4th November, UK.
received anonymously via email:
“23 years later and we are still thinking of Barry Horne. Those who take action for liberation are never forgotten.
Barry gave his all and fought like hell. If you don’t know about some of the things he was involved in; from fighting to save Rocky the dolphin, to raiding Interfauna, to smashing fancy wine bottles at a vivisectors conference and so much more! You need to go learn some history and get inspired.
We thought of you Barry as we broke our way into a ‘free range’ egg farm and the stench stung our eyes. We thought of all the fire inside you that fueled you to fight so hard for animal liberation, right till your last breath. May that fire burn as bright for all of us and spur us on till we win.
Fuck fur farms, fuck vivisection labs, fuck zoos, fuck oceanariums, fuck your ‘free range’ farms, fuck the hunts, fuck prisons, fuck all cages everywhere!
In his own words “If you don’t act then you condone. If you don’t fight then you don’t win. And if you don’t win then you are responsible for the death and suffering that will go on and on.””