18th October, Serbia.

received anonymously via email:

“On night 18.-19. October 2024. few activist destroyed 11 hunting towers. That would be normal activity of our group if we didn’t find an “artwork”, in video we can see “special” hunting tower in which someone invested a lot of resources and time, we are sure someone will be really pissed when they see what has left from it.

Hunting tower was painted in green colour with logo of“hunting association of Serbia”, it had horseshoe on the doors and deer antlers on the other side of the tower, PVC window, 2 cameras that was powered by solar panel, as it was on remote location. Inside it looked very cozy, there were some tools on the wall, picture of saint, wifi router with SIM card and few trophies, shelf with bullet shells, boar figures and framed old wooden arrow. Everything that we have found in tower and around was destroyed or disposed around the location or out of location.

Music in the video is made by Serbian singer Sloba Radanovic and is about love, there is connection in lyrics as “čeka” on Serbian means “waiting” and “hunting tower” as well, so in this video it can be interpreted like hunting tower was waiting for us. XD

Something about our group, we like to call ourself “Čuvari čeka” what can be translated as “Hunting tower protectors”, similar as hunters, they call themselves “nature protectors” and they are killing animals, so we call ourself “Hunting tower protectors” and we are destroying hunting towers and other hunting facilities.

Our group is “operating” for about 2 years and for now we have destroyed more then 40 hunting towers, we hope that our work will inspire and motivate other animal right activists from region and above.”

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