Hambi has survived for a decade, but it is in danger. Back in September 2024 some people occupied Sündi, a once upon a time part of Hambi which now stands in isolation in between the largest coal mine in Europe and the remnants of Manheim village. RWE claims they need to dig the ‘Mannheim Bay’ in order to collect overburden material to stabilise other parts of the hole, but in reality they just want to dig more, and more and more until their time runs out. 

 Folks in Hambi fear that any day after the 6th of January might be eviction day, and that both Sündi and the main forest occupation in Hambacher Forst will be evicted, so they are asking for immediate support.

You can check their website for more information on how to get there here:

Read their call to action below:

“The industrial monster is at the door! The biggest pit in Europe – the Hambach Mine – is getting bigger day by day. A precious woodland we call “the Sündi” (once part of the Hambacher Forest) stands directly in its path, right next to the ruins of the former village of Manheim (which coal-giant RWE has also been laying to waste).

Since September the Sündi has been squatted! Where a world-eating coalmine was scheduled to expand, an autonomous zone has sprung up in its place, blocking the expansion of the pit and the system of death it powers. But now we have the news that the state will attempt an eviction, possibly as soon as January 6.

We are calling on all who hear this call to come to the Sündi NOW!!! Or to join us in the still squatted Hambacher Forest, which lies right next door, and will possibly get invaded by the cops at the same time. Tell your friends, grab a tent, and join us in either of these places if you can! Or make solidarity actions where you are!

Love and rage to the comrades evicted from the Dieti and Grüneheide forest occupations! Now the state makes its move against Sündi – don’t let it be three evictions in these months! Let’s make this eviction attempt a nightmare for the state!!!

No compromise with power! Industrial expansion… NOT ONE STEP FURTHER!!!

In solidarity with all who struggle against domination,
Some creatures living in the Hambi”

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