“In late December we decided to pay a visit to district one to the home of Dean and Patty Reeves. Dean Reeves is the Chairman of Reeves Young construction company, a company contracted to destroy part of the South Atlanta forest to build Cop City.
Their home at 4682 Blackwater Way in Suwanee, GA is part of a purportedly high security gated community but it turns out it’s quite easy to get in with just a little bit of ingenuity 😉 We left them a small message in the trees behind their home to encourage them to do the right thing.
We hope this action gives them but a minuscule does of what the creatures in the South Atlanta forest they want to bulldoze might feel: unsafe in the place they call home. Feels bad don’t it…”
“During the first lockdown and whilst everybody was staying at home and waiting for a vaccine that was being tested on animals we decided not to forget those who live locked up and cannot decide to stay at home or to go out.
We decided to attack a bird farm that breeds chicken in order to steal their eggs and then murder them.
After much planning we managed to take fifteen hens, who now live in a place where they will not be seen as objects and where they will not be exploited. Their lives have changed forever.
Let’s organise to bring the only real animal liberation, the one done through direct action, the one that opens all cages.”
One year ago tonight, the Bahnhofswald was occupied. The destruction of forests, especially of intact ecosystems – no matter where and especially in cities must not go on like this.
For five months there was hope for a meaningful, sustainable future for the forest, but once again greed for profit won out.
Destroying the forest was a wrong decision. It is always a wrong decision.
We will continue to make those responsible feel that. Tonight three of the Dutschkewitz – company cars burned. No tree does not matter!
The Bahnhofwald is not forgotten! Defend life free spaces”
“This morning in Montreal, two tire fires were lit on the CN railway tracks in the neighbourhood of Pointe-St-Charles, at the choke-point of the train yard exit.
Care was taken to ensure there was no risk of derailment. A long straightaway location was chosen, and timing was based on the first scheduled Via passenger train of the morning. As the train approached, an individual stepped onto the track waving two road flares. When the train came to a stop, tires that had previously been filled with cotton towels were placed onto both tracks. They were then doused in gasoline, and the road flares were tossed in from a safe distance to light them up. The action was quick and easy, required few people, and ensured the train was able to stop and not hit the items placed on the tracks. Rail service was interrupted for at least two hours.
We acted in solidarity with the Gidimt’en Clan, who yesterday faced a raid for defending their land, water, and sovereignty. We cannot allow this RCMP action to go unanswered. For every highway blockade, a railway signaling box torched. For every RBC branch deprived of its windows, an RCMP vehicle up in smoke. For every railway blockade, a pipeline valve site sabotaged. All our solidarity with the land and water defenders on the Yintah, let’s answer their calls to shut shit down!
In the face of the hunting dictatorship, the members of ALF destroyed in a few weeks dozens of watchtowers on several sectors. Towers, huts, hunting huts will be systematically broken, cut and scattered so as not to be watered down for these murders tolerated by the French state.
State subject to the hunting lobby, allowing the killing of animals and humans. Millions of animals are killed each year for this deadly recreation and more than 420 humans have died in 20 years. Regulate each other but not by killing animal people and honest citizens.
Willy Schraen president of the hunters will say “it’s the fault of bad luck”, more than 3/4 of the French vomit you!!
You build, we will destroy all the time … ALF”
Français :
“Action Anti Chasse France Sud
Devant la dictature de la chasse, les membres d’ALF ont détruit en quelques semaines des dizaines de miradors sur plusieurs secteurs. Tours, huttes, cabanes de chasse seront systématiquement cassés, découpés et éparpillés afin de ne pas être ulilisés pour ces meurtres tolérés par l’état français.
Etat soumis au lobby de la chasse, permettant le meurtre d’animaux et d’humains. Des millions d’animaux tués chaque année pour ce loisir mortifère et plus de 420 humains décédés en 20 ans. Régulez vous entre vous mais pas en tuant les personnes animales et les honnêtes citoyens.
Willy Schraen président des chasseurs dira “c’est la faute à pas de chance”, plus des 3/4 des français vous vomissent !!
Vous construisez, nous détruirons tout le temps … ALF”
“ALF repudiates a Burger Kings store on Av. Paulista, the largest economic center in Brazil, in memory of the 20th anniversary of the death of activist Barry Horne!
If the animal holocaust industry doesn’t back down, we’ll make it back down! For all the animals murdered daily in fast food chains! 🏴”
7 de Novembro, São Paulo / Brasil
“ALF repudia uma loja do Burger Kings na Av. Paulista, maior centro econômico do Brasil, em memória dos 20 anos de morte do ativista Barry Horne!
Se a indústria do holocausto animal não recuar, nós a faremos recuar! Por todas os animais assassinados diariamente em redes de fast food ! 🏴”