Leonard Peltier has celebrated his 80th birthday in prison, having been locked up for half a century for a crime he isn’t guilty of. His conviction was riddled with dodgy acts to convince a racist, hand selected jury of his involvement in the murder of two FBI agents inside Pine Ridge Reservation.

Leonard is truly just paying for the crime of standing up for native rights in the so-called USA, and has been used as a political scapegoat for decades. Even in his old age, using a walker to move around and experiencing partial blindness, he is still being thrown in solitary lockdown without much explanation. His health is continuously deteriorating and he does not have a release date, with every single previous campaign to seek his freedom failing to make a dent against the cruel jaws of the carceral system.

Currently he is unable to access the phone and emails are an issue due to the current lockdown. He can still receive letters,although he might not be able to answer to them. Please write to him today. He has a great sense of humour and really enjoys jokes.

Please only write on white paper, with white, big and bold letters so he can read due to his vision. DO NOT add stickers, feathers or else any other non white paper items in the letter.

Leonard Peltier #89637-132
USP Coleman I
P.O. BOX 1033


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