21st October, France.

via: BiteBack Magazine

anonymous report:

“In mid-October in France, ALF members destroyed 8 hunting houses as well as all devices to attract and kill animals.

In his homes were found cartridges, knives, ignition devices, and glue traps.

Hunters remain the only individuals who do not notice that there are almost no more birds except those raised and released before the massacre.

Partridges and pheasants present on the spot not escaping from the human.
We call on every citizen or walker to destroy every house, cabin, cage, watchtower, collar or other device allowing either trapping or feeding of animals. What some walkers already do …

As long as you kill, rebuild, we destroy …
It is not the hunting offence laws that will stop us …

“Mi octobre en France, les membres d’ALF ont détruit 8 maisons de chasse ainsi que tous les dispositifs permettant d’attirer et tuer des animaux.
Dans ses maisons ont été trouvé des cartouches, des couteaux, des dispositifs d’allumage, et des pièges à base de glue …
Les chasseurs restent les seuls individus à ne pas constater qu’il n’y a quasiment plus aucun oiseau sauf ceux élevés et libérés avant le massacre. Perdrix et faisans présents sur place ne se sauvant pas de l’humain.
Nous appelons chaque citoyen u promeneur à détruire chaque maison, cabane, cage, mirador, collet ou autres dispositifs permettant soit le piègeage soit le nourrisage des animaux. Ce que font déjà certains promeneurs rencontrés …
Tant que vous tuerez, reconstruirez, nous détruirons …
Ce ne sont pas les lois de délit d’entrave à la chasse qui nous arrêteront …


anonymous report, from

18th September, Slovenia.

“LPN Fazan ‘Pheasant’ Beltinci is the biggest Slovenian hunting farm for pheasants, Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and partridge (Perdic perdix) are also raised. They are being hunted with dogs or/and falcons.

The cages were opened and pheasants, partridges, mallards were guided towards freedom.

Their ascent towards full Moon was something that belonged to them and life purposed.

Their future death should be natural and free.
Authorities counted 850 escaped beings.”


via BiteBack Magazine:

11th October, Sweden.

received anonymously:

“On the night of the October 11th the leather shop Skinn city (that also sells fur and down) got attacked again by the A.L.F.

They had not yet bought a new window to their door since the last time we gave them a friendly visit. This time we striked harder! We smashed the fuck out of their two big windows.

The following day they put up signs saying that they’re having a total clearance sale. They even wrote an explanation why they’re doing this: ‘We have been attacked because we sell leather jackets’. They got that right! Inflicting economic damage to animal abusers is the least we can do! We and the animals are very happy that this shop is going to be put to an end. (The guy with the blue shirt is the bastard who owns the shop).

We did this in love and solidarity with all the animals who’ve been murdered in that shop and for our dear comrade Richii Klinsmeister who’s been sentenced for 6 months in prison.




11th October, France.

received anonymously via email:


Being great adepts of night walks in the woods (where we often find facilities belonging to awful humans scumbags like our target today), in the middle of the night in the center of France we stumbled upon giant pens where partridges destined to be massacred by hunters were sequestered.
We decided to help them escape on the night of October 10-11.

Surprisingly, animalists tags were already visible on the spot (maybe the breeder appreciated this protest deco?), we were indeed not the first ones to visit this piece of shit.

Armed with our courage and our legendary activists tools (cutting pliers) here we are, cutting the fence with determination. After this laborious work, we realized 5 minutes later that there was in fact an unlocked door heading to the pen 2 meters away… Well, shit happens. Without further ado, we are working with cutters to dismantle the net overhanging the prison.
Once this task is over we continue our visit, opening each door we meet on our way and also taking the time to pursue our cutting workshop on another enclosure.

After having screwed up the place, we put on our inner decorator cap and started to show our artistic spirit by adding modestly “AGAIN” on the already existing work left by the previous comrades who wrote ” ALF SAYS HI “.

Our main goal was to ensure the release of as many people as possible from this sordid place, so we helped the partridges to take flight by guiding them out of their prisons and we saw hundreds of them escaping towards the forest.

We hope that after these few visits, the torturers who exploit these people will fall asleep fearing our next assault. As long as there are hunters, people will be needed to hunt them.

If it’s not you, who? If not now, when ?

We must all go to the places of oppression of the exploited other animals to help them concretely and to have a chance to put an end to speciesism.

We will return.


Etant adeptes de ballades nocturnes en forêt (on y trouve souvent des installations appartenant à d’immondes humain.e.s comme notre cible du jour), nous sommes tombé.e.s en pleine nuit dans le centre de la France sur des volières immenses où des perdrix destinées à être massacrées par des chasseur.euse.s étaient séquestrées.
Nous avons donc décidé de les aider à s’évader dans la nuit du 10 au 11 octobre.
A notre grande surprise, des tags antispécistes étaient déjà visibles sur le lieu (est-ce que l’éleveur appréciait cette déco contestataire ?), nous n’étions donc pas les premièr.e.s à rendre visite à ce déchet.
Armé.e.s de notre courage et de nos outils légendaires d’activistes (des pinces coupantes) nous voilà en train de découper le grillage de la volière avec détermination. Après ce laborieux travail, nous nous rendions compte 5 minutes plus tard qu’il y avait en fait une porte non vérouillée donnant sur l’enclos à 2 mètres de là… Bon, ça arrive. Sans plus tarder nous nous attelons, à l’aide de cutters, au démantèlement du filet surplombant la prison.
Une fois cette tâche terminée nous continuons notre petite visite, ouvrant chaque porte que nous croisons et prenant aussi le temps de poursuivre notre atelier découpage de filet sur un autre enclos.
Après avoir bien bousillé le lieu, nous enfilâmes notre casquette de dé d’intérieur et nous entreprîmes de laisser notre patte artistique en ajoutant modestement “AGAIN” sur l’oeuvre déjà existante laissée par les précédent.e.s camarades qui énoncait “ALF SAYS HI”.
L’essentiel était de nous assurer de la libération d’un maximum de personnes détenu.e.s dans ce lieu sordide, nous avons donc aidé les perdrix à prendre leur envol en les guidant hors de leurs prisons et les avons vu s’échapper par centaines vers la forêt.
Nous espérons qu’après ces quelques visites, les tortionnaires qui exploitent ces personnes s’endormiront la peur au ventre en appréhendant notre prochain assaut. Tant qu’il y aura des chasseurs il faudra des gens pour les chasser.
Si ce n’est pas toi, qui ? Si ce n’est pas maintenant, quand ?
Nous devons tous.tes aller sur les lieux d’oppression des autres animaux exploités pour les aider concrètement et pour avoir une chance de mettre fin au spécisme.
Nous reviendrons.”


13th October, South West UK.

received anonymously via encrypted email:

“A guinea pig living in less than a square meter hatch was spotted and aided free.

Upon inspection, we realised he was not walking at all, probably due to the wire mesh ground, and their nails were as long as ten centimetres.

He seemed happy to get attention, so whilst driving we gave him some fresh pepper and head rubs. He let us know when it was enough with a gentle squeal. We wondered how long he spent in that confinement cell.

He will now live a life of care and freedom, with company and friends, places to run and to hide and proper vet care.

We want to dedicate this action to Mirabelle and Matthias, two comrades and friends who are facing court next month.

May this be the beginning of their freedom too.



12th October, Online.

The National Farmer’s Union servers that were used for live tracking of shooters during the badger cull was hacked.

The servers hosted the information and location of shooters in the badger cull zones in the UK.

By taking them down, it left the hunters unable to let the NFU know where they were killing badgers, making the cull by freeshooting dangerous for them and for members of the public.

The hack was signed by The Script Pixies.


12th October, Delafield, Wisconsin USA.

received anonymously via email:

“Anti speciesist action was taken against a McDonalds in “America’s Dairyland”.

The locals are some of the most grim, unfeeling, and uncaring speciesists in the states. We are doing what little we can to throw a wrench in their gears.

Multiple messages were painted on the sides of this location, and we planned on destroying some windows hadn’t there been a sudden police presence nearby.

In solidarity with those caught in the “terrorist” spotlight and spending decades of their life behind bars for victimless “crimes”.

None of us are free until we are all free.



Via BiteBack Magazine

22nd September, Sweden

anonymous report:

“When we were walking through the forest and enjoying nature we saw this piece of ugliness. We toppled it and damaged it, making it impossible for the murderers to use in their assassinations. Long live the animals!

Location: Sweden”


30th September, South East UK.

Photo: Angel, a survivor of the crash and not linked to the birds rescued at the slaughterhouse.

received anonymously via email:

“Today a truck filled with 9,000 chickens turned over and crashed. Activists from all over arrived to help rescue the injured birds. After hours of bull shit negotiations with brain dead cops we decided to take matters into our own hands.

We stood in solidarity with the thousands injured in the crash. We witnessed their broken bodies tossed around in front of us whilst the cops and RSPCA watched on with smiles on their faces. With legitimate rescue denied we said fuck this we are going to free someone.

We arrived at the local slaugher house, just missing the truck containing the injured, dying and dead birds. Another truck filled with lives was waiting to go in just outside.

A crack in the crates was spotted. Activists then took the opportunity to free the birds from their cages. 

‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable’.