya Yala, sumando esta actividad al resto de sectores económicos en los que ya opera. Por otra parte, la empresa de áridos “Maestranza y Planta de Áridos Rio Maipo S.A.” opera activamente en el sector del río Maipo de las comunas de Santo Domingo y San Antonio, Región de Valparaíso, aunque no sin antes intentar establecerse en la comuna de Navidad (Rancagua, VI Región) comenzando sus actividades sin ni siquiera contar con la respectiva aprobación de la comisión de ejecución de impacto ambiental de la región, dando muestras de su total indiferencia frente a los nocivos efectos de la explotación de la tierra y los ríos. Además de estas dos empresas atacadas, hay otras dos hormigoneras/cementeras en el lugar, una de ellas es “Cementos San Juan” del grupo multinacional UNACEM, quien también devasta la tierra en varios países de Abya Yala (USA, Ecuador, Chile, Perú y Colombia).
Es conocido el impacto ambiental que tienen ambas actividades, causantes de la degradación de los ríos y contaminación ambiental, además de dañar la vida y ecosistemas de los entornos donde operan. No por nada en otros territorios del primer mundo, modelos a los que tanto aspiran algunxs, la actividad de extracción de áridos en las cuencas está prohibida. Al extraer áridos y minerales de las riberas de los ríos se daña su curso y velocidad, generando socavones que se van replicando rio arriba cuál efecto dominó (fenómeno llamado erosión regresiva o retrógrada), se destruye la flora y fauna que lo habita y se propicia el escenario para aluviones o fenómenos similares. El impacto que genera la producción de cemento no es menor, bordeando el 7% de las emisiones de CO2 a nivel mundial (triplicando las del tráfico aéreo y posicionándose como la tercera industria más contaminante). Además, todas esas absurdas y enormes cantidades de cemento producido a diario en todo el mundo (se consumen cerca de 150 toneladas por segundo) se generan con materias primas tales como arenilla, gravilla y piedras que le quitan a las cuencas de los ríos o perforando la tierra para extracción minera y vastas extensiones de playas son arrasadas y devoradas para extraer la arena necesaria.
Tales industrias existen para proliferar el actual modelo civilizado de vida, donde cada día el cemento se impone ante más cantidades de tierras, aplastando y ocultándola para dar paso a la ingratitud hacia lo nativo, levantando enormes construcciones tras el respectivo desplazamiento o destrucción de hábitat de fauna silvestre y vegetación que da vida a los ecosistemas, y esto es día tras día sin cesar, expandiendo la ciudad cada vez más hacia los bordes y las alturas, arrasando por lo tanto con lo natural del territorio, donde los parques son gratos pero no dejan de ser una simple burbuja funcional a la ciudad en medio de toda la mierda cementada. El agua de la lluvia no se drena adecuadamente en la tierra, el calor en la ciudad de hormigón es sofocante, y ya ni hay tierra donde plantar. Todo esto es el cemento y para mantenerlo y reproducirlo es que son necesarias estas industrias extractivistas y destructoras del medioambiente, esta gris y opaca forma de vida tiene graves consecuencias y no nos es indiferente.
Entendiendo que estas empresas forman parte de esa extensa maquinaria extractivista, presente en todo el mundo y puntualmente convirtiendo en zona de sacrificio a toda Abya Yala; que la explotación de la tierra es una arteria vital de la dominación; que la actividad industrial responsable de las alteraciones climáticas a causa del calentamiento global no tiene ningún interés real en frenar su devastación sino que se empeña en aparentar ecologismo y nuevas fuentes de energía que no dejan de ser perjudiciales para los ecosistemas y nuestras vidas; y por sobretodo, con la claridad de que cada unx de nosotrxs somos lxs únicxs que podemos combatir el avance de la devastación, es que vemos la urgencia de atentar contra la industria que destruye la tierra, sumando nuestra iniciativa y acción a la campaña internacionalista “Switch Off!”, campaña de la que hemos hablado en un anterior escrito llamado “El conflicto en Abya Yala y sus cercanías al “Switch Off!”. Palabras anárquicas respecto a la necesaria lucha por la tierra”.
Switch Off! Las cementeras y extracción de áridos!
Switch Off! El mundo de la devastación y el sistema de destrucción!
Que este incendio sea un abrazo para lxs compañerxs que han asestado golpes en otros territorios del mundo como los ataques en Alemania a las plantas cementeras de “HeidelbergMaterials AG” y “Cemex”, a lxs compañerxs saboteadores de tuberías de gas en Mountain Valley – U.S.A., a lxs perpetradorxs de los ataques a Tesla, entre varios otros actos de sabotaje y destrucción en el globo, sabiendo que el ataque debe ser inmediato y en todo territorio donde se encuentren las instalaciones y medios de los responsables de la devastación, contribuyendo al diálogo a través de la acción directa y confrontacional, sin ninguna clase de esperanza en procesos institucionales o entes salvadores. Para aquellxs con quienes nos encontramos en la ofensiva, aliento y cariños <3.
También nos hermanamos con la lucha por la autonomía Mapuche que consecuentemente se mantiene con la frente en alto a pesar de la ofensiva colonizadora del estado chileno y argentino, respondiendo sin vacilamientos con fuego y bala a la industria extractivista.
Pero la ofensiva estatal no solo ha sido en Wallmapu, la situación represiva en todo el territorio se ha agudizado de la mano de la socialdemocracia, quien ha intensificado sus políticas autoritarias y policiales contra todo sector antagónico a los intereses del capital y el Estado, que maquilla su actuar anti revolucionario levantando falsas banderas de lucha tiñéndose de ecologista, pro derechos humanos, pro “pueblos originarios” y de estar contra la violencia de género, demostrando no solamente ser un fraude en cada una de estas aristas, sino que reforzando todo lo contrario. Lo vemos en la escalada represiva en Wallmapu, en la desproporcionada y vengativa condena a nuestro compañero anárquico Francisco Solar, en la mediática cacería represiva en la históricamente combativa población Villa Francia, en la ley anti-tomas que criminaliza y condena indiscriminadamente a las ocupaciones de terreno de pobladorxs sin techo, en la construcción de nuevas cárceles de alta seguridad, entre tantas otras descaradas acciones en beneficio de los poderosos y desmedro de lxs explotadxs y luchadorxs, como la excarcelación y total impunidad dada al actuar de bastardos policías como los pacos Crespo y Sebastián Zamora, a los asesinos de Cristián Valdebenito y los de Pablo Marchant, entre tantos otros casos. Nuestra solidaridad con todxs quienes sufrieron las consecuencias de la represión como lo es la prisión, mutilación, persecución y asesinato.
Siendo todo esto obra del nada más y nada menos gobierno “popular” que vino a frenar el “fascismo”, un gobierno comandado por quién en un momento clave le dio la mano al poder para acordar sepultar la revuelta y detener cualquier posibilidad de escalada de violencia popular, siendo todo esto obra de quien contó con el apoyo de ilusxs votantes de sectores supuestamente combativos, manifestamos el total repudio al silencio cómplice, el victimismo e inmovilismo de los sectores autodenominados como revolucionarios que en su día pretendió convencernos de que participar de la democracia podría ser una buena idea. Aborrecemos a todo quien bajo el alero de la lucha sustenta y participa activamente del sistema electoral y la democracia representativa que solo defiende la estructura del régimen neoliberal y policial, porque siempre la institucionalidad y su justicia velarán en favor de quienes gobiernan y sus brazos represivos. Nos repugnan aquellos sectores que se hacen llamar “anarquistas” o “revolucionarios” y fueron parte del show electoral constituyente y de este gobierno, quienes hoy en día, en vez de hacer una profunda autocrítica y propiciar el determinante paso a la acción ofensiva, guardan silencio tras haberse mordido la lengua y hoy sucumben al inmovilismo y discursos estériles que poco hacen por acabar con esta realidad que nos sacude. La única respuesta frente a la brutal represión, la prisión de nuestrxs compañerxs, las ejecuciones políticas y el estado policial es y será la lucha autónoma y de acción directa, bien lejos de la institucionalidad y las trampas democráticas. Se dijo con antelación, contando con siglos de experiencias históricas de lucha, y hoy, tras escupir y devolvérseles en la cara de lxs ilusxs participes de la democracia, lo volvemos a repetir: no hay nada que negociar con el enemigo, el único camino es el conflicto, sin medias tintas ni tibiezas, fuego al progresismo y guerra abierta contra toda autoridad!
En este mes de agosto, cargado de memoria por Santiago Maldonado y Macarena Valdés, seguimos transitando el camino del enfrentamiento directo, propagando el fuego contra la devastación, dándole vida y continuidad a la memoria combativa por nuestrxs muertxs.
Así mismo, nos acoplamos al llamado de la semana internacional de agitación por Francisco Solar, compañero actualmente encerrado por el Estado tras una condena de 86 años y en un vengativo régimen de aislamiento. Dejemos de lado los discursos victimistas y ataquemos al Poder allí donde se encuentre, ya que esa es la única manera que tenemos para sacar a Francisco del aislamiento. Y mientras mas contundentes sean estos ataques su impacto será mayor y, por lo tanto, su capacidad de incidencia e irrupción aumentará, lo que ciertamente fortalecerá las expresiones de solidaridad anárquica.
“Entendemos que la única forma de permanecer vivos es golpeando a los opresores. Sabemos que el Poder no caerá con estos ataques, pero no por eso nos quedaremos de brazos cruzados. Golpeamos porque no contemplamos la pasividad ciudadana en nuestras vidas. Nos alejamos de las estructuras formales de combate para tomar en nuestras manos, reunidas en afinidad, el placer del ataque.
¡Desatemos las hostilidades destructivas!” – CÓMPLICES SEDICIOSOS /FRACCIÓN POR LA VENGANZA.
Un fuerte, caluroso y apretado abrazo a Francisco Solar, Aldo, Lucas, Mónica Caballero, Tomás, Joaquín García, Panda, Rusio, Tortuga, presxs Mapuche, presxs villa francia y presxs anárquicxs del mundo. Un impulso, un respiro, un gesto y un guiño, traducidos en incendio contra las industrias de la dominación y devastación, haciéndoles parte de este expansivo fuego de liberación.
Liberación inmediata al lonko Facundo Jones Huala que se encuentra en huelga de hambre seca en las prisiones del Estado de chile.
Desde Wallmapu hasta palestina, la resistencia armada es necesaria contra la ocupación colonialista. La acción contra el genocidio es viable en todo los continentes, a destruir el colonialismo allí donde se encuentre. Desde el rio hasta el mar, palestina será libre.
“Ataquemos la industria y la economía ¡que se benefician del colonialismo y de la destrucción de la naturaleza y hacen cada vez más imposible un futuro que valga la pena vivir!”
Switch Off! Apagar el sistema de destrucción.
Apaga la máquina. Destruye la máquina.
Bau, Claudia, Mauri, Angry, tortuguita y todxs lxs anárquicxs muertxs en acción, caminan con nosotrxs en la ofensiva.
Por la anarquía, por la tierra, por nuestras vidas.
Célula insurreccional por el Maipo. Nueva Subversión.”


30th July, West Midlands UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“On the 30th of July, acting on a local’s tip off, we headed to a barn in West Midlands containing the most horrific chicken egg cages we had seen in over a decade.

It seems the owner disagreed with the ban of conventional cages back in 2012 and decided to keep a small flock to himself in the exact same cages outlawed 12 years ago. Some of the cages contained up to 3 chickens, making it impossible for them to move. The corners of the barn were covered in over a foot deep layer of chicken shit and rats climbed up and down the row of cages like it was a playground. Feed rotted on the floor, mixed with an ever dripping water system that didn’t seem to provide water all the way down the line.

We got to work. Luckily the scum only had thirty hens in the barn, so we emptied every single cage, loaded all hens into the carriers and then made sure the cages would never be used again. We cut every door slide, broke the egg catching trays and strategically removed every piece of metal that made the racking even mildly useful. By the end of the job, there were no cages left in the barn, just a pathetic skeleton of what once was standard to millions of egg layers.

We left a few messages on the walls, in case the owner needed any more reinforcement, and disappeared into the night with thirty chickens that will need a lot of love before they can start expressing themselves, but that for the first time will be allowed to open their wings all the way. They’ll be able to sun soak and dust bath as much as they want for the rest of their life, away from exploitation and abuse.

Not your eggs. Fuck your cages. You are scum.

To Marius Mason, still in a cage. We hope hearing the news warms your heart.

Some anarchists.”


3rd August, Buenos Aires Argentina.

ENGLISH (translation)

“From a coastal place in Buenos Aires Argentina. We seek any chance possible to attack animal exploitation and its perpetuators.

We do not care if the exploiters are rich or if they have little resources, we do not see the difference. In this case we found some private nets owned by a horrible being and we did not doubt to seize the moment!

We destroyed them as much as we could, making huge holes from side to side, rendering them unusable.

With this action we support the call to action to sabotage fishing and we call for others to join us!

We continue on the side of wild nature and against anthropocentric humanity.

We greet all those rebel hearts that don’t sell themselves by vegan capitalism.

Go fishing saboteurs!”

SPANISH (original)

“Desde algún lugar costero de buenos aires, argentina. Buscamos cualquier oportunidad que se presente para atacar la explotacion animal y sus explotadores.

No nos interesan si se trata de explotadores adineradxs o de bajos recursos, no hacemos diferencia. en este caso, nos encontramos con precarias redes de pesca de algun ser horrendo, no lo dudamos, y aprovechamos el momento!

arruinamos lo mas que pudimos su redes de pesca, haciendo grandes agujeros de punta a punta, convirtiéndolas en inservibles.

con esta accion nos adherimos a la convocaria de sabotaje a la pesca, e incitamos a formar parte de ella!

Continuamos del lado de la naturaleza salvaje siempre,y en contra de la humanidad antropocentrica!

Un saludo a todos los corazones rebeldes que no son comprados con la discursiva vegana coorporativa!

saboteadorxs de la pesca arriba!”


1st January, Dalarna Sweden.

received anonymously via email:

“Some anarchists painted walls around in Dalarna, so-called Sweden, with anti-hunting messages. “Zero vision” for hunting (“NOLLVISION)” means that we do not tolerate any hunters in the forests, and that we will actively fight all forms of hunting, and protect all non-human animals. By any means necessary.


(”NULLVISJON” is also the name of a disgusting company in Norway, which wants to kill all wolves. FUCK THEM!)”


17th July, Argentina

via: @anarcoveganismo.arg

ENGLISH (translation):

“In a corner of the territory occupied by the oppressive state of Argentina. In solidarity with the 269la activists who blocked a slaughterhouse in Switzerland and did not manage to liberate any lives, four anarchist and antispeciesist activists liberated six hens from a farm.

After working out the surrounding area and the inside of the farm, they decided to not waste any more time and take action, even tho they knew the house of the farmer was adjacent to the barns.

The night and the cold accompanied them and after cutting the fence to access the farm they only needed to cut the cages, and that’s what they did!

Many staid there, and we saw so many combs moving in the dark between their noise and the noise of rats. It is such a horrible feeling to be unable to liberate them all, but at least these six will not be exploited.

From the ALF, even if the city is surrounded by cameras and social control, wee keep fighting against the speciesist system against all odds. Animal Liberation!”

SPANISH (original)


En algún lugar del territorio ocupado por el estado opresor argentino. En solidaridad con los Activistas que hicieron el bloqueo en el matadero de gallinas en Suiza (@269.liberation_animale ) y no lograron liberar ninguna vida, cuatro Activistas Anarquistas y Antiespecistas liberaron seis vidas de un criadero.

Luego de un trabajo de inteligencia a los alrededores y en el mismo interior del campo de concentración, decidieron no perder más tiempo y tomar acción, incluso sabiendo que la casa del cuidador del criadero se encontraba cerca de las naves.

La noche y el inmenso frío los acompañaron y luego de cortar el alambre para ingresar al lugar solo quedaba entrar a cortar las jaulas, ¡y así fue!
Muchas quedaron ahí, aún quedó en nuestros ojos esas crestas enormes que se movían con incertidumbre en la oscuridad entre sus voces y las de las ratas. Es una impotencia enorme no poder liberarlas a todas, pero son sus vidas, son sus cuerpos los que ya no serán explotados.

Desde el ALF, aunque la ciudad esté rodeada de cámaras y control social, seguimos luchando contra el sistema especista porque para nosotros es contra todo pronóstico… LIBERACIÓN ANIMAL.”


July, Mountain Valley Pipeline USA.

Via: Scenes from the Atlanta Forest.

“Earlier this year a series of holes were drilled into the mountain valley pipeline. These attacks were strategically placed between mile markers 236 and 239. It is clear to us that those who built this black snake did not adequately fix these holes. As there is now gas flowing through this horrendous beast, we are forced to ask for help in holding them accountable. These entire sections of pipe need to be replaced. Be creative. Make sure they hear you.

For those interested, decorating a pipe with holes (before gas is in it), is quite easy. All it takes is a normal household drill, larger drill bits made for metal (can be found at any hardware store, the ones with a tooth on the tip work best), WD-40, lots of extra drill batteries, and the ability to push hard for 5-10 minutes per hole. We’ve found that it is sometimes helpful to have two people pushing on the drill together. Replace the drill bit after each hole to make the most of your time. It’s fun! We recommend giving it a try.

This fight ain’t over. The blood of this black snake is gushing out. Don’t let anyone convince you that people are done fighting this project.

with love and rage — fire and smoke”


July, Denmark.

VIA: @vegan_activism_dk

ENGLISH (translation):

“No thank you to animal cruelty propaganda. Thanks to the anonymous activists that fixed this marketing mural.”

DANISH (original):

“Nej tak til propaganda fra dyremishandlingsindustrien. Tak til de anonyme aktivister for at fikse dette ulækre propagandamaleri!”


11th July, Victoria, Australia

Received anonymously via email:

“With the closing of the duck shooting season occurring early June, the ALF thought Jacinta Allan’s office deserved a closing message after the bloodshed she allowed to take place this year. Having been targeted twice this year already, the third time we came back with heavier equipment. The words “Heartless”, “Gutless” and “Spineless” spray painted on her windows yet again to describe exactly her character, a sledge hammer to her windows and door, as well as super glue to the locks and keypad to her office.

While this action was taken for the ducks slaughtered on the wetlands, not only this year but the many years this poor excuse for a sport has been allowed; we keep in mind the struggles of First Nations people on this land, the colonisation that has impacted them, and continues to impact them. We express our solidarity to all groups facing oppression, especially to the Palestinians fighting an apartheid state, a state that the Australian government and Jacinta Allan continues to fund, and provide weapons for.

None are free until all are free

Make politicians afraid again”


16th July, Denmark.

Received anonymously via email:

“20 Arla trucks deflated by ALF activists.

Arla is the largest producer of cows milk and other dairy products in Denmark and several other countries. The dairy industry enslaves and rapes cows, steal their calves from them and abuse their bodies. And when the dairy industry no longer profits off of abusing the cows bodies, the cows are send to the slaughterhouse, where they get shot in the head and have their throats slit, so they bleed to death.

Activists passed by a parking lot for Arla, near one of their distribution centers in Denmark. Did you know that if you screw off the plastic cap on the valve on a tire and put a lentil or two in it and put it back on, it deflates the tires?

All 20 trucks parked in their parking lot were deflated, presumably making it difficult for them to deliver their products of abuse the next day.

We were quite few activists doing this. Never underestimate what you can do, even if you’re few people, or even just one. Everything helps in the fight for total liberation.”