“In the night of September 26Th 4 antispeciesist activists liberated 8 rabbits from a breeder farm in Belgium.
Thousands of rabbits are kept here in caged systems, from newborns who stay 6 weeks until their slaughter, to male breeder rabbits used as artificial insemination sperm donors. We’re sorry we couldn’t carry more as we had to walk trough ditches, through cornfields and encounter bulls in the field.
A re-visit is planned. Now all rabbits have a chance to live somewhere where they are loved and cherished. Some little rabbits even jumped for joy as they came into their new home that night.
We encourage everyone to lobby to end these cage systems and ridiculous welfare ‘park’ systems, and plea for a total ban on rabbit meat in stores.
“Several offensive actions during August and September in Ile de France, Maine et Loire, Loire Atlantique and Mayenne:
Hunting towers were destroyed, farms spray painted and six geese were rescued.
As long as the truth is not restored, as long as the victims of the specism are not at peace, you won’t have it either. Animalist resistance will never stop.”
“In France around September 8th, 2020. We had been thinking about it for a while now, we had to get on it, because if we didn’t, we knew no one else would do it for us. We have prepared ourselves. and we went there. Dressed all in black, gloved, masked, and armed with our determination and our rage against speciesism. We had only one thought in mind : destroy what allows them to kill. We dismantled 4 hunting towers and we filmed ourselves to make the resistance visible. We want to show the oppressors that they will not be able to continue their murders with impunity, and motivate other antispeciesists to take action now. You just need to find accomplices in this struggle, or to act alone, to know the basics of the security culture, to equip yourself, and to get outside, where non-human animals are persecuted. While the change in lifestyle remains significant, it is insufficient in the face of the daily atrocities that non-human animals endure in captivity or in the wild. Let’s not be afraid to confront the oppressors and the State directly, because our demands are fair, and must be taken seriously, otherwise the struggle is doomed to failure. For a fairer world for all. STOP SPECIESISM STOP CAPITALISM”
French: “En France aux alentours du 8 septembre 2020. Cela faisait déjà quelques temps que nous y pensions, il fallait que l’on s’y mette, car si nous ne le faisions pas, nous savions que personne d’autre ne le ferait à notre place. Nous nous sommes préparé.e.s. et nous y sommes allé.e.s. Habillé.e.s tout en noir, ganté.e.s, masqué.e.s, et armé.e.s de notre détermination et de notre rage contre le spécisme. Nous n’avions qu’une seule idée en tête : détruire ce qui leur sert à tuer. Nous avons démantelé 4 tours de chasse et nous nous sommes filmé.e.s pour visibiliser la résistance. On souhaite montrer aux oppress.eurs.euses qu’iels ne pourront pas continuer leurs meurtres impunément, et donner envie aux autres antispécistes de passer à l’action dès maintenant. Il suffit simplement de trouver des complices de lutte, ou d’agir seul.e, de connaître les bases de la culture de sécurité, de s’équiper, et de foutre les pieds dehors, là où les animaux non-humains sont persécutés. Même si le changement de mode de vie reste important, il est insuffisant face aux atrocités quotidiennes que subissent les animaux non-humains en captivité ou en liberté. N’ayons pas peur de se confronter directement aux oppress.eurs.euses et à l’Etat, car nos revendications sont justes, et doivent être prises au sérieux, sans quoi la lutte est vouée à l’échec. Pour un monde plus juste pour toutes et tous. STOP SPECISME STOP CAPITALISME”
“186 ducklings were liberated from a foie gras farm in Bazainville (Yvelines) during the night of August 30-31. According to media reports, a message, “Bouffe ton propre foie” (“Eat your own liver”) was found painted on the wall of a barn.”
When we first read about the Carcase Management System (CMS) website back in February after a leak from the NFU, we knew the secrets it held would be priceless to the anti cull movement. All of the cage trappers, free shooters and assorted badger cull helpers all log, all of their badger killing information onto a single website. Locations searched for badger setts are logged, as are kills, who did the killing, what time etc etc.
Thanks to some obvious clues in metadata it was only minutes before we discovered the url: www.ggkkzz.info/Accounts
Since that discovery back in February we have been gaining regular access to the site, pushing deeper and further into huge piles of data including crime reports, shooters identities, locations of kills and email addresses of those involved.
On Tuesday, the NFU IT people finally spotted us and have since made some minor adjustments to try and protect the site. But unfortunately for them it is too little, too late, we are in the system and will continue to edit and scrape data, we were also changing records (including crime reports) as they come in. This year’s data on kills sent to Natural England will be based on our false reports, making the continuation of the cull completely pointless.
Going through the records of shooters, we were not completely surprised to find Fieldsports TV presenter Charlie Jacoby had attempted to kill badgers back in 2017, although he went out on 4 different occasions, he never actually managed to shoot any badgers. (see the image above)
Every shooter and cage trapper and helper who is involved in the badger cull has to log on to this system, using their email addresses which we now have. Attached are just a handful, we will be releasing more of the data in the coming days and weeks.”
“A hunting shop has repeatedly been marked with messages and got glued locks since they opened this year. And this will continue till the day it is closed down for good.
“Four shooting structures destroyed in the south of the Netherlands around august 22th.”
“According to media reports, a cheese shop, butcher shops and a fish shop in Paris were graffitied during the night of August 31-September 1. “Not your mother, Not your milk” and other slogans were painted on shop windows.”
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