4th February, Lewes UK.

received anonymously via email:

“We saw the call to action from dxe frontlines against the free range egg industry, so on the 4th of February, we paid a quick visit to Mac’s farm in Lewes. It is currently enjoying a wave of good publicity, with people all over the internet directing those concerned about Hoads Farm since last week’s investigation to instead just buy from Mac’s. 

People have been twisting the narrative to promote organic instead of free range, because organic actually give a shit about animals, right? Well we call bullshit. 

Their site is littered with poison traps for rodents, which we filled with expanding foam to stop anyone going inside and getting killed. The poison had also spilled out of the trap and being on a public footpath, could easily be eaten by dogs on walks. Speciesism always gives way to more speciesism. 

There is no ethical egg and there is no ethical exploitation. 

Fuck Mac’s farm for pretending otherwise, and #FuckFreeRange!”


January, Denmark.

Received anonymously via email: 

“On a stormy night in January this little boy was liberated from an intensive pig breeding farm in Denmark. 

Denmark prides itself on high animal welfare but it is clear in all of these farms that all they care about is money. This little baby was liberated from a life time of exploitation, but our fight for his thousands of brothers and sisters that die everyday continues.”


5th February, Kent UK.

received anonymously over email:

“We’d heard of the horror farm in Kent owned and run by Tracy Middleton and the campaign folks are running. We saw the photos they had taken of dead bodies in piles next to young lambs and other sheep still clinging on to life. 

So as we were in the area we went to Little Oakhurst Brissenden Farm to see for ourselves. We saw the starving sheep, their bones visible even through their wool. We saw the awful conditions and the sickness. Don’t get us wrong we fucking hate every farm and there’s no nice exploitation but this was something else. This is what happens when a lazy psychopath get their hands on animals. We aided those we could grab away from this hell hole and to somewhere safe where they won’t be neglected or sent to slaughter. Even with multiple cop cars showing up we still managed to evade them and make our joint escape. It tore us apart to leave so many comrades behind, knowing that only more suffering lay ahead for them.

We hear there’s a protest at Tracy’s on the 9th, we won’t be able to make it so we hope you will. People should be fucking raging!

We dedicate this action to the memory of Jill Phipps who lived and died fighting for animal liberation. 

The fight continues.”


18th January, Czech Republic.

via: http://michalkolesar.net

‘I stop the car in the forest on the side of the road. Several people get out with the necessary equipment and get lost among the trees. Me and Petra are going to park the car. Later we meet with others near the object. When the patrols are on their spots we go to the large metal door. The silence and stink is everywhere.

In a little while we are inside. Every time it looks the same. Life in liquidation proceedings.

Lukas and Petra prepare the bags and I collect animals. They don’t even run away. We take some pictures. No art, just documentation. After that we are ready to leave with six ducks for whom kind people prepared a wonderful new home.

In Memory of Bill “Avalon” Rodgers

Bill Rodgers was found dead on December 21, 2005 in his cell. According to police, he committed suicide using a plastic bag. He choked himself.

Together with six other activists he was arrested on December 7, 2005 as part of Operation Backfire (FBI).

Before he suffocated, he wrote, “I didn’t leave. I just changed form. With or without me, resistance is getting stronger every day.” ‘


January, Kent UK.

received anonymously via email:

“How to steal pigs and be a dickhead…..

Liberating animals without a forward plan is just stressful and reckless and puts so much strain on your community and mental health. Don’t be that dickhead.

Thankfully folks came through for this sweet girl who, despite being on a non intensive type pig exploitation facility was still tail banded and had a hoof injury. She is safe now and despite what she has been through trusts humans so much.”


October 2019, Tuscany, Italy.

received anonymously via email:

“On a full moon night, we took a walk in the woods; we destroyed a shooting hut. We wanted to continue but it was dawning. On the way back we didn’t miss a Jeep with a big sticker saying: “Boar hunting”: we managed to break a glass. To finish, we left a sign “MURDERERS” on the local hunters’ headquarters.

For the freedom of animals living in the woods, for the freedom of all animals.”
We dedicate this night to Matthias, who will have a trial in Switzerland on 6/11 for attacking animal killers.

Strength to Matthias! Strength to all the antispeciesist and anarchist prisoners! You hunters are in our sights!”


19th January, Paris.

Via: biteback magazine

“This week, in the Paris region, a hunting tower and four scattering grains areas for hunting were destroyed by antispeciesist activists.

Hunters are setting up shelters and seed dispensers to attract their future victims and to accustom them to feeding and sheltering in these areas. They then hide in their hunting towers to make it easier to spot and shoot them. Hunting towers can be found on the edges of fields and woods, and the scattering grains areas are sometimes located directly in the fields. If you see bushes in the middle of a field, look for a seed dispenser hidden inside.

The battery powered sabre saw is very useful in some cases. Watch out for tracks, cameras and your face, and destroy anything they use for assassination. STOP SPECIESISM.”

“Cette semaine, en région parisienne, une tour de chasse et quatre zones d’agrainage pour la chasse ont été détruites par des activistes antispécistes.

Les chasseuses et chasseurs installent des abris et des distributeurs de graines pour attirer leurs futures victimes, les habituer à se nourrir et s’abriter à ces endroits. Iels se cachent ensuite dans leurs tours de chasse pour les repérer et leur tirer dessus plus facilement. On trouve des tours de chasse en bordure de champs et de bois, et les zones d’agrainage se trouvent parfois directement dans les champs. Si vous voyez des buissons au milieu d’un champs, regardez si il y a pas un distributeur de graines caché dedans.

La scie sabre à batterie est bien utile dans certains cas. Faites attention aux traces, aux caméras et à votre visage, et détruisez tout ce qui leur sert à assassiner. STOP SPECISME.”


January, NRW (Germany)

received anonymously via email:

“Enjoying hiking in the beautiful areas Sauerland, Siegerland und Bergisches Land in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany. Unfortunately tons of hunting towers destroy the nice view. Therefore but only for the liberation of all forest animals, these have to disappear.

It’s always good to carry your bushcraft tools with you.”