8th December, Sweden.

anonymous report:

“For Richii Klinsmeister, soon free from prison! For Karl HÃggroth, taken by the cops! Somewhere in Sweden, ALF vandalized a disgusting ostrich farm, a fucking death camp (several road signs were destroyed). Comrades, until everyone is free, we fight for the animals! Fire to the prisons! Fire to the farms! See you soon…”


November, France.

via: BiteBackMagazine

“Between the beginning of 2017 and November 2020, we, antispeciesist activists, exfiltrated more than a hundred hens from the farm of Domaine du Mesnil Saint-Martin (SCEA des Tuileries).

The video we just released was made during a rescue (between September 2020 and November 2020).

Until now, despite the many times we have been there, we had no hope of helping the 200,000 hens trapped in these cages other than by taking out a few, as regularly as we could … But when we heard that L214 had just broadcast an investigation shot there, and called for its immediate shut down, we finally had a glimmer of hope! This kind of place is so despicable, even in the eyes of the majority of speciesist people, that for us, the fact that it was revealed to the general public by an L214 investigation, was necessarily going to lead to its shut down, at least for some time.

But today, more than a week after the release of the investigation, there has still been no response from the Ministry of Agriculture and even less an administrative decision ordering the shut down of this horrible place of oppression. … The French state and its speciesist justice is proving once again that they actively protect those who emprison, exploit and murder non-human people, and are no longer even ashamed when the worst horrors that it support are displayed in public.

A few days ago, we saw the launch of a pressure campaign organized by citizens, who, probably like us, said to themselves that nothing should be expected from the State and that we were going to have to put more pressure than that if we wanted to obtain the disappearance of this farm. We therefore decided to broadcast this video and this press release calling for anyone realizing the horror experienced by these hens exploited for their eggs (then murdered at 18 months), seek a way to shut this farm down as soon as possible and save the 200,000 hens that continue to be sequestered and exploited there today!

Now that we’re all in the know, let’s get organized! Go check out the facebook page “Pour les poules : Fermons l’élevage du Domaine du Mesnil Saint-Martin”, and with them or without them, let’s take action!

Do not sit by in the face of this double injustice, the State will not help us, and even worse, we are deeply convinced that it will put more effort into trying to repress those who saved hens from this place than to stop those who are responsible for the horrors they suffer there!”

“Entre début 2017 et novembre 2020, nous, activistes antispécistes, avons exfiltré plus d’une centaine de poules de l’élevage du Domaine du Mesnil Saint-Martin (SCEA des Tuileries).

La vidéo que nous venons de diffuser a été réalisée lors d’un sauvetage (entre septembre 2020 et novembre 2020).

Jusqu’à présent, malgré les nombreuses fois où nous nous y sommes rendu.e.s, nous n’avions aucun espoir d’aider les 200 000 poules emprisonnées dans ces cages autrement que par le fait d’en sortir quelques unes, aussi régulièrement que nous le pouvions… Mais lorsque nous avons entendu que L214 venait de diffuser une enquête tournée là-bas, et qu’elle demandait sa fermeture immédiate, nous avons enfin eu une lueur d’espoir ! Ce genre de lieu est tellement ignoble, même aux yeux de la majorité des personnes spécistes, que pour nous, le fait qu’il soit révélé au grand public par une enquête de L214, allait forcément mener à sa fermeture, au moins pour quelques temps.

Mais aujourd’hui, plus d’une semaine après la sortie de l’enquête, il n’y a toujours pas eu de réponse du ministère de l’agriculture et encore moins de décision administrative ordonnant la fermeture de cet horrible lieu d’oppression… L’Etat français et sa justice spéciste nous prouve encore une fois qu’ils.elles protègent activement celles et ceux qui encagent, exploitent et assassinent les personnes non-humaines, et n’a même plus honte lorsque les pires horreurs qu’il soutient sont étalées sur la place publique.

Nous avons vu passer il y a quelques jours le lancement d’une campagne de pression organisé.e.s par des citoyen.ne.s, qui, probablement comme nous, se sont dit qu’il ne fallait rien espérer de l’Etat et qu’il allait falloir mettre plus de pression que ça si nous voulions obtenir la disparition de cet élevage. Nous avons donc décidé de diffuser cette vidéo et ce communiqué appelant à ce que toute personne réalisant l’horreur que vivent ces poules exploitées pour leurs oeufs (puis assassinées à 18 mois), cherchent un moyen de faire fermer cet élevage au plus vite et sauver les 200 000 poules qui continuent d’y être séquestrées et exploitées actuellement !

Maintenant que nous sommes tou.te.s au courant, organisons-nous ! Allez voir la page facebook “Pour les poules : Fermons l’élevage du Domaine du Mesnil Saint-Martin”, et avec elleux ou sans elleux, agissons !

Ne restons pas les bras croisés face à cette double injustice, l’Etat ne nous aidera pas, et même pire, nous sommes intimement persuadé.e.s qu’il mettra plus d’effort à essayer de réprimer celles et ceux qui ont sauvé des poules de ce lieu qu’à faire stopper celles et ceux qui sont responsables des horreurs qu’elles y subissent !”


25th November, Winsconsin USA.

According to local media reports, Father Jordan Neek, living in St. Norbert Abbey, 1016 N Broadway, De Pere, WI 54115, United States, has been repeatedly harassed since starting hunting in the grounds of the Abbey.

The police report of the incident explains that his hunting seat was vandalised, trees were spray painted and trail cams stolen in an attempt to dissuade the priest from hunting deer in the Abbey’s land.

“It does hurt, I’m not going to lie, every morning I wake up sick to my stomach thinking about the hatred towards me,” says Father Neeck.


20th November, Germany.

Via local media:

According to local media, four hunting towers were set alight in Gödenstorf during the evening of the 22nd November, causing a total damage of 5000 EUR.

On the 19th, in Viernheim, nine more towers were destroyed, legs sawn off, ladders broken or overturned. Some of them had been tagged with ALF.


1st December, East Anglia UK.

received anonymously via email:

“Two turkeys liberated from a farm in East Anglia. Rat traps destroyed. Dead bins tagged & locks glued.

Both these girls have been found to be suffering with gape worm, and one has an injury to the foot causing her to limp. They are in a safe place now where they’ll be free from farm, exploitation and murder.

Turkeys are intelligent and inquisitive beings, each with their own unique personality. They love to have their feathers stroked and are very sociable. Have a happy Christmas this year: leave the turkey off the table.”