Vegan Peredachki (VP) is an organization that supports prisoners in so-called Russia, who have problems maintaining their veganism while in prison (and in other types of custody of the Russian state). It involves prisoners, often convicted on trumped-up charges, who have undergone torture and are in prison for long periods of time, living in appalling conditions. Among the prisoners supported by the VP are anti-fascists, anarchists, political activists, people who have criticized the Russian government in various ways. VP provides various types of support to prisoners, such as vegan food, medicines, vitamins and clothing. VP also offers moral support to prisoners in various ways. Like writing letters, and supporting their families.

VP’s operations depend on private donations, also from abroad. More information about ways to donate, and how to support prisoners in other ways, writing letters, can be found on VP’s website,

“Vegan Peredachki emerged on February 24, 2022, with a primary focus on offering aid to protesters detained overnight. Recognizing the complete absence of vegan food and essential supplies for detainees, we expanded our mission beyond protests…” .

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