WHAT: Night vigil in front of a slaughterhouse
WHERE: Multiple countries around the globe, and near you if you organise one too!
WHEN: 25th to 26th of September (night).

Our comrades at 269 liberation animale have sent us a call to action to share. It is their 4th international event in front of a slaughterhouse. A night for people to transform their street activism into activism in front of a place of exploitation, giving them a taste of what a night out looks like within the confines of a vigil (and thus, legal and safe!)

If you want to organise (or want to join one of the multiple vigils across the globe), get in touch with them over social media.

Read the call to action below: 


When ? During the night of Wednesday the 25th to Thursday the 26th of September.

Where ? It’s an international event taking place in several countries simultaneously : the list of the targeted slaughterhouses is to be found in our previous publication.

In the night of the 25th to the 26th of September, 269 Liberation Animale will organise it’s 4th edition of the « Nights out in front of slaughterhouses ».

An international event taking place in several countries simultaneously. This event was first initiated [email protected]_animale to encourage antispeciesist activists to go from street activism to targeting places exploiting animals.

To build the fight WITH THEM and not anymore « in their name ». A first step towards a confrontational activism.

Exploited animals arrive in the middle of the nigt at the slaughterhouse and get killed at dusk, with no one to care about them. But we’ll be there. Not to cry, not to take photos of the victims, but to trigger a revolutionary spark.

May this night call for direct actions by people who will for the first time witness the materiality of the speciesist oppression.

In order for this event to become a menace for the animal exploitation system, we call for all motivated comrades, who share our vision, to contact us if willing to organise a night, in front of a slaughterhouse in their area.

Those gatherings are legal and hold no risks of legal consequences.

Join one of the many nights being organised, and together, let’s become slaughterhouse’s worst nightmare, on the night of this coming 26/9”

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