1st July, Netherlands.

Via: idymedia.nl

“In the night of Saturday July 1st, a group of individuals cut the fence at ecoduct Oud-Reemst in National Park de Veluwe, The Netherlands. With this act, they intend to assist others in their freedom of movement. A freedom that was further contained with the construction of the fence in 2019.

The Veluwe is one of the biggest and wildest pieces of nature that still exists in the Netherlands. An essential habitat and food source for non-humans living in the area. The “foundation” which runs the National Park should not be allowed to make their own zoo out of it.

Since 2019 the ecoduct (a bridge over a road, with the intention to connect two pieces of forest) as well as the faunapassage closeby have been closed by the National Park. In the first instance as a temporary measure to keep wolves out, but now that wolves are living inside the fenced National Park, the crossings are still hermetically closed off.

Here, the population is split and trapped inside with high barbed wire fences that even reach underground, camera surveillance and watch towers for hunters. No one, unless they can fly, can enter or leave without buying the ticket you’re required to have to enter the park. Those caged inside are separated from their families and peers, and face death caused by human hunters. All, according to them, for the anthropocentric and human-invented concept of ‘population control’, but in reality to fuel their bloodlust and hunger for money and power.

A big cage is still a prison, may all prisons perish with the jailers inside!”


The siege of UAV Tactical Systems by Palestine Action has reached day 70 and has largely been affected by the recent air strikes on the Palestinian city of Jenin by the Israeli military in the last couple of week. These killed at least 12 Palestinians, injured more than 100, and forced thousands to flee Jenin refugee camp. Weapon manufacturers in Britain are directly responsible for these, as they provide the Israeli military with the deadly machinery.

PalAction states that on June 21, “the Israeli military used a drone to assassinate three Palestinians in Jenin. An Elbit Hermes 450 carrying missiles was deployed in the extrajudicial execution of Mohammed Owais (28), Suhaib Al-Ghoul (27) and Ashraf Murad Al-Saadi (17). This was the first time a drone was used in an assassination in 21 years.”

Elbit Systems produces 85% of the Israeli military’s drones and labels their weapons as “battle tested” because they have been used by Israel to murder, maim and surveil the Palestinian population in Gaza. During the siege of UAV Tactical Systems as part of the action #ShutElbitDown, the actionists honoured the martyrs of Palestine.

In a further step of criminalising Palestine Action, four actionists have been sentenced to prison for an action against Teledyne Labtech, a supplier of components for missiles, military aircraft and drones, radar systems and more, in December 2022. Their action has dismantled over 1.2million worth of military equipment for Israel’s army. Three of the four actionists have received sentences of 23 months and one for 27 months, with half of the sentences to be served in prison. If you want to write to PalAction activists in prison, drop an email here: [email protected].

In solidarity with these actionists and in preparation for the International day of action for prisoners, over 75 public figures signed a statement demanding the release of the 7 PalAction actionists in prison and for all pending charges for over 100 actionists to be dropped.

To support the international day of action taking place on 22nd July, Palestine Action is asking for all supporters to organise solidarity actions and protests under the banner “Free the actionists”. You can take part by protesting outside your local CPS office or at a company which facilitates the production of Israeli weapons. More information and ideas for different actions you can take can be found here on their website: palestineaction.org/prisoners-day-of-action

Photo: Palestine Action honours the martyrs of Palestine at their siege of UAV Tactical as part of #ShutElbitDown


via: Scenes

2nd July, Atlanta USA.

“On a recent night, 2 groups of friends were feeling a little bored and decided to go on a fun little excursion. One group visited to home of LS3P senior architect Anthony Kenny at 235 Lake Drive in Norcross GA. Another group visited the home of Ambrish Baisiwala, who is on the APF board of trustees and works for Portman Holdings, at 683 Cumberland road NE in Atlanta. Messages were left in paint, tires were slashed. It was a joyful occassion all around. Thank you to the kind people who provided the names and addresses that facilitated this night of fun, particularly the free & rowdy Party. There are many more names and addresses of people making cop city happen that could be the locations of future fun nights for you and your friends if your looking for something to do!

-DTF party planning committee

Submitted Anonymously Over Email


Dan Baker, vegan and anarchist, has been imprisoned since 2021, but is now finally released from prison! 

Dan has been part of the International Freedom Battalion in Rojava. Dan was also active in the George Floyd uprising. In 2021, Dan was sentenced to 44 months in prison, for posting on social media about the importance of self-defense against fascists, during the January 6 riots in Washington, D.C. On July 7, 2023, Dan was finally free, and walked out of prison. 

Dan has had a hard time in prison. For example, Dan went on hunger strike, and was also attacked by fascists. Dan is now looking forward to starting a better life outside the prison walls, with friends and loved ones. 

Unfortunately, the difficulties are not over for Dan. Dan must immediately find a job and a home. Otherwise, Dan risks being forced back to prison again. 

A release fund has been set up to help Dan. It is urgent that the fundraiser quickly reaches its goal. Almost 3k of the 5k USD have already been raised, please join in and help a comrade! You can donate, and read about what Dan needs, in the links below.

Dan Bakers Release fund: https://fundrazr.com/DanBaker2023

Dan Baker – Request For Aid: https://mongoosedistro.com/2023/06/20/request-for-aid-upon-release-from-prison-by-dan-baker/



8th May, Santiago, Chile.

via: https://es-contrainfo.espiv.net

ENGLISH (translation)

“As individuals and as an affinity group we decided to destroy and permanently lock padlocks and other keyholes guarding establishments that sell animal products, an industry that profits with the death and exploitation of non human animals. We also decided to glue locks in churches.

The sabotage occurred around central Santiago.

Because we are against all authority.
Let’s keep showing antispeciesist solidarity until all cages are broken!”


“Individualidades afines decidimos inutilizar y sellar cerraduras y candados en centros de comercialización de productos de origen animal, industria que lucra con la muerte y explotación animal de animales no humanos.
Además, decidimos sellar y molestar a las iglesias.
Los lugares saboteados fueron por zona poniente, centro norte y centro sur de santiago centro.
Porque estamos en contra de toda autoridadA seguir con la solidaridad antiespecista, hasta la destrucción de todas las jaulas!”


30th June, California USA.

via: scenes

“On Friday night (6/30) into Saturday morning (7/1) a total of four Bank of Amerikkka buildings in the Bay Area were vandalized, and a total of five BofA ATMs were smashed in solidarity with the Stop Cop City campaign and struggle to Defend the Atlanta Forrest.

Two BofA buildings in Oakland were tagged with the message “Stop Cop City / ACAB”

Two ATMs on 50 California in San Francisco were sprayed with graffiti that said “Stop Cop City” and the screens were hit with hammers and shattered.

Three ATMs in front of the Bank of Amerikkka in Concord on Sun Valley Blvd. were also smashed with hammers and sprayed with a message in solidarity with the fight against policing and Cop City in Atlanta.”

Photo unrelated to the action


So we forgot that it was our anniversary last month. Oh well, for new and old readers of Unoffensive Animal, we are seven years old already!

Lots have changed since we started. The collective has gone through many iterations, and even this year we were very close to shutting down until a new bunch of people decided to jump on board and revitalise the project!

We keep the same priorities in mind. Prisoner support is the backbone of the movement. Animal liberation and total liberation are one of the same. Fascists are not welcome in the movement. Capitalism must burn for the liberation of all. Also, fuck celery.

We have provided a platform for those who wish to remain anonymous for seven years. We have raised funds for prisoners and for folks facing legal trouble. We’ve given talks, organised events and tried to educate as much as possible on security culture.

We have seen many campaigns succeed, and many more fight extremely hard. It is always incredibly beautiful to see the many shapes that resistance takes when coupled with passionate and creative activists.

Thank you to all who have supported us this far, all of you who were there from the very beginning, and all of you that joined along the way, as well as every single person who has contributed with articles and information and any other support!

Thank you too to those who have kept us afloat with donations. We don’t get paid, but the project is not free, and we keep wanting to support as many prisoners and activists as we possibly can.

Thank you to all who keep fighting in whatever way they feel is best.

PS: on our seventh anniversary we also count with the lowest amount of donations per month. If you can afford it and like what we do, please consider donating, as a one-off or as a monthly donation, every little helps!

Paypal: [email protected]

Patreon: www.patreon.com/animalliberation


Photo: Demonstration in Chile in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales


15th June, Streffi Hill, Greece.

via: Abolition Media

“We are at a juncture where, in the space of just a few months, we have counted two mass state capitalist murders, in Tempe and Pylos, which demonstrate in the most deafening way the very essence of capitalism. We are under no illusions and we know very well that in the face of the deadlock and bankruptcy of the state-capitalist system, the only answer that the state and capital have to propose is, on the one hand, to create new hotbeds of imperialist conflict and intervention in the capitalist regions, thus creating new hundreds of dead, both on the battlefields and in the debris left behind by war and the overexploitation of resources, and on the heavily guarded border lines, which have resulted in the Mediterranean becoming a vast graveyard of refugees.

On the other hand, in the capitalist centres of the West, capital and the state are looking for new areas of profitability through further class devaluation, impoverishment and death politics, which in turn create modern metropolitan guarded sweatshops in which we are forced to survive in conditions of misery with meagre wages as a result of the overvaluation of our labour power, with one worker murder after another, with the coverage of our basic material needs becoming more and more difficult, and the deterioration of the structures that cover basic social needs of transportation, health, education, etc. and with a state that is further entrenching itself by militarising its metropolises and increasing military budgets.

So at the same time as the state is generously spreading death, oppression, exploitation and destruction, it is inviting us to participate in the carnival of elections to choose which party will “save” us and which party will provide the best opposition. It invites us to entrust the management of our lives to saviours great and small, and once we have chosen we can proudly return to normality, where people are murdered at the borders, in police stations, on the streets, in the workers’ sweatshops. We can return to the normalcy of “passports” and starvation wages, of snitch journalists and exhausted and unpaid overtime, of evictions and home foreclosures. The normalcy we legitimize by voting consent and submission. In the face of their normalcy there is disobedience, resistance and rebellion. Against the vote of delegation there is collectivity, self-organization, faith in our strengths and in the potential of all the oppressed and exploited. The belief that this world will be changed by us, through collective struggles we will stand on our feet and attack the state, capital and their praetorian guard.

And it is precisely all the above ideals that we believe find fertile ground and are grounded in the neighbourhood of Exarcheia, which has historically been the bastion and the cutting edge of class and social resistances and movements. And it is precisely for this reason that the state and capital, at a time when they are trying to impose a doctrine of zero tolerance and bend the whole of the resistances and struggles, have launched an all-out attack on the neighbourhood of Exarcheia.

More specifically, the state has turned the neighbourhood into a war zone, with an all-armed occupying army swooping in in an attempt to show force, intimidation and repression. At the same time, capital sees in Exarcheia an investment opportunity that will open up new fields of profitability. Therefore, a swarm of real estate, construction, tourism companies of all kinds, bosses of alternative entertainment outlets, up to minefields under the pretext of gentrification, redevelopment and all kinds of alternative consumerism have invaded the area.

All of the above processes are aimed at political sterilization, class restructuring and the uprooting of the neighborhood’s militancy and its very history, turning it into an entrenched, depoliticized island of alternative tourism and entertainment.

For all these reasons, we believe that the struggle against the attack of the state and capitalists on the Exarcheia neighborhood is a struggle that concerns us all. Exarcheia is a neighbourhood with a rich history of struggles, which we must defend and continue.

So on Thursday 15/6, we carried out a Molotov cocktail attack, ambushing a change of guard at Strefi. This particular procession consisted of a van accompanied by a Delta unit, which not only did not perform its role, but in our view had no problem leaving its colleagues to fend for themselves in their lamp-lit vehicle, firing flash-bang grenades from a really long distance. It is important to mention the warm support we received from the people who happened to be in the tarmac during the attack.

The event was completely “buried” by both the police and their loyal allies, journalists. Obviously this silencing is not surprising, as the propaganda mechanisms of the state and the repression could never publicly admit such a deafening defeat in the most militarized neighborhood of Athens, in the heart of their operational center, which is now the hill of Strefi. What they don’t understand is that our stratagem is not negotiable, nor does it take a holiday. We meet, we cooperate, we organize and we spread, with camaraderie, consistency and sincerity in mind and with the aim of a revolutionary perspective, the abolition of the exploitation of man by man and the plundering of nature.

We believe that when the level of violence and impoverishment is constantly being raised by our enemies, we in turn must organise our own targeted responses to violence in a coherent, persistent and committed manner. Which, in the first instance, put up a barrier to the attack of the state and capital, putting in practical question the monopoly of violence they want to impose. While they are also an organic and integral part of the broader diverse mosaic of our own unconstrained social and class struggles, which can ultimately be the only response to the capitalist storm.

Freedom to all political prisoners of the social and class war!


Photo not associated with the action.


EDITOR’S NOTE: This short book was originally published with ilustrations and explanations on how to hunt and dismember non-human animals. We found the rest of the content interesting enough for those wanting to live in the wild and fight the capitalist machine, but we were unwilling to share it due to its links to hunting. Some folks created a slightly more anti-speciesist version, which is the one we have linked. They decided to leave some of the traps, we can only guess because they are intended to be used towards bigger animals, and in the fight to protect the wild those traps could be useful tools on fighting those who destroy the planet alongside wildlife and other comrades. It is not ideal, but it contains interesting and useful information, so have a read!

“Originally intended to be a zine, expanding to a short book, How To Survive The 9 To 5 focuses on direct action in wilderness and woodland areas and Land defense – specifically in North “georgia”. Deeply influenced by the movement to Stop Cop City and Defend the Atlanta Forest, this writing aims to aid in compiling information useful to this fight; covering topics on basic camping know-how, the local flora and fauna, natural building and skills, security and defense, and some useful tips and tactics for direct action.

In the fight for the defense of the Land, the compilation, sharing, and study of knowledge here is necessary, not only for our own safety as a movement but also for the very safety of the Land itself. We must dedicated ourselves daily to knowing and understanding the Land and how we can establish our relationship with it, which in turn means we will be able to work with it for its defense. The Forest and the Land will defend itself and we must work in solidarity with each other and it in this struggle.”

Some of the words from the anti-speciesist editing team:

“These edits were made by admirers of the original text and are overjoyed by the intentions of the original authors

These edits remove pages and text that involves hunting and trapping

It does not remove suggestions of shooting animals in “self-defense”, or edited other areas where we may have of liked, but we wanted to maintain the integrity of the text as much as possible

Yes, killing animals is murder.
No, it is not “more ethical” because you do it yourself
No, it is not “respectful” to hang an animal by their neck from a tree lined up next to the other victims, nor by bullet, nor by putting a hook in them and suffocating them in air

Yes, we are animals . Animals with the capability of agency, control, stewardship, careful relationships, observation, reflection, responsibility, and insight among many other traits that allow us to choose to live varying lives in different relationships to the earth we live in.”