via: Wildfire Magazine.
“Last orders starts now folks!
If you’ve been wondering if you should order some bulk, now is your chance to do it! We will only print as many magazines as we’ve received orders, and we will make sure to publicise the groups, shops and collectives that have stocked Wildfire, but we will not ourselves we selling individual copies, so if you’d like to see us stocked locally, reach out to your local sab groups, animal lib groups or other collectives and distros to tell them you’d like them to stock Wildfire magazine!
What is Wildfire magzine you ask? A zine about animal liberation, direct action, anarchism, art and lots more! On volume 4 you can expect direct action news, pressure campaign history, Blackmask comic raiding a fur farm, how to asses corvids before releasing them from a trap and so so much more, accopanied by artwork and photography by artists and activists within the movement.
We have heard from multiple groups that stocking 30 is too many, so we have lowered the minimum order to 20 instead. This is due to the fact that we have not reached the minimum printing numbers to be able to afford the print out!
Due to low numbers of orders we have abandoned the idea of printing for the USA directly in the USA, we are aware that this brings the costs of postage up but we didn’t have enough orders in Europe to afford printing the batch! So all USA groups that have shown an interest in Wildfire, reach out now and let’s calculate postage! As always here are the maths:
Bulk price per zine 1.5 GBP
Minimum order for bulk price: 20 magazines
Total cost: zines+postage.
Recommended sale price: 4GBP”
To order, drop a DM to @wildfire.zine on Instagram or email [email protected]