Just a quick update for you all! We were planning on sending all tshirts to everybody tht pre-ordered by the end of december, but unfortunately with christmas and new years dates we are yet to receive the garments in order to post them to you!
We will be receiving the tshirts this week and start posting all orders then, so bare with us, we will get them all sorted and they will arrive to you soon!
We are also aware that we’ve not published the amount raised for C&C yet. This is because we do not know until we calculate the postage costs, which will only be available once we’ve parcelled all your orders. All going well we will be able to release the final number (and send it to the fundraiser!) next week. Sorry it’s taken us a little longer than expected, but we will come through with full transparency!
Thank you for your patience with this. We would’ve loved to send the tees a lot earlier, but that’s life sometimes!
Solidarity always