It is the end of the year, and with it we take the opportunity to look back at the past 12 months, to reminiscence on the campaigns that have pushed forward the animal liberation movement, to celebrate the anonymous actions that helped thousands of animals to freedom and to remember the many ways the state pushed back against people fighting for a better world.

2024 saw a significant increase in reported direct actions to Unoffensive Animal, We received a total of 158 reports (2023 was 99 reports!). It is worth noting that we receive reports mostly in English and from the western world, and that the number is in no way representative of the amount of anonymous actions taken to further animal liberation around the world. Many people decide to not report their actions, and many others might report actions on platforms that we do not know about. It is also important to note that we do not publish open rescues, so those reports are also not included in the total number.

By country, the total number of reported actions for the year is as follows:

UK: 36
Germany: 22
Italy: 21
Denmark: 17
Argentina: 14
France: 14
Australia: 8
Greece: 4
Sweden: 4
USA: 4
Chile: 3
Spain: 3
Ireland: 2
Belgium: 2
Czech Republic: 1
Norway: 1
Malaysia: 1
Serbia: 1

Most of the actions reported were sabotage actions (86), followed by 63 liberations and 9 arsons. By target, hunting was the highest industry to receive the attention of anonymous activists, with 71 reports. Flesh/dairy/eggs/fish and other consumption was the second highest target, at 66 reports in total. Other targets were the pet industry (7 reports), entertainment (6), fur (5) and vivisection (3 actions).

As it has become standards, Germany and France’s numbers came in great part from unreported hunting tower sabotages that had been published in the press, although Germany had a notable February when multiple delayed reports were received about many different animals finding freedom from exploitative farms. Germany also reported a butcher shop sabotage that cost the owner 30k EUR to repair. It is also worth noting Argentina, which shoot up in numbers to 14 when they did not make the list last year! The UK had a big run liberating chickens, but there were reports of arson at a slaughterhouse truck stop and sabotage at a dairy parlour as well as an increase on the targeting of the pet industry. Interestingly in the UK, Dorset seems to have increased in activity, specially in the second half of the year. Greece and Chile competed for the biggest arson this year, burning an egg plant and a bullfighting square respectively. Australia is worth mentioning too, where anonymous activists targeted the political office of Jacinta Allan, who was to blame for the murder of waterfowl, but they also spent some time making hunter’s life impossible when the duck shooting season started. Italy (specially northern Italy!) became a staple of anti hunt activity, but they also reported about the liberation of many farm animals. Notably, after Sonny the Bear was murdered, they too targeted a political office in retaliation. Denmark kept at it with the paint and glue signature dish they’ve been serving up for the past couple of years, where they target butcher shops, restaurants and other exploitative shops to give them a nasty surprise the morning after. France showed solidarity with the MBR acres campaign by liberating two beagles from an MBR farm in Gannat. Lastly on the direct action round up, it was very interesting to see the kick off of direct action under the 12 days of Christmas campaign released by anonymous activists in Scotland, we received a total of 11 related reports in the month of December.

On the prisoner support front we also had quite an eventful year. Jack was arrested and charged of arson after an attack on police vehicles in Atlanta, USA. They were later released and put in house arrest. We will update about their case when we hear anything. From the Atlanta Forest campaign, Victor Puertas was finally released from prison! Snider in Sweden was sentenced to an indefinite amount of time at a mental health clinic after being found guilty of an action against fur farming. We are hopeful he will be released soon. All Susaron prisoners were sentenced after the arson that burnt multiple vehicles and the refrigeration units at a meat packaging plant. Itamar and Turtuga were given 5 and 4 years tag, whilst Panda and ru were sentenced to 5 years in prison. You should write to them, find the address on our website!

After a mink farm raid, Cara and Celeste were arrested. They were kept in jail for a while, but were released on bail. We will keep you informed about any developments on the case.

We organised two fundraisers this year, one for the Susaron prisoners and one for Cara and Celeste, selling t-shirts and prints designed by amazing artists Krime, ZeroFourSixEight, Daisy.lotta, Steveortiz_art and Praxis_vgz.

Daniel Andreas San Diego was arrested in Wales after being wanted by the FBI for 20 years in relation to actions against HLS. We are awaiting for more information about the case and will update you accordingly.

In the miscellaneous corner, Wildfire Magazine Vol.4 was released (and it is so pretty!!!), we turned 8 years old (honestly feeling old!) and NAALPO reported on dozens of fur farms shut in the USA.

Oh, and our website was hacked! That was a fun couple of weeks undoing infected files from the server!

All in all, 2024 felt like a year of ramping up action, of defiance against the speciesist system and of fighting back when the state bites us.

As we wished back in 2022

May 2025 bring either less oppression, or more fighting!

Unoffensive Animal.

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