10th October, North UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“With Sehid Waka in our memory and determined to keep him alive with our actions, we headed into the night armed with little more than animal carriers.

Chicken farms are easy to access. You might need to squeeze through a window, or perhaps through the automated gates, but this time we simply opened the unlocked door and walked in. 

Inside, rows and rows of commodified individuals, forgotten to the outside world, nothing more than machines producing eggs for some abuser to make money. Dust, death and the sticky air that digs into your lungs accompanied us through the farm whilst we caught and put in carriers a little over fourty hens.

They will live a better life now, away from metal bars and shit covered concrete floors. They’ll dig in the grass and run around and try and recover from the trauma they’ve endured. They’ll have a life surrounded by other hens and under the watchful eyes humans who care for their wellbeing and not the profits they produce. They will no longer be victims of capitalism.

To Waka with revolutionary love and rage. For as long as we fight, you’re alive.

To all friends who miss Waka too. Their memory will never die.

And to Toby Shone, who we’ve heard is being released soon. Welcome back friend <3

some anarchists.”

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